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diy solar

Two banks in one rack?

So... you are saying if the 6-pack (as a whole) and the PowerPro are correctly connected to the small buss with the same length/resistance of wire, they will CHARGE correctly even though the PowerPro is likely to be flat when the 6-pack is still likely over 50% capacity?
  • Does that mean you can safely add a matching battery (full LiFePo factory pack with BMS) that is at 50-20% SOC to a system at 80%+ SOC and they will all charge to 100% without interfering with each other? Example: (3) 24v 100Ah batteries in parallel, one is removed and returned later at a lower state of charge, they will all charge correctly back to 100% without any special balancing procedure?
See the replies from the members above. I've learned lots from them since becoming a member here.

I would not parallel them until SOC is within a few %.

Thanks @42OhmsPA @Steve_S @Brett V and @Brucey - the fog is lifting and this clears up the gap in my understanding that was giving me trouble in planning my own configuration for my shop. (I hope this discussion is helping @Stotts47 as its helping me.)
If you have prior experience with lead batteries, the behavior of LFP requires an unlearning step that's hard to wrap your head around at first.
If you have prior experience with lead batteries, the behavior of LFP requires an unlearning step that's hard to wrap your head around at first.
About 30 years of unlearning to be precise. The biggest hurtle has been remembering that the batteries themselves are "smart" (unless you are talking about raw cells) and having to pay close attention to what the *battery* is expecting to see in terms of load and charge current.
About 30 years of unlearning to be precise. The biggest hurtle has been remembering that the batteries themselves are "smart" (unless you are talking about raw cells) and having to pay close attention to what the *battery* is expecting to see in terms of load and charge current.
I went from FLA to LFP - yup lots to unlearn, shit loads more to learn too. Ohhh the "Subtleties" are enough to make one cuckoo during the relearn process.
I’ve recently been through this scenario with Signature Solar, with EG4 48V 100AH V1 battery rack, and a Power Pro. CAN can work for the Power Pro, but connecting the rack requires configuring them for Lead Acid, even though our rack has latest Lux firmware, allowing comms via CAN with our 18Kpv. I’m simply not willing to have to operate off of open loop voltage, as opposed to SOC, so we’re selling the rack batteries, and replacing them with two more Power Pros.

diy solar

diy solar