diy solar

diy solar


Hey you
Don't tell me there's no hope at all

Together we stand
Divided we fall

(We fall, we fall, we fall, we fall, we fall, we fall)
Thats really a beautiful passage in that song because Rogers characters despair has built to a crescendo at that point, as did the music at the end of the guitar solo.
I had the pleasure of seeing Pink Floyd on their last US tour in 1994, at San Diegos Jack Murphy Stadium. (Now gone) The so called "Pulse" tour. They did not disappoint with a typically huge production, giant (non flying) pigs and lasers that would melt someones face off if misdirected. Amazingly they got 2 drummers to play in time with each other without having to shoot one. Ive always been in the David camp but I understand Rogers latest shows are well worth the ticket price, even tho he is still a douchebag.
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Thats really a beautiful passage in that song because Rogers characters despair has built to a crescendo at that point, as did the music at the end of the guitar solo.
I had the pleasure of seeing Pink Floyd on their last US tour in 1994, at San Diegos Jack Murphy Stadium. (Now gone) The so called "Pulse" tour. They did not disappoint with a typically huge production, giant (non flying) pigs and lasers that would melt someones face off if misdirected. Amazingly they got 2 drummers to play in time with each other without having to shoot one. Ive always been in the David camp but I understand Rogers latest shows are well worth the ticket price, even tho he is still a douchebag.
I grew up in the wrong generation... I've only gotten to enjoy a Pink Floyd Experience concert, it was still awesome.
I did get to see Petty back around 2010, that was an excellent concert.
I wonder how long it will take cunts like Ryujin to realize that once all of the boomers and other reality-based Americans stop paying taxes, their stupid woke asses won't be able to free-load any longer?

Although I wish it was true, i am afraid that wont matter. Taxes exist mostly to control the money flow to keep the proles in check. The govt has access to the printing press, they dont care. (This is also why going woke does not seem to make a lot of megacorps broke, weird eh?)

But you are right in the end - the piper WILL absolutely be paid at the end because the only free cheese is the one in a mousetrap, and the entire "woke" movement will be absolutely steamrolled by the very system that created them (once they have served their purpose).
Although I wish it was true, i am afraid that wont matter. Taxes exist mostly to control the money flow to keep the proles in check. The govt has access to the printing press, they dont care. (This is also why going woke does not seem to make a lot of megacorps broke, weird eh?)

But you are right in the end - the piper WILL absolutely be paid at the end because the only free cheese is the one in a mousetrap, and the entire "woke" movement will be absolutely steamrolled by the very system that created them (once they have served their purpose).
Just say Ponzi
"boomers and other reality-based Americans"

hahaha, yes boomers are reality based.

I'm not an idiot to say any generation has exclusive rights to reality.

And not acknowledge that old age usually equates to loss of cognitive function.

(You know the whole age thing that we attack Biden for but conveniently ignore for Our Almighty Orange God Emperor Felon (convicted by a criminal jury) Rapist (convicted by a civil jury) DJT.


I'm sorry you are not bright enough to understand the context of my reality-based statement. I'll try to break it down for you.

While you are whining, crying and blaming boomers for your inability to do whatever, boomers have been, and are still, working to pay for stupid woke shit - but not by choice.

I do not patronize Target.

I do not buy Bud Light.

I will not buy Coca-Cola products.

I will not buy anything to do with Disney.

People and companies that wear their sexual identity on their sleeve will not receive money from me if I can help it. I don't care if someone is LGBTQABCDEFG or whatever - just don't throw it in my face. I should not be subjected to that stupid woke line of thinking when I'm at work, in school, eating out, etc. I don't proclaim my heterosexuality to everyone I meet or at work or at the grocery store - IT'S NOBODYS BUSINESS !!!

Boomers understand the REALITY of there being only two genders. DNA proves it but woke idiots don't like data - they like their "feelings".

Boomers understand the REALITY of there are genetic differences between men and women - and that is why woke idiots should not be allowed to declare themselves a gender they are physically not and then compete in sports.

Boomers understand the REALITY of the country is now in a lot worse shape economically than it was 2017 - 2020. America has actually lost wealth under the current administration. So while you run around with your TDS on full-auto, how about you look at the criminal family that is the Bidens through that same cynical pair of glasses?

Joe is an embarrassment. He is a racist, a pervert and a criminal. Woke idiots don't seem to be able to take data and then form a cogent opinion based on that data. Do an Internet search on some of the racist shit Biden has been part of during his 50 year crime spree called a political career. Take a look at all of the financial shenanigans he and then his son have been part and parcel to. He is every bit as much a criminal as you think Trump is. The difference is Trump couldn't be controlled by the politicians and elites - that is why he had to go.

But don't worry - the reality-based people will still go to work, continue to pay their taxes and suffer through all of this woke stupidity until it implodes on itself.
The difference is Trump couldn't be controlled by the politicians and elites
B-ManFX4, sweet writeup and you had me nodding along until this line.

too many of us gave up our principles and even our platform for a personality. IMO shame on us.

Joe is an embarrassment. He is a racist, a pervert and a criminal.
Do an Internet search on some of the racist shit Biden has been part of during his 50 year crime spree called a political career.
IMO the thing that makes this so sad is you can see the truth, yet will let lip service or greed give other's a pass.
America has actually lost wealth under the current administration
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reality-based statement:

I do not patronize Target.

I do not buy Bud Light.

I will not buy Coca-Cola products.

I will not buy anything to do with Disney.

you sound bitter. show us on the doll where you were touched
Old man yells at clouds!

Nothing wrong with getting old, far better than the alternative.

But you're just an OLD, HATEFUL, fast becoming IRRELEVANT, BOOMER.

BOOMER's are at the age, where BOOMER is becoming synonymous with DEMENTED, just like SLEEPY JOE and DIAPER DON.

You're previous post helps confirm it.
Old man yells at clouds!

Nothing wrong with getting old, far better than the alternative.

But you're just an OLD, HATEFUL, fast becoming IRRELEVANT, BOOMER.

BOOMER's are at the age, where BOOMER is becoming synonymous with DEMENTED, just like SLEEPY JOE and DIAPER DON.

You're previous post helps confirm it.
The child that rages on about another. Go ahead and toss out wisdom in favor of your feelings.
I would not worry to much about it. People like you will run the country into the ground and strong people will rebuild from the decline. And just like in the past many times, history will once again repeat it's self.
BOOMER's are at the age, where BOOMER is becoming synonymous with DEMENTED, just like SLEEPY JOE and DIAPER DON.

Age has nothing to do with dementia. You can get Alzheimer's as early as your 40s if you have the genetics for it.

Biden and Trump are similar in age yet there is a noticeable difference between the two of them in terms of speech, memory, and motor abilities. I know 95 year-olds who are more on the ball than Biden.
you sound bitter. show us on the doll where you were touched

No, I'm not bitter. I'm simply a person with morals and values and I refuse to give money to people or companies that operate contrary to my beliefs. You see, woke idiots go out and loot, vandalize, destroy, etc. to try and make a point. Intelligent, law-abiding people make their beliefs felt via their wallet. Witness what happened to the woke idiots at Anheuser-Busch. Not a crime was committed - but they are suffering hugely for being woke.

Remember boys and girls - "EVERYTHING WOKE TURNS TO SHIT !!!"

Old man yells at clouds!

Nothing wrong with getting old, far better than the alternative.

But you're just an OLD, HATEFUL, fast becoming IRRELEVANT, BOOMER.

BOOMER's are at the age, where BOOMER is becoming synonymous with DEMENTED, just like SLEEPY JOE and DIAPER DON.

You're previous post helps confirm it.

Young punk cries to its mommy! I guess that is as stupid and irrelevant as your comment, huh?

I never said anything about getting old. I said Joe is a pervert, a racist and a criminal. But, like all the other woke idiots, you completely ignored the FACTS and instead chose to attack me. I am not especially old, I am not hateful. Just because woke sissies can't handle the truth doesn't make any of your silly statements about me true.

Let me know when my seven figure retirement account becomes "irrelevant". All of the companies that want me to patronize them seem to think differently.

The fact that you posted some stupid link to an even dumber "study" or "report" on anything more than two genders being real proves you are just a hurt, woke sissy. I guess you'll next share a "report" that says a man can get pregnant.

People like you are an embarrassment to the human race. My dog is smarter than you. He understands exactly who provides what and is happy with his place in the world. You CHOOSE to be ignorant and then want to blame everyone but yourself for your lot in life.
B-ManFX4, sweet writeup and you had me nodding along until this line.

too many of us gave up our principles and even our platform for a personality. IMO shame on us.
View attachment 223316

IMO the thing that makes this so sad is you can see the truth, yet will let lip service or greed give other's a pass.

Not sure where you are coming from - I gave nobody a pass. Pointing out Biden is a criminal is not an endorsement for Trump. I'm not a fan of him either but at least he isn't a pervert / pedophile. At least he knows that he should be interested in women, not children.

I'll put it this way - both options suck horribly. However, if I have to live under one who increased my net worth substantially over four years vs living under one that is destroying the whole damn country in less than four years, guess which one I will pick?
this is probably beyond your reading comprehension, but if you can focus maybe you can read it. Sorry your reality is a LIE.

You believe that a single article published that you think supports your view validates your beliefs. You'd be wrong, as any real scientist would tell you. So you read that giant pile of shit and somehow arrived at the conclusion that there are more than two genders. I'm not surprised. I read it - and it is solely focused on including ambiguous, feel-good bullshit:

"Notably, complex biologic variations can occur in everyone, and sex may best be viewed as a spectrum comprised of many traits. Gender is widely understood to be distinguished from sex and is an experienced aspect of self and a social construct of norms, behaviors, and roles that varies between societies and over time."

I'll supply reality for you - there are males and females. Period. Anything else that may occur is a defect. But because woke people can't stand the thought of calling a defect a defect, they build some stupid, baseless case to supplant their wrong supposition. My neighbor has a beautiful daughter who has Down's Syndrome. Does that make her bad, evil, less than human, etc.? Absolutely not. She is a wonderful, loving little girl who has stolen my heart. Call me terrible but she is a defect. Does it mean that she will live under an entirely different scope than a normal child would? Absolutely. Should we re-define the definition of "normal" to include Down's, spina bifida, MD, MS, etc. because it makes you feel better?

Pointing out a defect is not me being bitter, angry, a racist, a misogynist, etc. It is simply the fact of the matter. It is no different than pointing out that a person born with no legs has a birth defect. It does not lessen their value as a human - but it absolutely is a defect that will impact their ability to live in the world. You see, when 100,000 babies are born with all of their parts and pieces assembled correctly, it is pointless to try and include one that was born blind and mute in the distribution and then call it "normal". NOTHING good comes from dilution of the data pool.

It's amazing - before the current "woke" idiot revolution occurred, people understood there are two genders - male & female. Just like all other mammals on the planet. Just because you "feel" there is something else doesn't make it so. It wasn't until the true cancer on the planet we now know as "social media" exploded, did the woke idiots have an ability to assemble in giant, ignorant masses. Stupidity in great numbers is still stupidity - and that is the main issue with social media. Morons think a lie repeated millions of times somehow becomes truth. Hitler and Stalin would love you idiots and your posts on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc. Talk about an easy way to propagate moronic beliefs and assumptions. Social media is a brain cancer - and woke idiots are the perfect examples and proof of this assertion.

I am not going to argue semantics or accidents of nature. I'm positive there are birth defects, etc. that occur and affect people. HOWEVER, there are only two genders - and NOTHING any idiot wants to publish can prove otherwise. To show yet again how stupid the woke really are, consider that they believe a six year old child is capable of making decisions on their gender and even surgery to "correct" it. Any doctor willing to desecrate a six year old child in this manner should be thrown in the shark tank at Sea World.

Seriously, why can't you THINK? Look at the natural world. Stop taking an exception and making it the rule. There's nothing wrong with speaking the truth. Actually, there is a lot wrong with not speaking the truth. It allows all of this stupid woke bullshit to continue to propagate. For example: I truly can't understand how woke idiots are not enraged by Biden's racist past. This will blow your woke mind but I am a conservative that despises racism. There are more conservatives like me than not. You cannot say the same. You hate "racism" (which I am sure 99.999% of woke idiots don't even have the ability to correctly identify) when it is convenient and when it supports your agenda.
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B-ManFX4, Damn you can express your views with text, with no ambiguity. :love:

This will blow your woke mind but I am a conservative that despises racism. There are more conservatives like me than not.
yet a few pieces of silver can divert your eyes.

taking money out of disabled kids mouths, can be overlook for a few pieces of silver


scamming young people just trying to start a better life can be overlook for a few pieces of silver

Lawyers eventually filed three separate lawsuits from 2010 to 2013 against Trump University for, among other claims, “deceptive practices.” Donald Trump has agreed to pay a $25 million settlement to the people who attended Trump University in 2007, 2008, 2009, or 2010.

Founded in 2005, Trump University began by offering online courses but eventually transitioned into offering in-person seminars and mentorship services.5 Overall, Trump University functioned from 2005 until 2010 with thousands of students, 6,000 of whom are covered for damages under the settlement agreement.6 Over time, as Trump sought higher profits, the company’s model shifted to offering more in-person seminars. Former Trump University Chief Learning Officer Roger Schank argued that financial hardship may have pushed Trump to push toward the bigger profits. He said, “I think Donald Trump was in bad times … it changed because Donald Trump needed the money.”

There's nothing wrong with speaking the truth. Actually, there is a lot wrong with not speaking the truth. It allows all of this stupid woke bullshit to continue to propagate.
pointing a finger is the easy part, but stupid may be universal.

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You believe that a single article published that you think supports your view validates your beliefs. You'd be wrong, as any real scientist would tell you. So you read that giant pile of shit and somehow arrived at the conclusion that there are more than two genders. I'm not surprised. I read it - and it is solely focused on including ambiguous, feel-good bullshit:

"Notably, complex biologic variations can occur in everyone, and sex may best be viewed as a spectrum comprised of many traits. Gender is widely understood to be distinguished from sex and is an experienced aspect of self and a social construct of norms, behaviors, and roles that varies between societies and over time."

I'll supply reality for you - there are males and females. Period. Anything else that may occur is a defect. But because woke people can't stand the thought of calling a defect a defect, they build some stupid, baseless case to supplant their wrong supposition. My neighbor has a beautiful daughter who has Down's Syndrome. Does that make her bad, evil, less than human, etc.? Absolutely not. She is a wonderful, loving little girl who has stolen my heart. Call me terrible but she is a defect. Does it mean that she will live under an entirely different scope than a normal child would? Absolutely. Should we re-define the definition of "normal" to include Down's, spina bifida, MD, MS, etc. because it makes you feel better?

Pointing out a defect is not me being bitter, angry, a racist, a misogynist, etc. It is simply the fact of the matter. It is no different than pointing out that a person born with no legs has a birth defect. It does not lessen their value as a human - but it absolutely is a defect that will impact their ability to live in the world. You see, when 100,000 babies are born with all of their parts and pieces assembled correctly, it is pointless to try and include one that was born blind and mute in the distribution and then call it "normal". NOTHING good comes from dilution of the data pool.

It's amazing - before the current "woke" idiot revolution occurred, people understood there are two genders - male & female. Just like all other mammals on the planet. Just because you "feel" there is something else doesn't make it so. It wasn't until the true cancer on the planet we now know as "social media" exploded, did the woke idiots have an ability to assemble in giant, ignorant masses. Stupidity in great numbers is still stupidity - and that is the main issue with social media. Morons think a lie repeated millions of times somehow becomes truth. Hitler and Stalin would love you idiots and your posts on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc. Talk about an easy way to propagate moronic beliefs and assumptions. Social media is a brain cancer - and woke idiots are the perfect examples and proof of this assertion.

I am not going to argue semantics or accidents of nature. I'm positive there are birth defects, etc. that occur and affect people. HOWEVER, there are only two genders - and NOTHING any idiot wants to publish can prove otherwise. To show yet again how stupid the woke really are, consider that they believe a six year old child is capable of making decisions on their gender and even surgery to "correct" it. Any doctor willing to desecrate a six year old child in this manner should be thrown in the shark tank at Sea World.

Seriously, why can't you THINK? Look at the natural world. Stop taking an exception and making it the rule. There's nothing wrong with speaking the truth. Actually, there is a lot wrong with not speaking the truth. It allows all of this stupid woke bullshit to continue to propagate. For example: I truly can't understand how woke idiots are not enraged by Biden's racist past. This will blow your woke mind but I am a conservative that despises racism. There are more conservatives like me than not. You cannot say the same. You hate "racism" (which I am sure 99.999% of woke idiots don't even have the ability to correctly identify) when it is convenient and when it supports your agenda.
damn thats a lot of word for saying:

"I"m an angry old man that his lost his grip on reality"
damn thats a lot of word for saying:

"I"m an angry old man that his lost his grip on reality"

And those are very few words that prove my point perfectly. Woke is no way to travel through life. You should be able to do better.
B-ManFX4, Damn you can express your views with text, with no ambiguity. :love:

yet a few pieces of silver can divert your eyes.

View attachment 223479

pointing a finger is the easy part, stupid may be universal.

View attachment 223511

Thanks I think? It's sad that people can't respond in a like manner, instead choosing to just throw tantrums and insults.

I'm aware of all of the "stuff" that people do. NOWHERE have I ever stated that DJT is perfect, is without fault, etc. As I said earlier, he is not my choice for the position of leading our country. But if I am only allowed to choose between he and Biden, then I must choose the lesser of the two evils. The fact that so many people feel this way, or just don't vote at all, should be of grave concern to all Americans.

For every 50+ year old photo or article you post about DJT being a "racist", I can post a counter photo or article showing him working hand in hand with blacks. So what? My point, which liberals and woke morons can't seem to grasp, is that you are so ready and willing to attack and destroy DJT and conservatives in general, all while you support someone who is just as horrible (or worse) a human being.

DJT AS.jpg

Please don't post a picture of the stupid "insurrection". No weapons, no violence, PROOF positive that the capitol police encouraged people to "cross the line", etc. That was showman politics - not the will of true conservatives. A real insurrection would have been comprised of people with arms and a mission. That was nothing more than a bunch of idiots that didn't think before they acted.

Data is important because it allows us to weigh and arrive at conclusions that should help us in the long run. I have stated that Joe is a racist and a criminal. Here's a few quotes of his over the years. And yes - I do understand that all people say things incorrectly or even regret having said something in the past. HOWEVER, when one has spent 50 years making comments like he does, it points to his true character and how he thinks. Go ahead and fact check them - and you will see how I have arrived at my conclusions about him.

"I never had an interest in being a mayor ’cause that’s a real job. You have to produce. That’s why I was able to be a senator for 36 years." ~ Joe Biden

"I think the only reason Clarence Thomas is on the court is because he is black." ~ Joe Biden

"The next person that tells me I'm not religious, I'm going to shove my rosary beads up their ass." ~ Joe Biden

"I worked at an all-black swimming pool in the east side of Wilmington, I was involved in what the Negroes, I mean, blacks were thinking, what they were feeling." ~ Joe Biden

""I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." ~ Joe Biden

"It's easy being vice president - you don't have to do anything." ~ Joe Biden

"I did not grope the wife of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter or the daughter of Sen. Christopher Coons. I don't put drugs in drinks or give drinks to underage females. And all those photos about me inappropriately touching girls, they are blown-up." ~ Joe Biden

"I agree with Donna Brazile who said about Benghazi: "We got to preven dis from hapinin agen. "" ~ Joe Biden

"It (the Boston Bombings) was worth it to hear you (survivor speakers) speak." ~ Joe Biden
Joe Biden
B-ManFX4, lucky for us the DOJ that we have spend decades building and joe's big mouth
is going to rid us of old joe once and for all. they already got his son on the gun stuff, IMO once
the DOJ convicts his son on the IRS stuff, and because old joe said in public he isn't going to
pardon his son he'll feel forced to pardon his son then resign. problem gone.

if the DOJ also ridded us of mr trump time will tell, can a felon win the general :unsure:

all while you support someone who is just as horrible (or worse) a human being.
i'm writing in Nikki.

I would hope any monetary gains or loses I felt from either mr trump or mr biden wouldn't
cause me to overlook the defects of each.

A real insurrection would have been comprised of people with arms and a mission
IMO that's what makes his actions so insidious, we don't see the circumventing of the US constitution
as a real insurrection.

circumventing the peaceful transfer of power as defined in the US constitution (Jan 6th)

The fake electors scheme has also been under investigation by officials in other states and the Department of Justice. Count 1 – Conspiracy to Commit Forgery: The false electors worked together and with other people to forge a certificate of votes with the intent to injure or defraud.

only works when enough of us feel the ENDS JUSTIFIES THE MEANS

I can post a counter photo or article showing him working hand in hand with blacks. So what?
IMO it's all just smoke & mirrors with mr trump.

mr trump a man of faith :ROFLMAO:
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I wish I could join that topic, but because I'm a defect I'd just come off as self-serving.
the trump topic I feel is fair game because one man one vote like everyone else.

but, but, but without the defects we'd all still be squatting in trees scratching our nuts.
and if you think XX or XY was always the case why do guys have nipples :unsure:
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Men have nipples because the embryo develops them BEFORE the sex of the baby is determined. So we all get them. Guess what - that is another great example of how a female cannot be a male and vice versa. The parts that make a female a female are not present in men - and again, vice-versa.

That is why it is utter stupidity for anyone to claim that they are a man if they are a biological female - and again, vice-versa.
B-ManFX4, while I should stay away from this topic for a number of reason, but I tend to always be an apposing view.
echo chambers creep me out.

That is why it is utter stupidity for anyone to claim that they are a man if they are a biological female
but, but...when I see a line like this I can't resist the temptation. my bad.
Men have nipples because the embryo develops them BEFORE the sex of the baby is determined
B-ManFX4, as you have pointed out, this stuff is hardwired during development.

a quick internet search
It is a proven fact that there are actually differences in the structure and chemistry of male vs. female brains. These differences begin in utero, before we’re even born! In fact, a recent study using MRI scans found that female fetuses have neurological connections (“functional connectivity”) that are almost nonexistent in male brains. As such, there are hardwired differences in place before we’ve been exposed to cultural, environmental, or family influences.

I get your point that they are just defects, but they are real, they do happen.
and I'd think as we increase our impact on the earth's ecosystems the numbers will go up.

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diy solar

diy solar