diy solar

diy solar

I’m not an electrician SO ….

I understand what you are saying, but he said it wouldn't pass inspection and wouldn't recommend it. If it wouldn't pass inspection its probably not code. If he doesn't recommend it that means he is not advising anybody to do so. Just my view on it.
Pretty simple to understand that....
I think 99% of us took it that way.
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Haha, I love those "Nephew Thomas" audio dubs that keep getting posted over videos. Classic.
Wiring panels can be super tricky if you don't do it for a living. A while back, I tried to DIY some electrical work in my own house. Let's just say, it didn’t go as planned, and I nearly shorted out half the house. I realized then that there’s a reason electricians go through so much training!

I ended up calling in the pros from and they were fantastic. They not only fixed my mess but also explained what I’d done wrong in a way that actually made sense to me. They even shared some safety tips to avoid future mishaps. If you’re ever in doubt, I’d definitely recommend reaching out to professionals like them to keep things safe and sound.
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diy solar

diy solar