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EG4 LL V2 Firmware Update - 2 Questions


New Member
Aug 6, 2023
Sonoran Desert - Eastern
I have the EG4 Battery rack with (4) LL V2 batteries and (2) LL-S V4 batteries. - This what I really have.

I have the EG4 Battery rack with (5) LL V2 batteries and (1) LL-S V4 batteries. - I mistyped this - disregard. See above updated info.
I cannot get the LL-S V4 to communicate with the V2's.
I have the specified cable using only pins 7-8 per SS's instructions.

The problem I'm having is finding the Z02T12 firmware update to apply to the V2 batteries.
Anybody know where to get that file?

Also, I'm confused on the two part update.
All I need is to get communications between the V2 and V4 batteries.
Do I need to do the RS-485 updater as well?
I was told from SS that just the firmware was needed.

What I was told vs what I'm reading is the part that's getting me confused.
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Make sure you place the newest model at the top of the battery rack as shown below. If you direct message me, I can provide the correct firmware you need for these batteries to communicate.

Still trying to figure this whole thing out.
Been dicking around with this for more than a month now.
I still cannot get the LL-S V4 batteries to communicate with the LL V2 batteries.
I've been back and forth with SS and still have not gotten an answer on how to get the (2) versions to communicate with each other.
I'm using a homemade cable that has pins 7-8 only (because I was instructed to do that by SS).
The issue or problem is, I cannot get a concrete answer on what firmware to use on the V2 batteries.
I've also been asking for the Firmware update, still have not gotten any response from SS on getting that update.

Does anyone else here know how I can get the proper Firmware update?
I can't be the only one who has V2 and V4 batteries in the same rack.
Make sure you place the newest model at the top of the battery rack as shown below. If you direct message me, I can provide the correct firmware you need for these batteries to communicate.

View attachment 226679

The link that was provided does not work.
This what happens.


I've DM'd the EG4techsolutionsteam about the above message, no response.

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diy solar