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diy solar

JK BMS has failed, Better recommendation?

Matt Wallin

New Member
Mar 9, 2022
Scenario: I have an 8S 280Ah EVE DIY pack, I had ordered a JK B28S20P-H a bit earlier, like in 2022. later I put the pack together and hooked up the JK, it seemed to work great, balanced everything up like magic, very pleased. Life intervened and the pack sat around for a few months with the BMS running. A good burn-in test, I thought, at least, then out of the blue the BMS starts making a weird chirping cyclical noise. After a dozen attempts and an app update, I was able to connect via BT. I get a message that the cells don't match the settings. I tested the cell leads, all seem perfect, near zero resistance, I was carefully in wiring it, so no surprise. Out of the blue it seems to work again...for a couple days, then the malfunctioning begins again. Any insights into WTF is going wrong with this thing?

I'm wanting to get this system stood up, I have two 3kVA Victron Multiplus inverters for a split phase system. I'd like to have at least a 200A BMS or more, preferably, though I don't plan to hit it even near that hard very frequently. Would a contactor type BMS be better than a FET based model? Pros, cons of each type?

This system is to be installed in a shed outdoors, temps get quite cold here in the winter so I am thinking of battery heater options, originally why the JK appealed though it sounds like documention has not improved on that? It seems totally possible make a heater happen without it being integrated into the BMS, any major reason not to do that?

Also, it seems communication is being added to this teir of BMS, would like any advice on whether that is valuable or feasible to integrate into a mostly Victron system I am slowly getting together, if so what protocol, CAN? . Maybe not a worthwhile thing to worry about?

I'm definitely once bitten with JK, but many others seem to have had good experiences, maybe I got a pandemic lemon, is this a reliable make of BMS?

I'd very much appriciate experienced advice and wisdom. This is a great communitiy, thanks to all who share thier time, experience and effort to help others climb this learning curve.

Cheers, Matt
I'm on BMS #4 and the last one was my fault that I had to eat. 2 JK's and 2 JBD's. I like the JK better but yeah, these things are sensitive. My current daily is a JK 200A with 2A balance.
My JBD's run perfectly...
My Daly's are fine if a pain to get the BT talking..
My JK's made good range targets, that's about all they were goid for...

Go JBD and be happy.
". I get a message that the cells don't match the settings. "
That means the cell count x8 or x16 does not match what it sees connected. Example sees 8 and 16 is set in settings page 2.

Also if you try to bring up an inverter or turn on an inverter OR its just left on and sat dead or turned off for more then 5 minutes you will have to run a small wire directly to the - side of the inverter and from the - side of the battery back. The jk shuts off Negative - . The caps need to be charged or the sudden massive inrush will lead the JK to think it is shorting out and it will shutoff and chirp.

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diy solar