diy solar

diy solar


I propose no government. I propose communities governing themselves at the small level, with everyone pitching in, even the "eternal referendum" - possible with today's tech.
I propose voluntarism and community "government", where all interactions are for mutual benefit.
In critical situations power can be given temporarily to a council, only to deal with a specific critical situation.
never work too many other countries that would roll right over our border if we did not have a federal government. the best thing would be to curtail the federal bureaucracies completely. only thing ledt standing should be a revamped CIA, a revamped FBI and DOJ, and a revamped State department. those four are needed but after they have been cleansed of the rot that currently permeates them. then the military nothing else, no DOE, DOI, DOL, DOEd, BATF, DEA etc. FBI investigates drugs, internally, CIA externally, US military intercepts and destroys drug shipment, externally. the rest of them were never specifically authorized in the constitution nor the bill of rights so get rid of them and let the states deal with each of those individual functions themselves.

flat federal sales tax of 10% that can be lowered if it rakes in too much. no exceptions for anything including medicine or food. want to eat like a king pay the taxes, want to drive a bentley, pay the taxes.
mistakes were made, she was responsible, people died, people got maimed, she needed to man up.(resign)

her attempt to make excuses for people abandoning their posts will haunt her agency for years to come(sloped roof)
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this just boinked its way into my brain a few seconds ago.... kamala harris is there presumptive nominee.... i just realized she is replacing a man who can not run as he is in a declining mental spiral and he is the one that is promoting kamala harris....

Sweet baby Jesus! They are replacing a retard with another retard at the behest of the first retard.
How will you implement this plan when you can't even spell it out to a bunch of crazy strangers on the internet?

We are the only people who will listen to you. We even want what you want, probably.

Yet you still can't spell it out for us.

I am not going to change your mind unless you take time to research the material, educate yourself and draw your own conclusion.
Nor is it my goal. I think all the "characters" here have their mind firmly set, and that is not going to change (although Bob did change his mind on Covid shot, so there is hope)

I said, this and I will say it again - my goal is post information that i come across that essentially proves that we are ruled by unelected oligarchy whos interest do not align with ours. Anyone with an open mind and willingness to read and research is my essential goal. Because you have to understand what is going on first in order to even have a chance to resist it.
there is a blueprint, lord of the flies

View attachment 230773

A very good analogy proving my point of bad guy with psycopathic traits rising to the top, and normies following along because they lack critical thinking.
Slaves need to be governed and told what to do. Free folk do not.
Milgram experiment proves that most people are casual slaves who do not think for themselves (and the parasitic "elites" learned to fully capitalize on that)

Its also interesting that in the book, when they "hang" Piggy, there is a moment of brief awakening ala "what have we done". The analogy to real world is war, that the "elites" inevitably draw everyone (but themselves) in. After a certain time people get tired of atrocities that is war, and it ends, and the memory creates a period of peace. But once the horrors are forgotten in a few generations, the "elites" roll the drums of war again, to again cover up for their mishaps. We are there now.
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ken, like I'd wait too long to post something that would refresh your memory 🐼

you may be jumping the gun on D71, he has presented information demonstrating his views.
and your shots at checkthisout seem misplaced, freedom of expression and all that, he seems to be
one of the most conservative/right/maga here in the basement. I'm still trying to understand aenyc :unsure:
(I do wish I could write like him)
This is no surprise just get a ai chat bot.
taking shots at one of your own seems misplaced(bob this lines for you also).
Coming from a Rino republican........
never work too many other countries that would roll right over our border if we did not have a federal government. the best thing would be to curtail the federal bureaucracies completely. only thing ledt standing should be a revamped CIA, a revamped FBI and DOJ, and a revamped State department. those four are needed but after they have been cleansed of the rot that currently permeates them. then the military nothing else, no DOE, DOI, DOL, DOEd, BATF, DEA etc. FBI investigates drugs, internally, CIA externally, US military intercepts and destroys drug shipment, externally. the rest of them were never specifically authorized in the constitution nor the bill of rights so get rid of them and let the states deal with each of those individual functions themselves.

flat federal sales tax of 10% that can be lowered if it rakes in too much. no exceptions for anything including medicine or food. want to eat like a king pay the taxes, want to drive a bentley, pay the taxes.
Check it. Snicker :) :ROFLMAO:


Where is the FBI’s authority written down?​

The FBI has a range of legal authorities that enable it to investigate federal crimes and threats to national security, as well as to gather intelligence and assist other law enforcement agencies.
Federal law gives the FBI authority to investigate all federal crime not assigned exclusively to another federal agency (28, Section 533 of the U.S. Code). Title 28, U.S. Code, Section 533, authorizes the attorney general to appoint officials to detect and prosecute crimes against the United States. Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 3052, specifically authorizes special agents and officials of the FBI to make arrests, carry firearms, and serve warrants. Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 3107, empowers special agents and officials to make seizures under warrant for violation of federal statutes. The FBI’s authority to investigate specific criminal violations is conferred by numerous other congressional statutes—such as the Congressional Assassination, Kidnapping, and Assault Act (Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 351). The FBI has special investigative jurisdiction to investigate violations of state law in limited circumstances, specifically felony killings of state law enforcement officers (28 U.S.C. § 540), violent crimes against interstate travelers (28 U.S.C. § 540A0), and serial killers (28 U.S.C. §540B). A request by an appropriate state official is required before the FBI has authority to investigate these matters. In addition, Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 0.85, outlines the investigative and other responsibilities of the FBI, including the collection of fingerprint cards and identification records; the training of state and local law enforcement officials at the FBI National Academy; and the operation of the National Crime Information Center and the FBI Laboratory.
The FBI has authority to investigate threats to national security pursuant to presidential executive orders, attorney general authorities, and various statutory sources. Title II of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, Public Law 108-458, 118 Stat. 3638, outlines FBI intelligence authorities, as does Executive Order 12333; 50 U.S.C. 401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
This combination of authorities gives the FBI the unique ability to address national security and criminal threats that are increasingly intertwined and to shift between the use of intelligence tools such as surveillance or recruiting sources and law enforcement tools of arrest and prosecution. Unlike many domestic intelligence agencies around the world, the FBI can shift seamlessly between intelligence collection and action. This allows the FBI to continue gathering intelligence on a subject to learn more about his or her social and financial network, and shift gears quickly to arrest him or her if harm to an innocent person appears imminent. The threat of prosecution, in turn, can be used to encourage cooperation to support further intelligence gathering.


They are criminal negligent. They fbi deserve prison for guilty parties. Who investigate - arrests the fbi. ...... ???
From same website. Criminals are not going to investigate and arrest their own. The director of national intelligence is another democrat. So.... congress just talks shit blah blah blah. So..... We The Ppl are only ones that can fix it. :) don't ever talk to fbi them and irs are awful. Refuse plead 5th... Trump if gets back needs to cleanse them like he did to irs. Let's see what he does or does not do. Unless We The Ppl are going to do something besides fight amongst ourselves. If Trump would done right thing would cleaned military declared martial law on blm antifa and held military tribunals on our own govt.

I think the communist have to much control and we can never recover most of the time ..... ...just my opinion. Therefore PURGE


The very guy that was suppose to do the oversight of Field agents in SS has replaced the Leader that stepped down. In doing so the multi-million dollar lawsuit has been dropped.

Ronald Rowe Jr., the Secret Service deputy director, was tapped Tuesday as the acting director of the embattled agency while the Biden administration searches for a new leader following the near-assassination of former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania earlier this month.

A career Secret Service veteran with a broad portfolio​

Cheatle appointed Rowe as her top deputy in April 2023. In that role, he was responsible for direct oversight of the agency’s daily investigative and protective operations. He also guided the agency’s policies "and was responsible for introducing state-of-the-art technologies to enhance the agency’s protective countermeasures," according to his official bio.

Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle will no longer face a $7 million lawsuit since she resigned from the role.

that is what it takes to get rid of them.
When Trump said he could change things with a single phone call ..... He wasn't kidding.

Zelensky probably can't blackmail Trump like he did Biden to steal ~$200billion dollars from us. Just think of all the stuff we could have done as a postive wit that money. Democrats are not upset. Remember when Trump Begged for single digit billions to sew up the border and Democrats in Congress said "no." I have to wonder why The Republican House gives in every time No back bone - jelly fish = we have as reps. They are getting their kick backs too. Both sides.

The communist killed the USA history-icons and they killed old ppl.... these things are done every time communist take over. Out with the old in with the new ..... this is exactly how it is now. 2020 blm antifa was a color revolution soft war the Congress and Govt mostly took a knee. That was the visual score that most have yet to understand. The survivors still shout - chant USA USA USA. It should be USSA. They will force Harris in as a definite appointed leader now. They are still nervous to show all their cards. Time will prove right and wrong.
Remember when Biden pushed a bill to secure the border and republicans said "no" because they wanted to keep the border a disaster, so they had something to attack him with?
go back read it again.... they are "both getting kick backs." If you want to get paid and not get killed than you will go along with their personal training program if elected. Most would rather get paid then get killed or have a loved one killed. If they all stood up most Americans would not back them. McCarthy fighting communism is the 1950's found that out. JFK getting his brains blown out and no one doing anything proved that. Few days ago had Trump got killed what would of happened? Besides the democrats sucking one another off?
Wray is a LOT better and answering in a way that gives no significant information.

If Trump gets back and that is "IF" than these assholes know Military Tribunals are ROUGH

As in Saddam Hussein neck stretching never recover rough. Saddam almost got his head pulled off. These fuckers better be extremely worried if Trump gets back. That is keeping them awake at night. Code when you try to kill someone and screw it up then everything is on the table for retaliation - pay back.

On a better note:


The Hill


Musk says he’s not donating $45 million a month to Trump​

Story by Nick Robertson
• 19h • 2 min read

Topics mentioned in this article

Tech billionaire Elon Musk appeared to pare down his commitment to give $45 million a month supporting former President Trump, saying Tuesday that his giving is “at a much lower level.”

Musk had reportedly committed the record amount to America PAC, which he founded alongside other notable conservative donors. The promise came the same day Trump named Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) as his running mate.

Wonder why? Probably this:

‘My son is dead… KiIIed by the woke mind virus’ — Elon Musk​

Musk Vowed to DESTROY them.
‘My son is dead… KiIIed by the woke mind virus’ — Elon Musk
Musk Vowed to DESTROY them.
I lost my daughter to the woke mind virus. A strong-willed, fiercely-independent Texas girl. After getting her bachelors [in Texas] and then masters in science education [in Arizona] she became fully indoctrinated and moved to Seattle. No more follow the science...
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I lost my daughter to the woke mind virus. A strong-willed, fiercely-independent Texas girl. After getting her bachelors, and then masters in science education, she became fully indoctrinated and moved to Seattle. No more follow the science...
Sorry. We all have problems my nephew went from good kid to devout communist after college. It messes them up. The kids have to comply and repeat to graduate. :confused: The liberal professor at college could be assholes years ago. I wouldn't mind if all colleges got a GOVT cleanse - defunding too. PPL fired and retirements taken. Jail for some.

You can tell Musk is messed up. He is blaming himself. His enemies will use that against him.
I lost my daughter to the woke mind virus.
something tell me if we let our ideology/political views control our families, we stand a chance of
losing generations(kids/grandkids/great-grandkids), not seeing any value in that.

someone needs to tell Musk(your best off excepting people as they are, not how you want them)
something he should keep in mind, if you have a kid that can't hear, you learn sign language.
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I lost my daughter to the woke mind virus. A strong-willed, fiercely-independent Texas girl. After getting her bachelors [in Texas] and then masters in science education [in Arizona] she became fully indoctrinated and moved to Seattle. No more follow the science...

As somebody who lives in Seattle, I am very very sorry about that. :cry:
Remember when Biden pushed a bill to secure the border and republicans said "no" because they wanted to keep the border a disaster, so they had something to attack him with?
Oh gee one more patronizing bullshitter trying to pass off that lie.
The ONLY action required by anyone to secure the border would have been Biden rescinding his XO that opened it up.

Now please stop lying to us.

diy solar

diy solar