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Error mixing EG4 LifePower4 and LL-S batteries (Resolved)


New Member
Dec 28, 2023
Dallas, TX
I just completed my new system with an EG4 6000XP inverter, 2 LifePower4 batteries, and 2 EG4-LL-S batteries ("v4" on the SignatureSolar box). I have mounted them in the battery rack according to the instructions in section 4.4 for "different EG4 battery modules " of the LL-S manual. I have also updated the firmware on both the LL-S (Z02T13?) and LifePower4 batteries (v3.32).

Currently, the LL-S are working together as expected. However, as soon as I plug the communication cable into one of the LifePower4 batteries (from the second LL-S), both LL-S flip their breakers and go into "Protected" mode.

Batteries are arranged:
3. LFP4, DIP=UUDD (3)
4. LFP4 -- this is not connected to the above battery yet

The manual suggests that these can communicate as long as the firmware is updated and the DIPs are correct. However, every attempt I have made to get battery #3 to join the top 2 results in the LL-S tripping and switching to 'Protected' mode.

How can I get these batteries to 'communicate' and work together? Thanks!
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What do you mean exactly by 'join'? Is that meaning, the moment you plug in the comms cable, or the moment you turn on the breaker on the LFP4 pack?

Are the SoC's matched on all packs?
What do you mean exactly by 'join'? Is that meaning, the moment you plug in the comms cable, or the moment you turn on the breaker on the LFP4 pack?

Are the SoC's matched on all packs?
The moment I plug in the comms cable, the LL-S batteries flip to Protected mode. It makes no difference if the LFP4's breakers are off or on.

SOC does not match (because I can't get them to 'talk'!). But again, with breakers off, would that matter?
I just completed my new system with an EG4 6000XP inverter, 2 LifePower4 batteries, and 2 EG4-LL-S batteries ("v4" on the SignatureSolar box). I have mounted them in the battery rack according to the instructions in section 4.4 for "different EG4 battery modules " of the LL-S manual. I have also updated the firmware on both the LL-S (Z02T13?) and LifePower4 batteries (v3.32).

Currently, the LL-S are working together as expected. However, as soon as I plug the communication cable into one of the LifePower4 batteries (from the second LL-S), both LL-S flip their breakers and go into "Protected" mode.

Batteries are arranged:
3. LFP4, DIP=UUDD (3)
4. LFP4 -- this is not connected to the above battery yet

The manual suggests that these can communicate as long as the firmware is updated and the DIPs are correct. However, every attempt I have made to get battery #3 to join the top 2 results in the LL-S tripping and switching to 'Protected' mode.

How can I get these batteries to 'communicate' and work together? Thanks!
So, what is happening is the communication cable that is being used between the LL-S and LP4 needs to be modified. That 6th pin between the LP4 and LL-S is what is causing the problem. If you have a RS-485 crimping tool, then you can make a cable that is missing pin 6, or find a way to sever the connection between pin 6 on that communication cable between the LL-S and LP4.

You can also downgrade the firmware for the LL-S and this will solve the problem too. However, you won't have the RSD option on the battery anymore.

We are working on a more permanent solution to this problem as we speak.
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So, what is happening is the communication cable that is being used between the LL-S and LP4 needs to be modified. That 6th pin between the LP4 and LL-S is what is causing the problem. If you have a RS-485 crimping tool, then you can make a cable that is missing pin 6, or find a way to sever the connection between pin 6 on that communication cable between the LL-S and LP4.

You can also downgrade the firmware for the LL-S and this will solve the problem too. However, you won't have the RSD option on the battery anymore.

We are working on a more permanent solution to this problem as we speak.

Just to clarify, is this cable just an RJ45 straight-cable T-568B pinout, so by Pin 6 is like here:

So, what is happening is the communication cable that is being used between the LL-S and LP4 needs to be modified. That 6th pin between the LP4 and LL-S is what is causing the problem. If you have a RS-485 crimping tool, then you can make a cable that is missing pin 6, or find a way to sever the connection between pin 6 on that communication cable between the LL-S and LP4.

You can also downgrade the firmware for the LL-S and this will solve the problem too. However, you won't have the RSD option on the battery anymore.

We are working on a more permanent solution to this problem as we speak.
Fantastic. I severed Mr. Green wire and the problem resolved.

For any interested readers... you only need to sever pin 6 on the wire going from LL-S to LP4. The LP4-LP4 is a normal wire.

Also, I noticed I had to "remind" my master battery that it was communicating on CAN/Lux and then the inverter said hello to 400amps and the ~79% SOC (which I expected).

Thanks everyone! @Samsonite801 your pin chart was helpful. Appreciate your comments
I just completed my new system with an EG4 6000XP inverter, 2 LifePower4 batteries, and 2 EG4-LL-S batteries ("v4" on the SignatureSolar box). I have mounted them in the battery rack according to the instructions in section 4.4 for "different EG4 battery modules " of the LL-S manual. I have also updated the firmware on both the LL-S (Z02T13?) and LifePower4 batteries (v3.32).

Currently, the LL-S are working together as expected. However, as soon as I plug the communication cable into one of the LifePower4 batteries (from the second LL-S), both LL-S flip their breakers and go into "Protected" mode.

Batteries are arranged:
3. LFP4, DIP=UUDD (3)
4. LFP4 -- this is not connected to the above battery yet

The manual suggests that these can communicate as long as the firmware is updated and the DIPs are correct. However, every attempt I have made to get battery #3 to join the top 2 results in the LL-S tripping and switching to 'Protected' mode.

How can I get these batteries to 'communicate' and work together? Thanks!
Jsmithtx , thank you for this post. I have 2 LFP4 and 1 LL-s . Just finished torquing the last connections on the inverter side and was wondering if a problem was coming. This will help save a lot of time. Then I see your online name Jsmithtx and got a laugh. I’m J Smith in Calif. Thanks again
Fantastic. I severed Mr. Green wire and the problem resolved.

For any interested readers... you only need to sever pin 6 on the wire going from LL-S to LP4. The LP4-LP4 is a normal wire.

Also, I noticed I had to "remind" my master battery that it was communicating on CAN/Lux and then the inverter said hello to 400amps and the ~79% SOC (which I expected).

Thanks everyone! @Samsonite801 your pin chart was helpful. Appreciate your comments
What do you mean by " remind" the master battery? I built the cable and plugged it in but my inverter is still reporting only 300 ah from the 3 LLs not the additional 2 lp4.
What do you mean by " remind" the master battery? I built the cable and plugged it in but my inverter is still reporting only 300 ah from the 3 LLs not the additional 2 lp4.

It may be a DIP switch issue. I couldn't get my batteries to report when I had them in perfect DIP sequence (1,2,3,4)... I had to skip 4.. so my DIPs are at 1,2,3,5!

I have no idea why. But if I set the last DIP to 4, it stops reporting.

I have two LL-S and two LP4. Here are my settings:
DDUU (3)
DUDU (5)
My system of 2 6000XPs, 3LP4s, and a new LL-S after all the cables, addressing etc. is still only reporting 100ah where it reported 300 before the LL-S
My system of 2 6000XPs, 3LP4s, and a new LL-S after all the cables, addressing etc. is still only reporting 100ah where it reported 300 before the LL-S
Make sure you follow this set up.
You can install the Multipack firmware update, or you can try removing the 6th pin on the cable going from the LL-S to the Lifepower4.

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