diy solar

diy solar

Aren't solar panels things of beauty?

I know the feeling! I stood staring at my panels once just in awe of the whole thing. Neighbors nearly called to get me into a straight jacket when I told them the story of why I was just gawking:

1) A gamma ray particle is created in the center of the sun.
2) It spends anywhere from 100,000 to a million years bouncing around to only get to the middle layer.
3) By this time, it has bounced around so much on other particles, that it has weakened into an x-ray particle.
4) A 2-week trip of more bouncing around to find it's way from the middle to the surface of the sun, where it has weakened again to change from an x-ray to a weaker photon. (not sure of this time period)

5) Photon spends only 8 minutes getting to earth after wasting a million years of energy previously.
6) Solar panel is doped-silicon, so that the electrical bonds to silicon are very weak on purpose.
7) Photon violently smashes into the panel face and causes mayhem.
8) Silicon electrons are totally freaked out and only have two choices A-head for the nearest grid-wire or B-jump into an empty orbit foxhole that another electron left in total fear. (dramatic license) I think battleground.

9) Scared off the battlefield through the grid wires, and battery wiring, the energy changes to stored chemical energy.
10) What I am watching is my panel being de-materialized electron by electron. Might take awhile to notice any change. There's lots of electrons in that panel.

Maybe I should be in the straight-jacket. :)
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