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That Will Prowse guy in the news again

Great for real world lessons. How to deal with police, how to get a sense of criminal behavior and what leads up to it, and so much more.
I hate how they talk about finding a gun like its a crime. Typical media.
Texan here who loves his guns -- but finding a gun in that situation was indeed something bad. I'm all about responsible gun ownership and use. If a person thinks its okay to wildly fire a gun up in the air with people around, then no - that's not the type of person that should be around guns.

There's plenty of stories out there where media blows something out of proportion to get views/clicks/shock value, but a man being indicted on weapons charges... who has access to weapons? yeah that's kind of a big deal IMO. Kinda like saying it's totally normal and cool for a known problem alcoholic having access to booze and expecting everything to just be fine and dandy.
Its all about programming the masses. I use to work for NBC as an engineer and you hear things from up top. The context is never referenced in the specific sentence and that plays on the mind of the sheep.

You can talk to young people and ask questions like "do guns have to be registered in America to have a gun?, do you need to have a license to have a gun? or is it legal to own a gun?" and you would be shocked by the response. It is VERY important to keep this subject CLEAR at all times.

Anyway, glad you are now famous Will but since we are talking about lead, you owe me so royalties for stealing my catch phrase "lead is dead"........
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A responsible gun owner with concealed carry permit has no trouble interacting with the officer. If you have guns in the car in sight tell the officer that so he isn't surprised. If it is a handgun in reach tell him you have a permit and avoid reaching in that direction. I generally keep my hands on the steering wheel until the officer has time to size things up and realize I am no threat. Given time to think they are good, put under stress maybe not. There is no reason to make an issue out of guns not in site unless the officer has reason to search the vehicle. If he has probable cause to search you tell him there are guns, you have a permit and you are going to/from the range.

Depends on the state - sometimes the guns are required to be in cases or if the gun is in the trunk the ammo needs to be separated from it. In a truck it just needs to be out of the reach of the driver. They aren't worried about a rifle in a gun rack, it is that handgun in the center console with your insurance that makes them nervous.

And if they ask to search your vehicle you can either outright refuse or ask their probable cause and then refuse if it sounds made up. Refusal is NOT probable cause. If you stay polite and ask for his duty sergeant or supervisor to come to the scene before allowing a search it all gets documented and a court case is far less likely to happen.

NOW, if you are actually a criminal and doing bad things all bets are off and you can't win.
I've been pulled over for a traffic violation while carrying. Before the officer ever get to my window I had my driver's license and carry permit ready in my left hand and the front and rear windows were down. When he saw the carry permit the officer asked if I was carrying, I said yes and informed him where it was. Then he asked me if I knew why he stopped me. I had no clue. Apparently my turn signal turned off before he could see that I had used it. He took the two forms of identification back to his car then came back a couple minutes later and said, "Have a nice day."

This was on a university campus. Concealed carry is allowed (by state law) but being a university they don't want people to know that. Very few of my coworkers know that I carry on campus and that's the way I like it.
I've been pulled over for a traffic violation while carrying. Before the officer ever get to my window I had my driver's license and carry permit ready in my left hand and the front and rear windows were down. When he saw the carry permit the officer asked if I was carrying, I said yes and informed him where it was. Then he asked me if I knew why he stopped me. I had no clue. Apparently my turn signal turned off before he could see that I had used it. He took the two forms of identification back to his car then came back a couple minutes later and said, "Have a nice day."

This was on a university campus. Concealed carry is allowed (by state law) but being a university they don't want people to know that. Very few of my coworkers know that I carry on campus and that's the way I like it.
Here in NC the rule is zero guns allowed on government and government funded (colleges qualify as funded) so, criminals have free reign, knowing no mugging is going to get them shot...
Stupid, but true...

Also, all the businesses have to do to disapprove of concealed carry entry is have a sticker in the entrance stating no firearms allowed, and poof... it is a felony to bring a firearm onto such premeses...
@Will Prowse have you ever considered making a subforum about lead and its transportation devices and/or one about preparedness in general?
Could something like that be hidden from guests and request to join by members?
I understand what you're saying. But in the article the discovery of the handgun gives some context to situation.

Also, all the businesses have to do to disapprove of concealed carry entry is have a sticker in the entrance stating no firearms allowed, and poof... it is a felony to bring a firearm onto such premeses...
auto felony or excuse to trespass? not discounting what you said but I find it hard to believe that it would automatically be a felony as i could enter, you could slap the sticker on the window after i enter then you could claim felony. that does not pass the sniff test.
auto felony or excuse to trespass? not discounting what you said but I find it hard to believe that it would automatically be a felony as i could enter, you could slap the sticker on the window after i enter then you could claim felony. that does not pass the sniff test.
It is a felony for a REGISTERED conceal carey license holder to bring a firearm onto such premises.
It is only a trespass misdemeanor for unlicensed people...
Those with the license are more severely punished...
Also, all the businesses have to do to disapprove of concealed carry entry is have a sticker in the entrance stating no firearms allowed, and poof... it is a felony to bring a firearm onto such premeses...

If a business wants to advertise that any criminal with a gun is going to have an easy time robbing the place, who am I to point out their idiocy?

A business that openly approves of concealed carry holders on the other hand...

It's kind of like the guys that like to open carry (legal in CO). If you're a bad guy, who are you going to take out first? Go right ahead, it gives me time to grab a second magazine just in case.
It is a felony for a REGISTERED conceal carey license holder to bring a firearm onto such premises.
It is only a trespass misdemeanor for unlicensed people...
Those with the license are more severely punished...
but once again whats to stop the owner of a place from simply slapping the sticker on after calling the cops?
@Will Prowse have you ever considered making a subforum about lead and its transportation devices and/or one about preparedness in general?
Could something like that be hidden from guests and request to join by members?

I think it's needed actually. I can't stand firearm YouTube and the current discussion boards. Would be nice to have a scientific backed discussion forum..

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diy solar