diy solar

diy solar

6000xp dongle firmware


New Member
Jul 7, 2022
I had a dongle randomly disconnect from my local network last night after commissioning 4 days ago. I realized that I can view the dongle firmware from the web app. I have 2 dongles running 2.04 and 4 dongles running 2.02. I can't find any documentation on how to update the dongle firmware. All 6 in inverters are running firmware ccaa-180C0D. I was suspecting that the newer firmware might prevent dropping the network. Has anyone dealt with this? I am connected to 2.4g and the router is less than a few feet from the inverters.


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I had a dongle randomly disconnect from my local network last night after commissioning 4 days ago. I realized that I can view the dongle firmware from the web app. I have 2 dongles running 2.04 and 4 dongles running 2.02. I can't find any documentation on how to update the dongle firmware. All 6 in inverters are running firmware ccaa-180C0D. I was suspecting that the newer firmware might prevent dropping the network. Has anyone dealt with this? I am connected to 2.4g and the router is less than a few feet from the inverters.
You can click on "Management" under the "Action" tab for each dongle, which will provide an option to update. We are currently working on a changelog for the dongle updates. The most recent update (2.06) will provide access to the dongle parameters on the app.
All I have is refresh, edit and remove. I don't see an update option.


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I'm not sure why you're unable to update them, but I'll look into it. If you'd like, I can update the dongles for you. Just send me a direct message when you are ready, and I can get it done for you.

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diy solar