diy solar

diy solar

I reverse engineered the Valence Battery Monitor Software

sorry taking me a little bit longer than normal for something like this, damn life and normal responsibilities -- stay tuned.. I got most of the UI shit stripped out of it, just need to find a suitable cross platform SerialDevice library and we're good to go..

Probably got a few un-needed things in there still yet from the decomposition process, but.. it works for a Proof of Concept.


It would be really cool if someone wanted to add in the logging module, refactor the code a tad, and maybe add a few services in order to get a GUI that displayed some dope ass D3.js charts or something... ( or maybe i'll do that too and just give it to you guys.. lol )
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Are there other BMS' that allow you to connect to them and get this info?? If so the direct AL cells are the answer without a question. Even tho these Valence are cool..
Yeah sure you want to mail me one? or give me a link or something i'll check it out..

diy solar

diy solar