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Chase Hughes is the US Government’s brainwashing and interrogation expert training the intelligence agencies, a neuroscientist, and the world’s #1 human behavior expert.
He spent 20 years in the US military and trains intelligence agents and companies on human hacking, influence, persuasion, interrogation, and negotiation.

Shssss ....... trained first 15 minutes. How to negotiate shit creek.
Ok. So under the Trump America First revolution our priorities will be:

1) Hitting Iran because Iran hit America on 911

2) Reigniting a cold War with Russia because Russia attacked Ukraine which is America

3) Hitting Hamas because Hamas attacked the United States by cutting holes in our border fence and taking hostages and killing many.

4) Making laws that say criticizing Israel will get you kicked out of college because Israel is America and America first!

I mean why not focus on this stuff? America is in such a healthy place at the moment. We can afford to and should do it.
Where did you see this agenda?
Who published it?
Who espoused it?

Trump has already said he will stop every war not inflame it.
Like I said, pointless.

He did exactly what i said. He used it as an opportunity to call me a jew hater and ingratiate himself to said group.
Regardless of what group you hate it’s more than likely they are socialists, Democrats who happen to be Jews.

Question is what are you going to do about it?

Complaining on a Solar power forum isn’t going to help much.

Prepare for what is coming.
Now you know why laugh when Right wants to civil war….. they will shoot one another
Only the ones who don’t have a clue of their surroundings.

It would be a revolutionary war, not a Civil War. It’s against the political class not your average citizen.

What are you gonna do when if they steal the election?

Complain on Solar power forum?
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I see. You don't even want dudes to vent.

Just push it all down until one day you're armor-plating a bulldozer so you drive it through town until there are no more buildings.
Pointing fingers is not going to help.

You’re not even venting you just blaming one group or another.

Prepare for what is coming that’s all I can tell you
Thank you for the kindergarten lesson on how I should interpret people's actions.

Bless you for correcting my wrong think and using it as opportunity to say "not me not me, it's him over there. I'm happy 😊"
I didn’t tell you what to think.

I merely suggested that his actions show more Socialism than Jewish.

The only thing kindergarten about this is pointing fingers at one group or another, and doing nothing about it

What are you doing to correct the issues?
I'm kind of wondering how you or I can confirm an election is lost or stolen :unsure:
talking heads :unsure:
thoughts of the one that lost :unsure:
state Election officials :unsure:
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I'm kind of wondering how you or I can confirm an election is lot or stolen :unsure:
talking heads :unsure:
thoughts the one that lost :unsure:
state Election officials :unsure:

I think its obvious. And the elections were stolen (at least in coastal states) for probably decades. Its just that in 2020 they did it right in the open, to test for peoples reaction. (Not because it would matter, but because the wanted to see if people are ready to be shitted upon in the open)
They like what they saw - i.e. lots of talk in the kitchen with closed doors (USSR reference for people criticizing the govt) but ultimately doing absolutely nothing.

A lot of my collegues always ask, what was the biggest difference between USA and Russia/USSR.

Answer is simple.

Before 2020
In Russa/USSR the elites shit on your head
In USA/West, the elites first wrap the shit in a pretty candy paper and then feed it to you on a silver platter.

After 2020:
In Russia/USSR/USA/West the elites shit on your head.
I think its obvious.
aenyc, that does seem to simplify things, it's always stolen. :unsure:

and the one that did the best stealing is certified Jan 6th, does simplify things :unsure:

What are you gonna do when if they steal the election?
that also gives lots of time to formulate a plan for nobodybusiness's question.(we can start now) :unsure:
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And the elections were stolen (at least in coastal states) for probably decades.
aenyc, your line above seems to imply that by default elections are stolen.

if that is the case then we already know it's going to be stolen, no figuring out anything is needed. very simple

I'm kind of wondering how you or I can confirm an election is lost or stolen
talking heads
thoughts of the one that lost
state Election officials
my question above is very convoluted, but if by default elections are stolen, that is much simpler (not better, just simpler)
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aenyc, your line above seems to imply that by default elections are stolen.

if that is the case then we already know it's going to be stolen, no figuring out anything is needed. very simple

I'm kind of wondering how you or I can confirm an election is lost or stolen
talking heads
thoughts of the one that lost
state Election officials
my question above is very convoluted, but if by default elections are stolen, that is much simpler (not better, just simpler)

Confirmation is supereasy if you were following the events in 2020.
There were too many to recall, but the big ones were things like GA shenanigans with "bursted pipe", trucks of ballots being dropped off (all for Biden) captured on video in numerous places, thousands of "only Biden" votes counted after hours, dominion machines having being connected to i the internet and having backdoors....
Its almost as if they wanted everyone to see the insanity of it all, testing as if someone will actually do anything.
Noone did, and the Supremes chickened out to hear the case.
trucks of ballots being dropped off (all for Biden) captured on video in numerous places, thousands of "only Biden" votes counted after hours....
aenyc, was this what Sidney Powell/rudy Giulian working on in courts or 2000 mules :unsure:

this shows how convoluted my question is, you or I can see a video of a truck carrying ballets
but we lack a way of seeing if they were all for biden or not :unsure: we can only assume/guess

I'm seeing talk of dropping vance for Nikki :love:
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I'm kind of wondering how you or I can confirm an election is lost or stolen :unsure:
The only real data we have is the Maricopa County Arizona audit. Here is the audit report. One glaring omission is the scan of the ultraviolet watermark. The were clearly shown scanning the watermark, however the presentation does not include [unless I missed in the 3-hour presentation].

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