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said it earlier and pissed off everyone... NUKE the entire middle east into a puddle of glass.

Did not piss me off I merely stated if we do everything goes in fire sale. Israel has nukes it is rumored Kennedy was making moves take them from Israel

When Rosenberg passed out stolen nuke secrets to Israel to Russia they used them with help of white South Africa to build nukes in israel. Lot of Israeli then stabbed White South Africa in back and it wentt o mess it is now. Now white african ppl farmers get murdered there all time. One where the higher iq chinese are moving in to take advantage of the lower iq. Ta da.

Elon Musk is smartest African American ever.
China AND Russia bombers were turned back by our forces for violating Alaska air space just before Bidens I'm not running speech.
happened all the time in cold war except China and Russia were not doing it together. They were actually against one another over ASIA spoils of war after WW2. Now they are buddies because we pushed them together against us.

Are Americans really this dumb now. It sure seems like it.

The Russians took our B29 and made newer versions of it and then threatened USA for years after WW2 with Cold War Nuke Bomb " info stolen from the USA by Rosenbergs given to Russians and Israel". They- Communist Russia got half of Europe for fighting Germany after WW2. They - Russians waited until first nuke went off over Japan before Russia declared war on Japan - already had their ass whipped by Japanese before turning communist. Spoils of War is why they declared war on Japan lay claims to parts of Asia. Edit why Russia was semi-enemies with China..... korean war and vietnam followed.

PPL not knowing the context of SIMPLE History but can name all the players on their favorite sports team are the RETARDS that allowed it to this point. Ancient Romans getting free bread tossed to them at the events. DISTRACTED. Ever watch Professional Fake Wrestling. Ever realize you are watching 2 grown men in their underwear in sexual positions? PINNING ONE ANOTHER ..... Pile Driver. Need I explain more for how we got here?

Quick dirty sources:

Look Ma the Russians were in Poland too. England made deal with Russia because Germany was doing that America First and kicked Rothschild Family out. They gave Communist Russia half of Europe after WW2 as a deal. hahaha bahahah Americans are so dumb. Keep Sending your kids to fight.

Kosher pickle - training aid website for Russia declaring War on Japan

You have been screwed since you were born. Be mad at me and prove you are really just stupid. It is history. hey ever wonder why communist destroy old history and kill the old folks - erase history so they can repeat it. Yikes.

You Indians want they beads and jewelry for Manhattan ..... you Americans want these chinese goods on credit ?

This story is often called bs now by the ppl that control the place because they made the DEAL ..... let you figure out who made the deal. Same ppl that setup own and control wall street where slaves were sold as stock.

Where Communism got American backing and best start NYC.

George Soros of his day once worked for Rothschild's just Like Soros worked for Rothschild Family.
Meet Jacob Schiff promoter of communism that Took Russia and murdered the Royal Family then starved Christian ppl of Ukraine - Holodomor.
He built Japan up to beat the Russians that allowed communist to take over.

Simple links you can look for more ....... Why do you ppl not know this? What is your favorite sports team? Favorite tv show? Favorite NEWS channel? That is why you are ignorant which does not mean stupid. A stupid person is one which looks and still denies SIMPLE history. You are doomed to failure. The Germany ppl were shown the Holodomor and motivated to fight the ppl that did it and prevent themselves from being wiped out. Elected Hitler. The jews that claim persecution were guilty of many things to include being Communist and ANTIFA. They were also being force moved to Rothschild's Mandatory Palestine because they were trouble makers every where they went. Think of forcing KKK BLM and ANTIFA to leave here.

The NAZI Germans being the smart mf'ers they were eliminated the Brown Shirts that got them into power with Night of the Long Knives." Basically, fake professional wrestling trailer park trash that would fight to give a leader rise to power but not desirables because low iq and uncontrollable violent ..... ELIMINATED

The Night of the Long Knives (German: Nacht der langen Messer), also called the Röhm purge or Operation Hummingbird (German: Unternehmen Kolibri), was a purge that took place in Nazi Germany from 30 June to 2 July 1934. Chancellor Adolf Hitler, urged on by Hermann Göring and Heinrich Himmler, ordered a series of political extrajudicial executions intended to consolidate his power and alleviate the concerns of the German military about the role of Ernst Röhm and the Sturmabteilung (SA), the Nazis' paramilitary organization, known colloquially as "Brownshirts". Nazi propaganda presented the murders as a preventive measure against an alleged imminent coup by the SA under Röhm – the so-called Röhm Putsch.


"Operation paperclip" after WW2 was a success Lot of "Operations" on American soil after WW2. Clue " Ashke- NAZI" about ~160,000 were openly serving Hitler.

Simple things to ponder. The easy part is don't look.... call me a name and run away.
Simple history. Why is the Average American in USA so dumbed down? Like the Good Christian that never reads their own Bible.
Sorry but it is the truth. Needs to be stated before it is erased so can be repeated. I don't want another Hitler or the bs to keep being repeated on ignorant ppl. A civilization was once determined by written and preserved history by definition.
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What radical ideas?

Note: As of now, I literally have no idea what Vance's voice even sounds like. I just read that he was a never Trumper. I literally know nothing else about the man.
Look up the movie Hillbilly Elegy ..... That's all about his background. He had a VERY rough up-bringing but then served in the Marine Corps and graduated from Yale law school while working several jobs. His background is anything but ivy league.

What's out there about who he is now is mostly propaganda from people like aenyc who want to destroy him based on someone who contributed to his campaign. He was briefly a never Trumper, but came to his senses and has strongly supported Trump for quite a while now.

I'd like to see more of his actual record since college myself ..... Not the crystal ball insinuations with no real evidence.
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Does anyone want to start and Israel / Palestine thread?
I agree that it is an important discussion, but it keeps dragging this thread way out into the weeds.
Look up the movie Hillbilly Elegy ..... That's all about his background. He had a VERY rough up-bringing but then served in the Marine Corps and graduated from Yale law school while working several jobs. His background is anything but ivy league.

What's out there about who he is now is mostly propaganda from people like aenyc who want to destroy him based on someone who contributed to his campaign. He was briefly a never Trumper, but came to his senses and has strongly supported Trump for quite a while now.

I'd like to see more of his actual record since college myself ..... Not the crystal ball insinuations with no real evidence.
The Providence Journal

The elite New England university where J.D. Vance graduated also produced these presidents, VPs​

Rin Velasco, USA TODAY NETWORK - New England
July 15, 2024·2 min read

Former President Donald Trump has selected Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance as his running mate for the 2024 presidential election.
If Trump and Vance do win this November, it won't be the first time that a graduate of New England's elite Yale University became vice president.
Both former presidents and vice presidents of the United States have graduated from Yale as undergrads or, like Vance, from Yale Law School.

When did J.D. Vance go to Yale Law School?​

Vance attended Yale Law from 2010 to 2013 after graduating from Ohio State University with a degree in political science and philosophy.
He would go on to write and publish the best-selling memoir "Hillbilly Elegy" in 2016, later becoming the junior senator of the state of Ohio, where he grew up.

Other presidential Yale graduates​

The Ivy League Yale University has produced six other former presidents or vice presidents of the United States, going all the way back to the 1800's.
Here's the list:

John C. Calhoun (Class of 1804)​

John C. Calhoun, who would go on to serve as vice president under John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, entered Yale College – as the undergraduate program was known at that time – in 1802 and graduated in 1804.

William Howard Taft (Class of 1878)​

William Howard Taft, the Ohio Republican who would become the 27th President of the United States and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, went to Yale College and graduated second in his class in 1878.
Taft was also part of the Yale secret society known as Skull and Bones, which his father helped form.

Gerald Ford (Yale Law, 1941)​

Before serving in the U.S. Navy during World War 2 and becoming the 38th U.S. president, Gerald Ford graduated from Yale Law School in 1941.
Ford was also an assistant coach of the Yale football team while pursuing his law degree.

George H.W. Bush (Class of 1948)​

George H.W. Bush, who would later become the 41st U.S. president, graduated from Yale University in 1948.
During his time at Yale, George H.W. Bush was also the third baseman and a captain of the Yale Bulldogs, the school's baseball team. He was also in the Skull and Bones secret society.

Bill Clinton (Yale Law, 1973)​

The 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton went to Yale Law School and graduated in 1973.
Yale Law is also where Clinton would meet his future wife, Hillary Rodham.

George W. Bush (Class of 1968)​

George W. Bush, the 43rd U.S. president, began attending Yale University in 1964. He would graduate in 1968 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history.
Like his father, George H.W. Bush, and grandfather, George W. Bush was a cheerleader at Yale, having begun his cheer career in high school. He was also a member of the Skull and Bones secret society.
Rin Velasco is a trending reporter. She can be reached at
This article originally appeared on Trump's VP pick J.D. Vance joins tradition of influential Yale politicos


Does anyone want to start and Israel / Palestine thread?
I agree that it is an important discussion, but it keeps dragging this thread way out into the weeds.
History or the lack of knowing history is the problem. Dragging things into the weeds is incorrect. This is the Off Topic forum. Right? Look through the whole thread. Being a blind cheer leader is not the solution anymore then following aenyc. Ppl need to educate themselves vs chanting USSA USSA USSA .

The shit we are going through right now is because we allowed it. VETTING is important.

Is Vance..... Skull and Bone?
The NAZI wore Skull and Bone ring 1 of my family killed an SS officer in WW2 chopped his dead finger off and took his RING as a trophy. Just silly shit

Looked much like this:

Hitler was on cover of Time magazine as a good guy. Probably more then being on there as a bad guy. He did lock up 2 Rothschilds .......hold them for ransom to get back stolen money.

Imagine if USA made Rothschild and Fink and Soros and so on give back money? Then lost that WAR.

Trump is called Hitler and a NAZI all the time. Right? What if the internet did not exist to let ppl know that is a lie?
I found this on Politico ..... so, the goal is probably to make Vance look bad .... but, there is a lot of information.

He did have a number of interactions with Thiel, but seems to have moved away from him in recent years ..... Mitt Romney doesn't like him, so that is good ..... Tucker Carlson is a fan of his ..... that is good.

Seems like he was about as far from a typical Yale graduate as you can get.

It kinda looks to me like his political views have matured since 2016 into a solid America first type view. He has been a very strong Trump supporter since winning the Ohio senate seat.

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I found this on Politico ..... so, the goal is probably to make Vance look bad .... but, there is a lot of information.

He did have a number of interactions with Thiel, but seems to have moved away from him in recent years ..... Mitt Romney doesn't like him, so that is good ..... Tucker Carlson is a fan of his ..... that is good.

It kinda looks to me like his political views have matured since 2016 into a solid America first type view. He has been a very strong Trump supporter since winning the Ohio senate seat.

I read Musk pulled away because of Thiel - Vance but he still supports Trump can't find that direct post now. I read to much. :)

Reading VETTING is important. I agree with aenyc but do not agree with his no vote statements. It is completely against the freedom we have left to self govern or attempt to. The ppl in charge know our will. It is also a gage that use to know better back off or ppl will rebel and chop fingers and heads off in "let them eat cake" style. Unfortunately if true am related to her French king husband that also got his head removed. Shame of it all. The family member that enrolled in that DNA collection is now dead. Died from covid. Just coincidence. I doubt genetics history linking is much truth .... think it is bought up by ppl like Fink to make poison- Covid type crap to genetically kill ppl much like RFK jr was implying when called antisemitic.

Fritz Haber was a German jew that gassed our American Ally soldiers in WW1 His experiments even gassed Hitler which was so turned off did not allow use those type weapons in WW2. Haber did make Zyklon B - kill lice which was both reported used to murder jews: lice and gas. Haber also made chemical fertilizers used to grown food and make bombs.

Reading should be illegal. It will be soon. AS Dumb dumb down continues. Open mind and VETTING is suppose to be done at Trump level. Trump did very poor job last time of who he picked. NO?
they would just sing songs louder (folk music has been with us a long long time)

View attachment 231161
Strange do you remember OBUMA drinking the Flint Michigan water? He must like the Taste of Michael's Weiner in his mouth better. No reason to wash that taste out.



'I've Got Your Back,' Obama Tells Residents Of Flint, Mich., Amid Water Crisis​

MAY 4, 20166:28 PM ET
Merrit Kennedy 2018 square
Merrit Kennedy

President Obama drinks a glass of filtered Flint water during a meeting with federal officials at the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan in Flint, Mich., on Wednesday.

Tommy the biggest thing the DEMS accuse other ppl of doing is exactly what they are and have been doing.
I read Musk pulled away because of Thiel - Vance but he still supports Trump can't find that direct post now. I read to much. :)
I don't really understand what the Musk / Trump thing is all about. Musk says he never did commit to the 35 million a month, that it was all made up the the Wall Street Journal ..... don't know.
Reading VETTING is important. I agree with aenyc but do not agree with his no vote statements. It is completely against the freedom we have left to self govern or attempt to. The ppl in charge know our will. It is also a gage that use t

o know better back off or ppl will rebel and chop fingers and heads off in "let them eat cake" style. Unfortunately if true am related to her French king husband that also got his head removed. Shame of it all. The family member that enrolled in that DNA collection is now dead. Died from covid. Just coincidence. I doubt genetics history linking is much truth .... think it is bought up by ppl like Fink to make poison- Covid type crap to genetically kill ppl much like RFK jr was implying when called antisemitic.

Fritz Haber was a German jew that gassed our American Ally soldiers in WW1 His experiments even gassed Hitler which was so turned off did not allow use those type weapons in WW2. Haber did make Zyklon B - kill lice which was both reported used to murder jews: lice and gas. Haber also made chemical fertilizers used to grown food and make bombs.

Reading should be illegal. It will be soon. AS Dumb dumb down continues. Open mind and VETTING is suppose to be done at Trump level. Trump did very poor job last time of who he picked. NO?

The way I am looking at it is that we all go thru a process when maturing ..... What influence does Thiel still have on Vance? Heck, I voted for Jimmy Carter the first time.
Kinda looks like he has totally bought into Trumps agenda.

Seems like he has been solidly in the America First category since 2016 or so.
I don't really understand what the Musk / Trump thing is all about. Musk says he never did commit to the 35 million a month, that it was all made up the the Wall Street Journal ..... don't know.

The way I am looking at it is that we all go thru a process when maturing ..... What influence does Thiel still have on Vance? Heck, I voted for Jimmy Carter the first time.
Kinda looks like he has totally bought into Trumps agenda.

Seems like he has been solidly in the America First category since 2016 or so.
I've read Thiel was NAZI but Gay. The NAZI didn't like GAy anymore then ARABS MUSLIM ISLAMIST like gay. Watching gay ppl promote ISLAM cracks me up whe even Obuma admits he can't live in africa because of their human rights violations. Caucasus is basically where the term Caucasian comes from - white ppl. Just sharing some of that worthless education that I tossed good money at decades ago.

PPL can be educated to wash rinse and repeat but they can't be educated to think. No more than some ppl can do effective trouble shooting. Working around UNIONS really ruined me.

Carter turned me off from Democrats. Listening to Papa Bush the Skull Bone CIA man talk about New World Order made me run and vote for Bill Clinton the first time. Boy was that pot calling the pan black. Clinton with exception of his dick getting him in with mossad black mailing women time and time again bucked them for his own criminal gains. Along comes, Epstein come with me, Bill get some young pussy. So, Bill most likely did 20-30 times to Epstein Island. Which criminal is better or worse they are all criminal. First Papa Bush most likely was involved in Reagan shooting. Papa Bush wanted to be like Johnson after JFK.

The Kennedy's papa was a gangster prohibition liquor fortune. hahahaha God Damn
This article shows that Thiel has had a lot of influence on Vance including his election to the Senate .... But, I fail to see any of evil bogyman Thiel is made out to be ....... nothing like if Soros had his hooks into him ..... Vance seems to be doing the right things.

The whole evil Thiel thing looks more like it's coming from the crystal ball crowd who somehow see all the evil things people are going to do before they do it ..... In the absence of actual evidence of some wrongdoing, seems like propaganda to me.

Well, when copied, the link says subscribe to read .... but, I didn't subscribe to anything an read it just fine. Seems like when going to it from a search it's fine ...... but not once the link is copied

Edit ..... Does this work .... search and then click the first hit.
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I can understand aenyc frustrations why took up for him in the past - several times. I made error there too. Voting is a message to them. They understand the will of the ppl even though they might not allow it. If ppl's will is neglected to long there will be rebels and change they don't want. Haiti uprising scared the Slave Owners to death.

Christians should know if read their bible both slaves and slave owners are addressed in the bible for how they should act. Christians should read their bible and stop being damned.
This article shows that Thiel has had a lot of influence on Vance including his election to the Senate .... But, I fail to see any of evil bogyman Thiel is made out to be ....... nothing like if Soros had his hooks into him ..... Vance seems to be doing the right things.

The whole evil Thiel thing looks more like it's coming from the crystal ball crowd who somehow see all the evil things people are going to do before they do it ..... In the absence of actual evidence of some wrongdoing, seems like propaganda to me.

Well, when copied, the link says subscribe to read .... but, I didn't subscribe to anything an read it just fine. Seems like when going to it from a search it's fine ...... but not once the link is copied.
If Thiel had been pushing for Biden what would you say? Honest question Would he be a gay man that crushed a news firm for outing his sexual preferences? Which honestly I don't care what he does ...... The thought of Fink being put in as US TREASURY is far worse to me.

Again, Trump requires vetting because his picks last time were Super Lousy. Sad part with no other choices votes will still go to Trump even if SATAN was his VP running mate. NO?

Just thinking ...... VETTING is not a bad idea but Trump is not listening to us.
If Thiel had been pushing for Biden what would you say? Honest question Would he be a gay man that crushed a news firm for outing his sexual preferences? Which honestly I don't care what he does ...... The thought of Fink being put in as US TREASURY is far worse to me.

Again, Trump requires vetting because his picks last time were Super Lousy. Sad part with no other choices votes will still go to Trump even if SATAN was his VP running mate. NO?

Just thinking ...... VETTING is not a bad idea but Trump is not listening to us.
I still don't see the problem ...... What is Vance doing wrong that is because of this supposed bogyman? It all seems like hype to me.
I still don't see the problem ...... What is Vance doing wrong that is because of this supposed bogyman? It all seems like hype to me.
That is exact thing the left says about George Soros. Even though the Right have pointed Soros out time and time again..... even the left points him out. Or did the change in being allowed to point out Soros changed with Alex Soros taking over. Now it is forbidden to talk about the Soros.

Open impartial minus trivial tribal is hard for all of us. Again took up for aenyc in the past because we all struggle with it at times. I just have not given in to the no vote and never will. I want the fuckers to know my will.

Rand Paul would actually have been a better choice he is often only one pushing his ideas of freedom to which I often subscribe. The problem with us on the Right we won't pack up because we see imperfections. Something to which TommySr often speaks and worries needless about. The communist are the ones that eliminate the weak old tired sick and erase history far more than any other after starving out their opposition. Your post on communism shows that. I can see why you would back them no matter what. That might not be wrong as stated even if Trump had Satan as VP might - still be the best option.
The left right thing.


Democrats used to chastise big oil when prices went up. Now they want prices to rise so that electric cars make better financial sense.

Democrats used to be closed borders advocates because cheap labor coming over harmed the working man's wages. The right was for open borders because it gave them cheap laborers.

Democrats were against gay marriage because it harmed the family. Now they are for gay marriage.

The Democrats have become the elite party. Well paid software geeks, single middle-aged divorced professional women among others, all flock to thus party.

The reasons are different. The republican party of 2024 is the democratic party of 2008.
got to wonder, do the parties stay the same, but the groups that affiliate with them change
over time. :unsure: we just get displaced, canceled or pushed out.(way of the world, out with the old, in with the new groups :unsure: )

changing gears(very noisy)
D71, Musk has the greed/tech part figured out, but seems to suck at parenting.
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