diy solar

diy solar

Will's Book/free kindle


Nov 10, 2019

I just ordered your book Will, as paperback and on your website it says the kindle is free after ordering the paperback. Can someone tell me how to read the free kindle now? Thanks
but where is the book? I never used kindle.

Did you order the book yet? When you do, if there is a free download available with the purchase, there will be a link provided from Amazon. Though remember, if you order the book right now you will have it tomorrow. Amazon is getting so fast that the last time I ordered something there was a knock on my door a minute after I clicked "buy".

Okay, so it wasn't Amazon knocking, but just sayin' they are fast..... :)

Kindle reader apps
I ordered on Amazon. I need it NOW. I am ordering now and things are getting sold out. There was no link on Amazon. Thank you.
Once you own the book, follow the link on Will's web page to the Kindle edition. When you get there on the right you will see where it says "You already own this. You can read it now." That brings you the Kindle edition.

OK, so I have to join Kindle it seems. I know its free for a month, but I really won't ever use it and don't want it. I just hate to have to go back and cancel things. I tried to download the free kindlecloud, but microsoft said its not approved to use on my computer?? Go figure. They want me to download some other apps. Argh! When I click on your link, it doesn't say I already have it. Thanks for your help!
I guess I will just ask a few questions on this forum while I wait...I already know most of what I need, but instructions weren't clear on a couple things. Thank you for helping.
Yes! It says should be here tomorrow by 8pm.n DIDNT CHANGE - OH WELL!

diy solar

diy solar