diy solar

diy solar

Should off grid stay off the grid to have a valid backup.

Donald Siegel

New Member
Sep 24, 2019
Most countries including the US are probing the grids of other countries presumably to have the ability to disrupt power when that would be expedient. Password spraying is happening to the US grid by at least three countries as we speak. My first though was if there is a forced power grid shutdown at least I have my DIY system. But it is also connected to my computer to assist in monitoring it. Yes it’s a bit paranoid but I’m thinking when not fiddling with my settings it it may be wise to pull the plug and monitor off grid!
There are several approaches to maintaining a sense of normalcy in a “grid down” situation. Even air gapped systems have their weaknesses. EMPs, for example. Lots of valuable info out there.
Yes I did just read "One Second After" a fictional tale post EMP, perhaps that put me in the frame of mind to think about such things. I suspect the battery (with a BMS pulled off) and solar panels will be fine after an EMP although you will have to change out a few new diodes. So you just need a small faraday cage to store a low end charge controller shielding it from EMPs and your up and running with some 12v energy for lights and a USB charging port in any unlikely but scary scenario.
I would not watch CNN, MSNBC, or any other Democrat News Network channel.
You will be fine.... lol
Rumour has it from them that Trump is going to wipe out the US population to build hotels everywhere.......

Seriously though
I would argue that if your Solar solution is on at the time, or grid connected, when an EMP happens - it'll probably get smoked?
If it was off then no biggie.
Boy the hysteria the world media outlets creates is making people very scared, which is very unfortunate.

I would have a NON HOT standby.
You turn it on and your are functional in the short term.
I have generators
Good luck
As long as you use proper security you're fine. Like use a proper firewall, and if you have any form of remote access like VPN only allow IP addresses you trust to connect to it. I can VPN into my house for example, but only from work. After heartbleed I don't feel comfortable letting that port wide open, there could be other vulnerabilities that arn't discovered yet.

In an EMP situation then no matter what any electronics not shielded will get hit, don't think it matters if they are on or not as it will fry everything. If you are paranoid you would want some spare parts in a shielded container or something. Good to have spare parts anyway if fully off grid.
As long as you use proper security you're fine. Like use a proper firewall, and if you have any form of remote access like VPN only allow IP addresses you trust to connect to it. I can VPN into my house for example, but only from work. After heartbleed I don't feel comfortable letting that port wide open, there could be other vulnerabilities that arn't discovered yet.

In an EMP situation then no matter what any electronics not shielded will get hit, don't think it matters if they are on or not as it will fry everything. If you are paranoid you would want some spare parts in a shielded container or something. Good to have spare parts anyway if fully off grid.
EMP must follow the inverse square law.
USA could be different due to its size, but problem are the same.
The grid run at a precise frequency (50 or 60Hz) and this frequency is hared between country since electricity goes in and out depending demand and market.
The drawback of this is when demand exceed supply, the frequency drop. so each country has the duty to equilibrate demand and supply to make sure their network does not go overcharged and by cascade, drop the frequency of others network (with consequence on devices relying on frequency of grid). You can consult frequency of european grid here

in case a country goes very wild with his electrical balance you could expect in theory that other countries would cut supply, thus bringing down the grid of the faulty country.
other possible nightmare is cascading shutdown of part of grid because one or several main lines are cut.
EMP must follow the inverse square law.

Yeah of course this is more theoretical, if one could set off an EMP powerful enough to affect a large area. I don't think there is a known way of setting one off big enough to say, take out a whole country or even a city.
The blackout in 2003 was a fun adventure.
Things are different now and it would not be fun.
If it happened in the winter... much worse.
Something to be said for low tech, modular and having an idea or two getting round what failed.
While can't control what anyone does, I think an EMP is the furthest out there.
It takes a BIG nuclear warhead, A guided lift vehicle, Ground control support to track the magnetic lay lines at any give time since they move around...

Those fear monger fiction novels ALWAYS get EMP wrong, The long power lines on the grid, and some sensitive equipment that can be voltage spiked are at risk, but those guys claim battery powered devices will be killed, everything goes dead...
Pure fiction.

IF I were worried about an EMP, I'd buy sheet magnets.
Nothing stops a transient magnetic field like another magnetic field...

I might also want to know how a 'Voltage Regulator' (Current regulator) worked.
Just like a PWM charge controller, nothing more than breaker points opening and closing at the right time, like a mechanical 'Voltage' regulator before semiconductors existed, will do the job...
Put a current display on it and you can call it 'Maximum Power Point Tracking'.

$30 worth of common parts and some tech notes book, a bread board and you can build most of the stuff you are talking about failing.
It won't be pretty, but it won't be $300 for 'Spares' either.

The immediate threat is a bad actor with a laptop and internet connection.
In which case won't affect me in the slightest, I've been off grid for 20 years, and I power a machine shop off grid...

If it's a CME big enough to take out solar, then we are all screwed... No sense in worrying about that one either.
with a good EMP you can burn anything, especially small electronic that is working with low voltage.
an EMP will produce induction in any self , high enough to shut down the equipement and probably damage it (even it is only corrupted software )
solar EMP is already good enough to disturb telephone lines.