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diy solar

AC Bypass mode - Sol-Ark_15k vs EG4_18kpv vs Tesla Powerwall_3


New Member
Jul 8, 2024
Question regarding pass-through mode with grid assist in Grid-Tie scenario: When the house load exceeds the max AC output of the inverter (supply from battery/solar/grid), does the inverter passthrough ALL this power (>12kw on eg4) from the grid completely? Or does the inverter passthrough only the incremental power from grid, while using available solar/battery concurrently?

Example: If house load goes from 10kw to 18kw, will it switch to passthrough all of the 18kw from grid with no solar feeding the load? or just the additional 6kw from grid (18kw load - 12kw max ac output) allowing solar/battery to concurrently feed 12kw to load? Thank you

Reference: max AC output of inverter
SA15k: 62A/15kw
EG4_18kPV: 50A/12kw
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For the 18kpv, you have two options: you can either allow the grid to assist with the additional power needed, or you can set it to bypass the grid entirely.
Can you please clarify whether first option (grid assist) is still available when loads exceeds the inverter max AC rating of 50A
The Sol-Ark 15k will use the grid for whatever power exceeds its limits.
So for your example if on PV and battery or PV alone it will provide 15Kw and draw 3Kw from the grid. If it only has battery power then it will deliver 12Kw from battery and use 6Kw from the grid.
You can adjust the battery amount with TOU if you want to conserve battery power and use more grid or PV power.
Looks like this is a major difference between the sol-ark 15k vs eg4 18kpv.. The Sol-Ark supplements any power in excess of max AC current (i.e. 50A) with grid power, whereas the EG4 does not supplement, but instead fully transfers to grid power. Since i only plan to use one inverter with 2x 3.0 ton AC's & washer/dryer and can occasionally exceed max AC current of the inverter, Sol-Ark may be better for me. Not sure how the Tesla powerwall 3.0 manages this scenario
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Looks like this is a major difference between the sol-ark 15k vs eg4 18kpv.. The Sol-Ark supplements any power inexcess of max AC current with grid power, whereas the EG4 does not supplement, but instead fully transfers to grid power. Since i only plan to use one inverter with 2x 3.0 ton AC's & washer/dryer and can occasionally exceed max AC current of the inverter, Sol-Ark may be better for me. Not sure how the Tesla powerwall 3.0 manages this scenario
Im not sure this is correct re eg4. Where do you see this?
If your loads exceed 50A it will bypass to grid. It can exceed 50A for a short amount of time but then it will bypass to grid.
What happens in a situation where <50A of inverter power is available due to battery SoC and/or PV output but the loads exceed that? Say PV production can only supply 10A but loads are 15A... does the 18kpv draw 5A from the grid to supplement the inverter or does it draw all 15A from the grid?

In other words, will the 18kpv draw power from both the inverter and the grid simultaneously or is it limited to either one or the other?
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diy solar