diy solar

diy solar

LV6048 + Canadian Solar 400 panels + eco-worthy 48v 50 ah = sub sub sub panel power


Solar Enthusiast
Feb 23, 2023
To begin my solar journey, I purchased an MPP LV6048 to try things out.

Now I have my 18, batteries, etc. running the whole house.

So the LV sat up at my outbuilding doing nothing, and price has dropped so much it's not worth selling, to me.

Well, I have 3 left over Canadian Solar panels, but no batteries, and the LV requires batteries.

Enter the eco worthy 50 ah 48v battery from eBay. Picked up 2 of them for like $750.

Today, I wired it all up at my outbuilding. The outbuilding main panel is a sub sub panel.

Fed the LV from that, then put in a new small panel with the lights, security system, battery chargers, etc in it as the load for the LV.

So a sub sub sub panel.

Pretty straightforward, no surprises, and I put some idle equipment to use.

I will add 1 more circuit to this for L1 charging of my EV, if desired.

I left all the heavy loads on the main panel in the outbuilding, welder, lift, compressor, etc.

Panels are just jury rigged right now, but tomorrow I'll be mounting them on the outbuilding roof.