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diy solar

EG4 6000XP high temp derating


New Member
Oct 26, 2022
There does not seem to be any information I have found on how the EG4 6000XP derates its MPPT output or inverter output with elevated temps. However, my 2 units seem to be doing this since they heat up my garage in Florida to 95F as they run during the day.

I do see that the data it records shows temps up to 50C sometimes during the day

Here is a screenshot of what I can see on the web interface--

Does anyone know if that is what is going on and what the temp level and derating % are?

Thank you
Since that is the case, and I want to get the max power from my unit, I am thinking of building ductwork from the hot fan exhaust side of the unit up into the attic directly above. This should greatly reduce the amount of waste heat produced by the unit into the garage, which will keep the garage temp lower.

Has anyone done this before and have comments on how well it performed to reduce ambient temps?
I am thinking of building ductwork from the hot fan exhaust side of the unit up into the attic directly above
As long as ducting is big enough not to disturb the flowrate of fan and your attic temperature is lower than garage temp.
Many times inverter is located incorrectly and air doesn't simply circulate enough creating hot spot.
The attic will be hotter than the garage most of the time but the forced air from the fans will still get that air moved to the attic. Let me know if you disagree.

I plan to use a 6" diameter metal duct going straight up about 3 feet to get to the attic.

This is the piece I would use coming out of the fans. The rectangle is 4"x12", which fits the 3 fans properly.

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The attic will be hotter than the garage most of the time but the forced air from the fans will still get that air moved to the attic. Let me know if you disagree.

I plan to use a 6" diameter metal duct going straight up about 3 feet to get to the attic.

This is the piece I would use coming out of the fans. The rectangle is 4"x12", which fits the 3 fans properly.

View attachment 227214
Ducting looks good. But without knowing your garage and attic, I partially have to disagree.
If your attic doesn't have outlets to remove hot air from there and your garage doesn't have openings for cooler replacement air, this setup would be worst than existing situation. In practice I would expect that your spaces are not "hermetic" and some airflow there is but if you really want to duct your inverter heat to attic, do some effort also to improve heat removal from attic.
Yes, there is plenty of outlets in the attic. We have "off-ridge vents" and soffits here in Florida. I also have solar attic fans.
I'm gonna give this a try and I will report back. Another advantage of the ducting is to reduce fan noise, which is a good thing.

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