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diy solar

Need help - Valence U27-12XP with broken plastic around negative post-terminal


New Member
May 18, 2020
Received a few Valence U27-12XP's via USPS and one of them has broken plastic around the negative post/terminal from shipping.
Can anyone provide feedback on whether this will affect the performance or lifespan of the battery?
Is this cosmetic?
Is this structural?
The green light blinks and the battery has the same voltage as the others that were received.
I can take more pictures later today if that helps.

If I can connect to the batteries like this - - will the software show anything useful?

This thread has a photo of the inside of a U27-12XP - - and it appears that the post-terminal might use the plastic for support?!? The photo showing the inside is here >>
Appreciate the help!

PS - these batteries will be used for a 4x4 they will be subject to onroad and offroad bumps.


closeup +side shot:
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I will try to show you pictures of the negative terminal from the inside, I have a battery completely dismantled due to a bad cell.
I would not be worried by the damage to the plastic as the negative terminal is bolted on a plate. I attach one unclear picture and will try to get better ones this evening.
Looking at your batteries, I would say they are coming from France? Labelled with in ID number ranking from 1 to 7? By the way the bolt is not original...IMG_20201023_165922.jpg
I would not accept that as a new condition battery. The case is to protect the innards from moisture, etc. If this is the outer shell case for lithium cells, looks like it is, the case is necessary to get the full useful life from the battery. Keeping all the debris out from the BMS and cells, connections, etc. Its on the shipper to deliver you a battery just like the one you ordered. This is clearly “Shipping damage” and the shipper is liable. Contact both the seller and shipper(s) and file a claim right away, document everythin.

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