diy solar

diy solar

Looking to set up solar


New Member
Jul 3, 2024
This whole experience is really overwhelming but I'm getting to understand most of it the more I research it. Anyway.

I live in central Maine and I average around 1000KWH a month.

In the end I am looking for a ground mounted hybrid system and slowly adding some batteries while using my generated power and moving whatever power I may generate to the grid for credits during the off seasons.

I've been looking at the EG4 12K all in one and it seems like it would hit all my boxes.

I have around 12K to start my project with and can do most all of the work myself and have good electrician to guide me along. I'm just lost on all the different kits and setups websites are offering and most of the "fill it out we'll call you later with a free estimate" are just trying to rip me off with 25-35K estimates I feel.

What would you do to get started with solar, selling to the grid and slowly expanding battery capacity?
I haven't really looked into them but have seen some people use them.

My area gets about 12 hours of direct sunlight this time of year anything south to west blocked by trees.

diy solar

diy solar