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diy solar

Daly smart bms setup issues


New Member
Dec 29, 2019
Hi, any one on here familiar with daly smart bms., I have 2, 150 and 200amp and havi,g problems setting them up. Daly tech no help, and their instructions leave out a lot. Have a 16s, 48v system 280ah l8thium
Several, can't get beyond 54v, getting a high cell volt alarm, but a volt meter shows still below cutoff voltage, once it reached 54, it stops all current in and out. I Can do screen shots if you like
What do you have the cell limit voltages set at?

It could be one cell going high due to being well out of balance, screenshots would be handy I think.

I can check my settings when I get home from work tonight (it's 7:15AM here at the mo).
All my cells test fine. The alarm showing high is false, actually all read 3,29 or 3.3


  • Screenshot_20210824-190211.png
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  • Screenshot_20210824-190228.png
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It does seem to think you have an over-voltage cell, are you saying that that high cell is actually OK?

Check your wiring carefully.

Check the cell voltages actually at the BMS connector.
Yes, the high alarm is on, but when I checked the cells they were fine. I radii all my sense leads and can't figure it out

You have a DALY Smart BMS 16S?

Then the software version is something like this. Can you take a screenshot?

Right,now I took them off line to do a balance charge. Probably a week before I put them,back. Once I do I'll send a pic
If You have older Firmware Version, thats the problem. I have put a working firmware in the Resources section.

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