diy solar

diy solar


Oh just to successfully bury every point you made, local govts are coming up short because americans real income has lagged inflation, they arent spending, theyre going homeless which strains social services, and theyre absolutely getting hammered providing welfare, shelter and debit cards and phones to all of Bidens illegal newcomers. Inflation is so high by the time the revenues of property taxes come in based upon several year old appraisals, the money theyve spent leaves them short of budget projections. Again he doesnt run their books but his policies have severe repercussions.

Never mind the spending on social services for illegals has left the safety nets americans thought would be there for them, empty.

And KJP said Joe is working hard for american families. Working overtime to fuck them hard for the benefit of globalists, criminal and uneducated refuse from corrupt 3rd world countries, most of whom contributed to them becoming the shitholes they were*, and democrat party permanent power.

Its at the point where I dont talk politics with my democrat friends if I talk to them at all. They see all this and dont recognize a course correction is necessary NOW? That 95% of what the MSM feeds them is propaganda? One friend shared that NY Times article on the laptop with 51 officials right before the 2020 election.

He STILL wont walk it back. How can I respect this person?

*With some exceptions these people are not like the ones that built america. Their countries pushed out their trash for us to deal with. Good people dont just run away from their families, friends and community. Or refuse to wait their turn in line in an orderly way for the legal process.
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The truth.

Nor do I

I agree.

This is just a money grab, total bullshit, exactly like subsidies..........

Agreed, feds need to stay the hell out of business.
See we have some things in common.
Tax is not a "money grab", other governments are distributing the money to their citizens, I might be wrong, but I think even Sarah Palin's Alaska did something like that with the oil revenues and I doubt she would be considered a communist by you guys.

As for your false claim that the oil production is down, maybe you need to stay away from fake news and social media, you rarely find the truth there. Every indicator is that it is up.
Oh just to successfully bury every point you made, local govts are coming up short because americans real income has lagged inflation, they arent spending, theyre going homeless which strains social services, and theyre absolutely getting hammered providing welfare, shelter and debit cards and phones to all of Bidens illegal newcomers. Inflation is so high by the time the revenues of property taxes come in based upon several year old appraisals, the money theyve spent leaves them short of budget projections. Again he doesnt run their books but his policies have severe repercussions.

Never mind the spending on social services for illegals has left the safety nets americans thought would be there for them, empty.

And KJP said Joe is working hard for american families. Working overtime to fuck them hard for the benefit of globalists, criminal and uneducated refuse from corrupt 3rd world countries, most of whom contributed to them becoming the shitholes they were*, and democrat party permanent power.

Its at the point where I dont talk politics with my democrat friends if I talk to them at all. They see all this and dont recognize a course correction is necessary NOW? That 95% of what the MSM feeds them is propaganda? One friend shared that NY Times article on the laptop with 51 officials right before the 2020 election.

He STILL wont walk it back. How can I respect this person?

*With some exceptions these people are not like the ones that built america. Their countries pushed out their trash for us to deal with. Good people dont just run away from their families, friends and community. Or refuse to wait their turn in line in an orderly way for the legal process.
I have tried to explain the numbers to you, even sited the numbers given by a group that does want tougher immigration policies. It is difficult to get accurate numbers. When people who enter the country legally have to hand out their temporary visa when they leave the country and there is no way to do that easily, they just get "lost". (no one is going to go the US embassy to surrender the card after they left) I have no problem with foreigners, I trave a LOT and have been a foreigner myself for most of my life. With the birth rate declining, you might want to rethink your imigration policies. Hard to judge as robots and AI might well make most jobs obsolete.

.Justifying support for Trump by citing excessive government spending under Biden is tenuous at best. Sure, the American Rescue Plan Act, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Inflation Reduction Act and Chips and Science Act caused the budget deficit to swell. But the programs are starting to pay off, and the shortfall has shrunk to 5.75%, not all that different than the 4.91% in early 2020 (starting at 3.05% at the end of 2016, the level steadily grew each year Trump was in office). Unlike the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, these programs are actually making the US economy stronger. The Chips and Science Act alone, signed into law by Biden in 2022, has led to almost $150 billion of investment in US semiconductor research, development and production. It is one of the reasons that job numbers are stedily increasing.

When I vote, I don't look at the party names, I look at the policies and vote for the party that is closest to the policies I support and I check the voting records of the politicians. I have never gotten more than a 70% match, or less than a 25% match on policies. You guys act like Trump is the second coming of Jesus and yeah, some stupid democrats love Biden.
Tax is not a "money grab", other governments are distributing the money to their citizens, I might be wrong, but I think even Sarah Palin's Alaska did something like that with the oil revenues and I doubt she would be considered a communist by you guys.
The hell it isn't. The more taxes the less efficient the government becomes. Add the illegal inflation "tax" caused by massive spending.
As for your false claim that the oil production is down, maybe you need to stay away from fake news and social media, you rarely find the truth there. Every indicator is that it is up.
Can not help those who "will" not see. Your also completely discount the oil reserve theft that Biden did. Not replenished yet.
I have tried to explain the numbers to you, even sited the numbers given by a group that does want tougher immigration policies.
The problem with numbers is they can be manipulated by the ones in charge.
It is difficult to get accurate numbers. When people who enter the country legally have to hand out their temporary visa when they leave the country and there is no way to do that easily, they just get "lost". (no one is going to go the US embassy to surrender the card after they left) I have no problem with foreigners, I trave a LOT and have been a foreigner myself for most of my life. With the birth rate declining, you might want to rethink your imigration policies. Hard to judge as robots and AI might well make most jobs obsolete.

.Justifying support for Trump by citing excessive government spending under Biden is tenuous at best.
Now there is a common tactic of the left. Blame Trump.
Sure, the American Rescue Plan Act, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Inflation Reduction Act and Chips and Science Act caused the budget deficit to swell. But the programs are starting to pay off, and the shortfall has shrunk to 5.75%, not all that different than the 4.91% in early 2020 (starting at 3.05% at the end of 2016, the level steadily grew each year Trump was in office). Unlike the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, these programs are actually making the US economy stronger.
A lie by any other name.
The Chips and Science Act alone, signed into law by Biden in 2022, has led to almost $150 billion of investment in US semiconductor research, development and production. It is one of the reasons that job numbers are stedily increasing.
Ya great, make the taxed people subsidise private business.
When I vote, I don't look at the party names, I look at the policies and vote for the party that is closest to the policies I support and I check the voting records of the politicians. I have never gotten more than a 70% match, or less than a 25% match on policies. You guys act like Trump is the second coming of Jesus and yeah, some stupid democrats love Biden.
You are a disappointment. At this point there are two likely choices. Given a choice between the serial lying mob boss or the positive "huge" guy it is a no brainer. In short I would rather have a successful business man over a career politician any day.
The hell it isn't. The more taxes the less efficient the government becomes. Add the illegal inflation "tax" caused by massive spending.

Can not help those who "will" not see. Your also completely discount the oil reserve theft that Biden did. Not replenished yet.

The problem with numbers is they can be manipulated by the ones in charge.

Now there is a common tactic of the left. Blame Trump.

A lie by any other name.

Ya great, make the taxed people subsidise private business.

You are a disappointment. At this point there are two likely choices. Given a choice between the serial lying mob boss or the positive "huge" guy it is a no brainer. In short I would rather have a successful business man over a career politician any day.
Man, this is tiring...

Tax is not a bad thing, while I don't like paying it, but as sure love much of what I get from an effective government. Sure things could be better, one of my pet peeves, building permits, could be done a lot smoother. A home owner should be able to walk in with a simple design and have them provide the details on the structural designs, rather than having to go through an engineering firm. Regulations should be in plain language. This will be different for commercial products, but homes don't differ all that much. Government should be providing services, not just obstacles...

I am not discounting anything, the claim that oil production is down is just false, don't know why you believed that, or even if you still believe that falsehood, care to admit you were wrong? A far more interesting question is why the US still has a Strategic Petroleum Reserve when the US is a net exporter of oil. The answer probably lies in profitability, buy the oil when it is cheap, sell it when it is expensive. Buying it when oil is expensive to put it back into the ground would only make the oil even more expensive. But I am willing to be educated on the matter, why do you think it still exists and why it isn't full now?

The problem with numbers is that they can be changed by whoever is in charge, that is why it is important to get people into the various departments that don't follow any ideology to keep things running. The deep state as some people call it. Worth while looking into it and since I consulted for both private business as well as government departments, I am happy to report that most government departments run as well or better than most large private companies. There are always exceptions of course.

The tactic is not just employed by people who hate Trump, for example have a look in the mirror. Instead try to think how you will improve the nation for all citizens, not just those on the top. What will make the country a better place for all? What is the humane way to deal with refugees? How do you deal with people who overstay their visa's? There is a crisis at the border because it isn't handled effectively, fairly and in a timely manner. Both parties are to blame here. You are not going to implement policy on street corners asking people to show their identification papers like the Nazi's did, so what would work?

Private businesses always get subsidies, some, republicans wouldn't dare to stop, country roads, telephone, and electricity outside of the city would negatively affect the farmers, who tend to vote republican. Duties on imports are subsidies to local producers by removing competition. You could even argue that by stopping foreign workers entering the country is subsidizes wages for local workers. Subsidies happen, sometimes it goes way too far and when a business is established, they should maybe pay higher taxes to pay those subsidies back, or government could get shares in the company to sell off at a later date, hopefully at a profit. You do want business in your country to make some of the products consumers there want, rather than just rely on imports. Even 40 percent of the agriculture sector's income in 2020 was expected to come from government subsidies thanks to the trade war Trump started with China...

Any of my assertions can easily be found on-line if you cared to look, congress keeps a public record.

The only convicted criminal is Trump. Besides, you don't run a country the way you run a business the way you run a private company, you can't simply dispose of people who don't work hard enough or are smart enough, or tell the boss the truth.. You don't want people to resort to crime for their income either. Think what other people would do, they are not all as capable as you are. I do like tat Trump has changed his views (again) to more pro choice.
Man, this is tiring...

Tax is not a bad thing, while I don't like paying it, but as sure love much of what I get from an effective government. Sure things could be better, one of my pet peeves, building permits, could be done a lot smoother. A home owner should be able to walk in with a simple design and have them provide the details on the structural designs, rather than having to go through an engineering firm. Regulations should be in plain language. This will be different for commercial products, but homes don't differ all that much. Government should be providing services, not just obstacles...

I am not discounting anything, the claim that oil production is down is just false, don't know why you believed that, or even if you still believe that falsehood, care to admit you were wrong? A far more interesting question is why the US still has a Strategic Petroleum Reserve when the US is a net exporter of oil. The answer probably lies in profitability, buy the oil when it is cheap, sell it when it is expensive. Buying it when oil is expensive to put it back into the ground would only make the oil even more expensive. But I am willing to be educated on the matter, why do you think it still exists and why it isn't full now?

The problem with numbers is that they can be changed by whoever is in charge, that is why it is important to get people into the various departments that don't follow any ideology to keep things running. The deep state as some people call it. Worth while looking into it and since I consulted for both private business as well as government departments, I am happy to report that most government departments run as well or better than most large private companies. There are always exceptions of course.

The tactic is not just employed by people who hate Trump, for example have a look in the mirror. Instead try to think how you will improve the nation for all citizens, not just those on the top. What will make the country a better place for all? What is the humane way to deal with refugees? How do you deal with people who overstay their visa's? There is a crisis at the border because it isn't handled effectively, fairly and in a timely manner. Both parties are to blame here. You are not going to implement policy on street corners asking people to show their identification papers like the Nazi's did, so what would work?

Private businesses always get subsidies, some, republicans wouldn't dare to stop, country roads, telephone, and electricity outside of the city would negatively affect the farmers, who tend to vote republican. Duties on imports are subsidies to local producers by removing competition. You could even argue that by stopping foreign workers entering the country is subsidizes wages for local workers. Subsidies happen, sometimes it goes way too far and when a business is established, they should maybe pay higher taxes to pay those subsidies back, or government could get shares in the company to sell off at a later date, hopefully at a profit. You do want business in your country to make some of the products consumers there want, rather than just rely on imports. Even 40 percent of the agriculture sector's income in 2020 was expected to come from government subsidies thanks to the trade war Trump started with China...

Any of my assertions can easily be found on-line if you cared to look, congress keeps a public record.

The only convicted criminal is Trump. Besides, you don't run a country the way you run a business the way you run a private company, you can't simply dispose of people who don't work hard enough or are smart enough, or tell the boss the truth.. You don't want people to resort to crime for their income either. Think what other people would do, they are not all as capable as you are. I do like tat Trump has changed his views (again) to more pro choice.

Discombobulated garbage. Your thought process is a schizoid mess.
Man, this is tiring...

Tax is not a bad thing, while I don't like paying it, but as sure love much of what I get from an effective government. Sure things could be better, one of my pet peeves, building permits, could be done a lot smoother. A home owner should be able to walk in with a simple design and have them provide the details on the structural designs, rather than having to go through an engineering firm. Regulations should be in plain language. This will be different for commercial products, but homes don't differ all that much. Government should be providing services, not just obstacles...

I am not discounting anything, the claim that oil production is down is just false, don't know why you believed that, or even if you still believe that falsehood, care to admit you were wrong? A far more interesting question is why the US still has a Strategic Petroleum Reserve when the US is a net exporter of oil. The answer probably lies in profitability, buy the oil when it is cheap, sell it when it is expensive. Buying it when oil is expensive to put it back into the ground would only make the oil even more expensive. But I am willing to be educated on the matter, why do you think it still exists and why it isn't full now?

The problem with numbers is that they can be changed by whoever is in charge, that is why it is important to get people into the various departments that don't follow any ideology to keep things running. The deep state as some people call it. Worth while looking into it and since I consulted for both private business as well as government departments, I am happy to report that most government departments run as well or better than most large private companies. There are always exceptions of course.

The tactic is not just employed by people who hate Trump, for example have a look in the mirror. Instead try to think how you will improve the nation for all citizens, not just those on the top. What will make the country a better place for all? What is the humane way to deal with refugees? How do you deal with people who overstay their visa's? There is a crisis at the border because it isn't handled effectively, fairly and in a timely manner. Both parties are to blame here. You are not going to implement policy on street corners asking people to show their identification papers like the Nazi's did, so what would work?

Private businesses always get subsidies, some, republicans wouldn't dare to stop, country roads, telephone, and electricity outside of the city would negatively affect the farmers, who tend to vote republican. Duties on imports are subsidies to local producers by removing competition. You could even argue that by stopping foreign workers entering the country is subsidizes wages for local workers. Subsidies happen, sometimes it goes way too far and when a business is established, they should maybe pay higher taxes to pay those subsidies back, or government could get shares in the company to sell off at a later date, hopefully at a profit. You do want business in your country to make some of the products consumers there want, rather than just rely on imports. Even 40 percent of the agriculture sector's income in 2020 was expected to come from government subsidies thanks to the trade war Trump started with China...

Any of my assertions can easily be found on-line if you cared to look, congress keeps a public record.

The only convicted criminal is Trump. Besides, you don't run a country the way you run a business the way you run a private company, you can't simply dispose of people who don't work hard enough or are smart enough, or tell the boss the truth.. You don't want people to resort to crime for their income either. Think what other people would do, they are not all as capable as you are. I do like tat Trump has changed his views (again) to more pro choice.
The conviction of Trump is purely political perpetrated by a very corrupt justice system that is driven by the Biden administration to attempt in influencing the up coming election. It will be over turned due to it's fraudulent nature.
It never ends trump Trump TRUMP.... You have nothing.
The hell it isn't. The more taxes the less efficient the government becomes. Add the illegal inflation "tax" caused by massive spending.

Can not help those who "will" not see. Your also completely discount the oil reserve theft that Biden did. Not replenished yet.

The problem with numbers is they can be manipulated by the ones in charge.

Now there is a common tactic of the left. Blame Trump.

A lie by any other name.

Ya great, make the taxed people subsidise private business.

You are a disappointment. At this point there are two likely choices. Given a choice between the serial lying mob boss or the positive "huge" guy it is a no brainer. In short I would rather have a successful business man over a career politician any day.
BongBung apparently missed why the American Revolution was stated to have been fought - over TAXEs and Control. Tyranny oh well
The conviction of Trump is purely political perpetrated by a very corrupt justice system that is driven by the Biden administration to attempt in influencing the up coming election. It will be over turned due to it's fraudulent nature.
It never ends trump Trump TRUMP.... You have nothing.
Trump was found guilty by a jury, unanimously on all 34 counts! If there was any doubt about the case the prosecutor presented, it would not have been unanimously. And like I have pointed out, the economy is booming under Biden.

You can justify anything, even if you stay with the facts, last year the comedian John Cleese pointed that out with the following joke;

"Five ways that Hitler was preferable to Trump...
1. He fought for his country.
2. He never used a teleprompter.
3. He was nice to dogs.
4. He wrote his own books.
5. He never played golf.
6. He wasn't a big fat slob."

"Five ways Trump is preferable to Hitler...
1. He doesn't practice genocide.
2. He has nicer hair."

Not practising genocide is of course a very acceptable reason to prefer Trump over Hitler and the rest is mostly irrelevant, it wouldn't affect my vote in the slightest, but you'd be surprised how many people didn't get the joke. Try to figure out what is important to you and then check the policies and voting history of the candidates.

Remember that convicted felon could well be a great president, claiming that he is innocent while acusing, without evidence I might add, that the other guy is a criminal is not doing you a service. The same goes for when you talk about jobs and the economy. Stick to the facts.
If there was any doubt about the case the prosecutor presented, it would not have been unanimously.

Charged by democrats
Tried by democrats
Convicted by democrats

And all for a "crime" that no one has ever been charged with before, and one far less serious than the crimes Bragg currently refuses to prosecute.

The US justice system is not immune to corruption
Charged by democrats
Tried by democrats
Convicted by democrats

And all for a "crime" that no one has ever been charged with before, and one far less serious than the crimes Bragg currently refuses to prosecute.

The US justice system is not immune to corruption
Why do you invent things? The Manhattan District Attorney's Office, from January 2022 through April 2023, brought 117 felony counts of falsifying business records against 29 defendants.

Like I said, if you think a convict is the better candidate, vote for the convict, just own it.
Anyone who makes comparisons to Hitler has absolutely no idea who he was or what he did. As soon as you do that you lose any credibility you may have otherwise had. Breathless hysteria will get you nowhere.
The funniest part is of course that even though I explained the joke, you still didn't get it. Is it so difficult to understand that for most people, that any one who doesn't practice genocide is preferable over a guy who does practice genocide, but is nice to his dogs?
Why do you invent things? The Manhattan District Attorney's Office, from January 2022 through April 2023, brought 117 felony counts of falsifying business records against 29 defendants.

Like I said, if you think a convict is the better candidate, vote for the convict, just own it.

Look up the cases and let me know how many of them did not specify the underlying crime that elevated the misdemeanor crime of falsifying business records to a felony, or allowed the jury to decide [without agreeing] on what the underlying crime might have been.
Like I said, if you think a convict is the better candidate, vote for the convict, just own it.

There is no other alternative. Biden is a mess and the US is being overrun by hordes of illegals. It simply will not survive another 4 years of the current policies.

Besides, my bet is that the convict will win his appeal and therefore will no longer be a convict.
There is no other alternative. Biden is a mess and the US is being overrun by hordes of illegals. It simply will not survive another 4 years of the current policies.

Besides, my bet is that the convict will win his appeal and therefore will no longer be a convict.
There are no other candidates than Biden or Trump? I honestly do not know.

The US is thriving under the current policies, job numbers are up, the stock market is up, the problem is that the wages are not keeping up with the profits companies make and the bonuses the CEO's get, although there is some movement in wages. Will it be enough, time will tell. Lets pretend that you are not just here to partake in the circle jerk and that you are genuinely concerned about wages, what will you do about it, cut taxes for the wealthy? THINK!

The same goes for border policies, how do you deal with refugees, send them back to be killed by the gangs or politicians in their countries. How do you deal with family reunion's. How about people trying to make a better life for their kids. How about employers who need workers? The issue is not a simple one and there is no perfect solution, but please explain your comprehensive plan. Trump's 3rd and latest wife worked in the US illegally, Trump even brought her parents in. So get of your high horse and think how would you fix things, how would you want to be treated if you were in their situation. It is not evil to run away from violence, or to look for greener pastures to provide for your families. THINK!

At the moment Trump is a convicted criminal and like I said, that might not disqualify him in your eyes, but if it isn't, accusing Biden of being a criminal shouldn't be a disqualifying factor either, even if he was a convict (he isn't, at least not yet). Get it?

I am not telling you to vote for Biden, or Trump, I am telling you to look at what is going on, do away with partisan politics and vote for whoever you think is best or least bad...
Trump was found guilty by a jury, unanimously on all 34 counts! If there was any doubt about the case the prosecutor presented, it would not have been unanimously. And like I have pointed out, the economy is booming under Biden.
The blind who" "will" not see.
You can justify anything, even if you stay with the facts, last year the comedian John Cleese pointed that out with the following joke;
Shows just how sick you are.
"Five ways that Hitler was preferable to Trump...
1. He fought for his country.
2. He never used a teleprompter.
3. He was nice to dogs.
4. He wrote his own books.
5. He never played golf.
6. He wasn't a big fat slob."

"Five ways Trump is preferable to Hitler...
1. He doesn't practice genocide.
2. He has nicer hair."
You really need to learn what a joke is.
The left has been trying to compare him to Hitler for a long time. Once again you are a true disappointment.
Not practising genocide is of course a very acceptable reason to prefer Trump over Hitler and the rest is mostly irrelevant, it wouldn't affect my vote in the slightest, but you'd be surprised how many people didn't get the joke. Try to figure out what is important to you and then check the policies and voting history of the candidates.
I have and Bidens choices suck for the country.
Remember that convicted felon could well be a great president, claiming that he is innocent while acusing, without evidence I might add, that the other guy is a criminal is not doing you a service. The same goes for when you talk about jobs and the economy. Stick to the facts.
A fraud by any other name.
The funniest part is of course that even though I explained the joke, you still didn't get it. Is it so difficult to understand that for most people, that any one who doesn't practice genocide is preferable over a guy who does practice genocide, but is nice to his dogs?
Only a truly sick person would joke about a genocidal egomaniac warmongering Hitler..........
I am not telling you to vote for Biden, or Trump, I am telling you to look at what is going on, do away with partisan politics and vote for whoever you think is best or least bad...

Why do you care? You are obviously ignorant about the facts surrounding most of your opinions, and I suspect your main fear of Trump is the possibility of losing some of the subsidies your country receives from the US.

Your Lyin' Eyes: Corporate Media Panics With 'Fact Checks' Over Biden's Obvious Decline​

(PS: Same "fact checkers" are telling you about cLIEmate change and all other bs)

After several videos plainly showing Joe Biden's obvious cognitive decline went viral over the last week, the left is now pulling the 'out of context' thing, suggesting that they're edited "cheap fakes" that are "done in bad faith," and both NBC News and AP running 'fact checks.'

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

— George Orwell, 1984
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 18, 2024
Now, the media is doing 'fact checks' to debunk your lyin' eyes! Check out NBC's (9 million follower, 25k view in 12 hours, highly ratio'd post with hilarious replies) take:

Misleading GOP videos of President Biden are going viral. The fact-checks have trouble keeping up.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) June 18, 2024
They're now calling authentic footage "cheap fakes," which as we noted yesterday, appears to be coordinated messaging with the White House.

While "deepfakes" are misleading audio, video or images that are created or edited with artificial intelligence technology, a "cheap fake," according to researchers Britt Paris and Joan Donovan, is a "manipulation created with cheaper, more accessible software (or, none at all). Cheap fakes can be rendered through Photoshop, lookalikes, re-contextualizing footage, speeding, or slowing."
To recap:

  • Biden 'wandered off' during a G7 flag ceremony while he was supposed to be taking a photo with other world leaders before Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni shepherded him back to the group. According to the fact checkers, he was 'paying respects to a paratrooper.'
According to the fact check, "Biden was greeting a parachutist who had just landed as part of the ceremony."

Yes, requiring Meloni to physically bring him back to the group.

  • He then did some weird nursing home mind-meld with the Pope, possibly (definitely) sniffing him. Unsurprisingly, no debunk! Apparently even NBC News couldn't defend this.

  • Then, the Hollywood Reporter's Chris Gardner showed a clip of Biden 'freezing' on stage last weekend, and having to be similarly guided off stage by former President Barack Obama.
LOL, this "fact checking" thing has really gone too far

Top video: Unedited

Bottom video: Camera switch
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) June 18, 2024
According to a new 'fact check' from AP, citing Jimmy Kimmel's spokesman and an anonymous source, Biden was simply "pausing" amid cheers.

🙄@AP replaced the word “froze” with “paused,” & added some additional flowery language about “cheers and applause.”

Boom, “fact check.”

As an aside, interesting that such an intense degree of attention is being paid to arguing over what, when compared to all of the various…
— GeroDoc (@doc_gero) June 18, 2024
The @AP is a far left propaganda machine
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 18, 2024
And wait, is this a cheap fake?

Some pretty obvious airbrushing on Joe Biden's 81-year-old face
— Alec Sears (@alec_sears) June 18, 2024
… and let’s be honest. This is bizarre behavior, no?
— GeroDoc (@doc_gero) June 18, 2024
Nobody's buying it...

It's the Emperor's New Clothes, folks.

Nothing to see here, say the "wise" ones

— Perperpetual Cynic (@ToddSalvatore2) June 18, 2024
Oh wow, can you show us the original videos then.
— The People's Cube (@ThePeoplesCube) June 18, 2024
Whenever the anti American Democrats do anything:
— Rapidsloth (@Rapidsloth_) June 18, 2024
— Ecm1031 (@ecm1031) June 18, 2024
2+2=5 right NBC?
— Scott (@leavemealone049) June 18, 2024
"they were cheap fakes" 😵‍💫🔊
Karine Jean-Pierre
— drefanzor memes (@drefanzor) June 17, 2024
I love @JimBreuer!! This is hilarious!!
😂 😂🤣😂😭🤣
💫✨FOXX✨💫 (@Based1717) June 17, 2024
Why do you care? You are obviously ignorant about the facts surrounding most of your opinions, and I suspect your main fear of Trump is the possibility of losing some of the subsidies your country receives from the US.

Wait a minute. DingDong isn't a U.S citizen?

diy solar

diy solar