diy solar

diy solar

AiLi Setup - Depth of Discharge


New Member
Oct 14, 2020
I have installed my AiLi battery monitor and need to discharge my battery to program it.

I have an ExpertPower 100ah LiFePo4 battery.

When discharging it to tell the AiLi it’s at 0%, how low should I go? A certain volt reading? Or until there’s no power?

When charging the battery to 100%, how do I know when I’m at 100% to program it as “full” with the AiLi?
2.5 volts per cell is dead empty.
For a 100 amp hour lifepo4 battery 3.65 volts with a tail current of 5 amps is full.
5 amps is 0.05c.
Does that clear things up?
If not, please ask specific questions on anything which is not clear.
From memory right now - if you select the "Ah" screen, then hold in the "set" button you can set the max AH capacity with the arrow buttons.

Then fully charge it.

Then choose "%" screen and i think "set" to set it to 100% - i forgot how to exactly do this.

diy solar

diy solar