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diy solar

Who is cooking something for the holidays?


Staff member
Sep 21, 2019
Belmont, NC
My task each year is to bake Cheesecakes... lots and lots of cheesecake...

I'm traditional, I like them rich and baked.
Sometimes I go chocolate sometimes I go cherries... usually, plain.

Anybody on here get tasked with a specialty dish?
Mashed potatoes... with aged white cheddar, 2 year aged Parmisiano Reggiano, lots of heavy cream, garlic and butter... oh, and potatoes.
@Supervstech Nope, just me here. I did just make a simple yet very delish cheesecake - no bake. I do keto (low carb) so I substituted the sugar for Erythritol. It is divine! And so easy!!!! Tastes so rich and just like the real deal! I could eat it every day! Do you want the recipe? As an aside, I was at Costco today and had a bottle of pure Vanilla Extract in my cart. It rang up at $29.99!!! What the heck? I removed it from the cart. Anyone that has stock in vanilla must be rich! What is going on??
You can cut the cost in half by ordering the beans on ebay. But, then you need to find at least one friend to go in halves because the more you order, the cheaper it is.

Just cut them open and leave in vodka for 3 months.

I haven't done it, yet. I pay the $30. Can't convince friends to go in on some beans.
I do the deviled eggs. Secret ingredient a touch of horseradish.
You know that's not really a secret. Matta fact, my friend said last time.. "there's a secret ingredient in them. Can you tell what it is?" I said right away, "I taste horseradish". That's when I discovered horseradish is not made out of the red radishes.
And who is cooking in a solar oven?

I was thinking about it but the weather forecast for our area is calling for 90% overcast and rain/snow .

Anyone without family is...not in as good of a situation as if they had family and friends.

My remaining family, and remember I am 68, is a sister to whom I do not speak, her 4 kids to whom I don't speak (and 3 of them don't speak to their mother), and cousins in Florida. Also I am an extreme introvert, almost to the level of misanthrope, so I don't really mind it at all. My dog is the only creature that hasn't let me down or taken advantage of me over the last 13 years. Christmas is the only day I am down abut being a loner because Christmas is about sharing and giving. I usually spend some time that day driving around handing out lunches I make at home to the homeless that live in the area. I know where most of their spots are. Nothing major. Just a couple of sandwiches and a can of Pepsi. Maybe a banana in there too. Some of those guys are also Veterans and I chat with them some and offer what encouragement I can. That is my sad day. When I see Nepalese refugees living in houses and Veterans living on the street, that pisses me off.

But the other 364 days every year are great! LOL!!!
My remaining family, and remember I am 68, is a sister to whom I do not speak, her 4 kids to whom I don't speak (and 3 of them don't speak to their mother), and cousins in Florida. Also I am an extreme introvert, almost to the level of misanthrope, so I don't really mind it at all. My dog is the only creature that hasn't let me down or taken advantage of me over the last 13 years. Christmas is the only day I am down abut being a loner because Christmas is about sharing and giving. I usually spend some time that day driving around handing out lunches I make at home to the homeless that live in the area. I know where most of their spots are. Nothing major. Just a couple of sandwiches and a can of Pepsi. Maybe a banana in there too. Some of those guys are also Veterans and I chat with them some and offer what encouragement I can. That is my sad day. When I see Nepalese refugees living in houses and Veterans living on the street, that pisses me off.

But the other 364 days every year are great! LOL!!!

You have a family here to talk to.
We might be all over the world, but we all care.
My remaining family, and remember I am 68, is a sister to whom I do not speak, her 4 kids to whom I don't speak (and 3 of them don't speak to their mother), and cousins in Florida. Also I am an extreme introvert, almost to the level of misanthrope, so I don't really mind it at all. My dog is the only creature that hasn't let me down or taken advantage of me over the last 13 years. Christmas is the only day I am down abut being a loner because Christmas is about sharing and giving. I usually spend some time that day driving around handing out lunches I make at home to the homeless that live in the area. I know where most of their spots are. Nothing major. Just a couple of sandwiches and a can of Pepsi. Maybe a banana in there too. Some of those guys are also Veterans and I chat with them some and offer what encouragement I can. That is my sad day. When I see Nepalese refugees living in houses and Veterans living on the street, that pisses me off.

But the other 364 days every year are great! LOL!!!
I was addressing someone else. Good to hear you must get something out of one day of the year helping.
I do the deviled eggs. Secret ingredient a touch of horseradish.
Got to try adding more horseradish to my recipes! I love it! I had a difficult time recently finding it at local stores, go figure, I live in a LARGE city!
My remaining family, and remember I am 68, is a sister to whom I do not speak, her 4 kids to whom I don't speak (and 3 of them don't speak to their mother), and cousins in Florida. Also I am an extreme introvert, almost to the level of misanthrope, so I don't really mind it at all. My dog is the only creature that hasn't let me down or taken advantage of me over the last 13 years. Christmas is the only day I am down abut being a loner because Christmas is about sharing and giving. I usually spend some time that day driving around handing out lunches I make at home to the homeless that live in the area. I know where most of their spots are. Nothing major. Just a couple of sandwiches and a can of Pepsi. Maybe a banana in there too. Some of those guys are also Veterans and I chat with them some and offer what encouragement I can. That is my sad day. When I see Nepalese refugees living in houses and Veterans living on the street, that pisses me off.

But the other 364 days every year are great! LOL!!!
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My cat died so it's just me too...Those furry creatures are the best aren't they? It's really hard without him. I can't wait for the Holidays to end, sad to say, but it's reality.

There are shelters full of animals that need you. Just sayin'.

Back in May, when my dog's arthritis started to get worse and she was dragging her back half along the floor, I had to face a decision of whether she was in too much pain to continue. I waited until I saw 2 different vets. Both said that she just needed to change medication, and that this will only be so extremely prevalent when the humidity is high. Now, 6 months later, on the right meds and in better weather, she walks around normally 99% of the time. She sleeps a lot from the meds, but she is healthy as far as heart, lungs, etc.... The thought that I could have made a premature decision and put her down makes me ill.

Now I told you that to tell you this. I had a dream once about the day that she DOES reach end of life. And as I held her in the doctor's office, she literally spoke to me (it WAS a dream, after all) and said "Okay as I say goodbye I want to tell you that I knew all along that you were hiding pills in those meatballs, but it's okay because it was to help me. So now as I go to sleep for the last time, I just want to tell you how much I appreciate the wonderful life you gave me, and that I love you for it. And don't sit around being sad. Go get another dog that needs your help and do for that dog what you did for me, because my life was grand thanks to you. Let the new dog use my bed, my bowls, and all those toys I couldn't play with anymore because I couldn't see where they are to play with them. You would be lost without a dog, and honestly I'd worry about you if you didn't have one. So thanks again, and now I am going to go to sleep."

Take from the story of that dream that some people are meant to have animals. You are obviously one of them, and there are not enough of us. Honor that cat by bringing in another.
There are shelters full of animals that need you. Just sayin'.

Back in May, when my dog's arthritis started to get worse and she was dragging her back half along the floor, I had to face a decision of whether she was in too much pain to continue. I waited until I saw 2 different vets. Both said that she just needed to change medication, and that this will only be so extremely prevalent when the humidity is high. Now, 6 months later, on the right meds and in better weather, she walks around normally 99% of the time. She sleeps a lot from the meds, but she is healthy as far as heart, lungs, etc.... The thought that I could have made a premature decision and put her down makes me ill.

Now I told you that to tell you this. I had a dream once about the day that she DOES reach end of life. And as I held her in the doctor's office, she literally spoke to me (it WAS a dream, after all) and said "Okay as I say goodbye I want to tell you that I knew all along that you were hiding pills in those meatballs, but it's okay because it was to help me. So now as I go to sleep for the last time, I just want to tell you how much I appreciate the wonderful life you gave me, and that I love you for it. And don't sit around being sad. Go get another dog that needs your help and do for that dog what you did for me, because my life was grand thanks to you. Let the new dog use my bed, my bowls, and all those toys I couldn't play with anymore because I couldn't see where they are to play with them. You would be lost without a dog, and honestly I'd worry about you if you didn't have one. So thanks again, and now I am going to go to sleep."

Take from the story of that dream that some people are meant to have animals. You are obviously one of them, and there are not enough of us. Honor that cat by bringing in another.
I am trying to go on the road full time. Don't need another problem right now.
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i cheat every tgiving. i go to the grocery hot bar and pick up a cooked turkey breast (like those small cooked personal chickens) for about $9 bucks. the rest (veggies) i cook quickly on the stove top.. can corn/peas and boil small potatoe (i like it partially cooked) and oven-toast a roll. that is my quick and basic turkey-bash celebration every year! turkey and a movie: wooden solders or home alone or something holiday'ishy.

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