diy solar

diy solar


When SCOTUS did not stand up for your messiah (The election WAS stolen from him, but irregardless) - it showed that the entire system is rotten to the core.

So, on one had he is bought and paid for by them .... and on the other they stole they election from him because they couldn't control him ..... irrational thought.
You mean like OJ Simpson?
Jon Corzine?
Hunter Biden?
Should I go on?

Ok pretend you I and Bob live in the same micro-community where we self govern.

How do we find out who raped and murdered your daughter and how we bring this person to justice and what does that justice look like?
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You mean like OJ Simpson?
Jon Corzine?
Hunter Biden?
Should I go on?

PS. I am a big fan of 2A. I will defend my daughter and teach her to defend herself. I will also do my best to teach her to do her best not to be in such situation.

Sure you will but things happen as you are imperfect yourself and cannot be there to protect her at all times.
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You mean like OJ Simpson?
Jon Corzine?
Hunter Biden?
Should I go on?

PS. I am a big fan of 2A. I will defend my daughter and teach her to defend herself. I will also do my best to teach her to do her best not to be in such situation.

PPS. An armed society is a polite one

That's nice. Lets say you robbed a shop and the shopkeep thought a fair punishment for robbery was that he gets to rape your daughter and shoot you in the dick and 20 other townspeople that are part of this self-governing board all think that's fair punishment to.

Is it fair?
Ok pretend you I and Bob live in the same micro-community where we self govern.

How do we find out who raped and murdered your daughter and how we bring this person to justice and what does that justice look like?

I already told you.
I would teach her to defend herself and I would teach her not to be in such situation.
I would also be in a community where things like that are extremely unlikely to happen because everyone is armed and closely aligned in beliefs as well as social class and is on the watch for suspicions persons who do not belong in our community.

I do not trust government justice (See examples provided). I will take my chances with above. I would certainly not sacrifice my liberty for imaginary safety, which seems to be what a lot of you want to do.
Parts of him are globalist. If he was that controlled they wouldn't be after him like they are.

He's a fallen creature like the rest of us. At least we got good tax and border policy under his presidency.

Or you are falling for the theater put in front of you.
Noone gets anywhere near those positions who is not fully controlled.

Being partly globalist is like being a little pregnant. Sorry not buying
I am waiting for the real fix of the border - getting rid of free stuff that lures the illegals in. I am not holding my breath
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aenyc, it does seem to open up more opportunities for you.

The other day you posted admired aenyc writing.

I already told aenyc to stop cut paste without quotes. Aenyc has many problems and 1 is presenting original thoughts. I explained no need to confuse ppl for material source that he did not write to use quotes He is acting like spoiled child in need of a nap. :ROFLMAO:

Especially when he does retraction after retraction saying he does not agree with what he has been posting. """" quotes""" are hard for him. I use screen shots because old days they edited websites by the daily by the hourly by the minute with changes. Confusing

Tommy will you Explain to aenyc why he should vote doesnt really matter dor who but he needs to vote even if for Biden. ? Mickey mouse is a traditional. Voting sends the fuckers a message.
aenyc, but he is right, of all here you have the most to gain from a trump term. checkthisout/bob/grizzzman/42OhmsPA and the
list is long, only gets lower taxes and no immigrates, your whole plan needs trump to work.

vance is just a money maker for trump, his plans was already formulated long before vance.

don't miss your golden opportunity, you owe it to yourself to vote for trump.

*edit : I didn't include ken because all he gets to do is salivate at all the drams over here
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aenyc, but he is right, of all here you have the most to gain from a trump term. checkthisout/bob/grizzzman/42OhmsPA and the
list is long, only gets lower taxes and no immigrates, your whole plan needs trump to work.

vance is just a money maker for trump, his plans was already formulated long before vance.

don't miss your golden opportunity

Sorry i dont trust any of them, they all serve globalist interests. The palantir connection is basically the spooks in charge, that to me is beyond doubt based on the Unlimited Hangout article (very well researched, as it confirms my own findings). It is also what i have been observing since around 2010 under every single politician in various offices since then. They all advanced the agenda. Every single one. Covid was proof on steroids. Every single puppet in office tucked their tail and some only started to appear to be speaking when people have already overruled them by their refusal to follow the mandates months and years later (See Noem/Desantis). You had almost noone in power strand up to vaxx mandates (clearly unconstitutional, yet everyone - politicians and judges decided to just tuck their tails)
Trump wont admit he was wrong till this day. Tells you a lot.
An honest admittal of being wrong on vaxx/covid and choosing someone like Rand or Massie as VP and even a verbal promise to reduce the size of fedgov would have made me break my rule and actually vote and give him a second chance. But he blew it with high colors proving my suspicions. (The first real blowing it was failing to pardon Assange in his first term - made me very highly suspicious of him).
His recent interview re Epstein files is also very interesting based on his actions when asked about it

We will have to agree to disagree.
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I get that, that's a lot of responsibility to undertake.
I couldn't pull it off

and keep in mind elections have consequences which mr trump has made very clear
his first time around.

this is a picture of how your plan starts, guess who made it possible(mr trump)

Sorry i dont trust any of them
think of them as just a means, you only need faith in yourself.
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I get that, that's a lot of responsibility to undertake.
I couldn't pull it off

and keep in mind elections have consequences which mr trump has made very clear
his first time around.

this is a picture of how your plan starts
View attachment 230759

No my plan is completely different TommySr.
My plan is action on my level to make those who think they govern us irrelevant as much as possible. (See my example of people refusing mandates in Florida and SD to make those politicians quickly turn around and dance to peoples parade).
Too bad they still steal from me via taxation, but they are doing it at proverbial gunpoint like thugs they are.
And I have not heard a single real solution even verbally. Every single "solution" they announced is a solution in Haegelian dialectic - Problem, Reaction, Solution.
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(See my example of people refusing mandates in Florida and SD to make those politicians quickly turn around and dance to peoples parade).
going back for a look...

while of all the plans that one seems the most palatable to me, but relies on all sheep's getting together to kick the wolf's ass :unsure:
or just ignoring wolf :oops:
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No my plan is completely different TommySr.
My plan is action on my level to make those who think they govern us irrelevant as much as possible. (See my example of people refusing mandates in Florida and SD to make those politicians quickly turn around and dance to peoples parade).
Too bad they still steal from me via taxation, but they are doing it at proverbial gunpoint like thugs they are.
And I have not heard a single real solution even verbally. Every single "solution" they announced is a solution in Haegelian dialectic - Problem, Reaction, Solution.

How will you implement this plan when you can't even spell it out to a bunch of crazy strangers on the internet?

We are the only people who will listen to you. We even want what you want, probably.

Yet you still can't spell it out for us.
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Or you are falling for the theater put in front of you.
Noone gets anywhere near those positions who is not fully controlled.

The problem I have is that you think there is a group of people who 100% control everything and somehow shot Trump in the ear with Trump as a willing accomplice to their scheme.

Being partly globalist is like being a little pregnant. Sorry not buying
I am waiting for the real fix of the border - getting rid of free stuff that lures the illegals in. I am not holding my breath

You're going to die of old age long before that.
I already told you.
I would teach her to defend herself and I would teach her not to be in such situation.

Sure you would.

Its clear you haven't really thought your plan through and get out of explaining it by pretending that youll be a god who will stop bad things from happening.

Anikin skywalker here.

I would also be in a community where things like that are extremely unlikely to happen because everyone is armed and closely aligned in beliefs as well as social class and is on the watch for suspicions persons who do not belong in our community.

That doesn't answer the question..

When someone in your social class in your community with a gun rapes your daughter and then kills her, explain the system you have in place to hunt to figure out who that individual is, how you arrest them and bring them to justice and what that justice system looks like.

I do not trust government justice (See examples provided). I will take my chances with above. I would certainly not sacrifice my liberty for imaginary safety, which seems to be what a lot of you want to do.

Ok, so you'll let a raping murderer off the hook by turning the other cheek as the Amish do.
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still gets full retirement spot on the beach vs criminal investigation prison time.

the previous video shows a seen with the would be 20yr old shooter caught on video acting crazy....
melting down. Unhinged ~ 16:15 mark

diy solar

diy solar