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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

If only the people making health decisions for our nation were capable of rational thought and reasoning.

"The Food and Drug Administration said on Tuesday that rapid tests do detect Omicron cases, though they may have reduced sensitivity. (Another type of test, known as a PCR, is not useful for releasing people from isolation because it can return positive results after someone is no longer contagious.)"

I would say PCR test IS useful for releasing people from isolation, because it errs on the side of caution. It may return positive results after someone is no longer contagious, but it won't return negative results for someone who is still contagious.

... And of giving advice they believe in.

"Former Surgeon General Jerome Adams says CDC officials wouldn't follow the new guidance 'for their own family'"

The problem here again is a simple lack of honesty especially with the CDC’s new 5 day rule. If the issue is lack of tests and testing facilities, and quality of tests even though Europe has them. Then admit it. Say that in the face of an overwhelming Omicron wave, we need to make compromises we would not otherwise make but we have no choice. This is the same kind of crap they pulled when not recommending masks early on. If you want to protect our infrastructure at the expense of short term safety and policy, then say so! Because if you don’t it people recognize the BS and it feeds the conspiracy talk we see every day on this board.
Oh look, COVID is going away just in time for the midterms. How convenient. Gotta say you did something, otherwise people start questioning where they voted for you in the first place!
The problem here again is a simple lack of honesty especially with the CDC’s new 5 day rule. If the issue is lack of tests and testing facilities, and quality of tests even though Europe has them. Then admit it. Say that in the face of an overwhelming Omicron wave, we need to make compromises we would not otherwise make but we have no choice. This is the same kind of crap they pulled when not recommending masks early on. If you want to protect our infrastructure at the expense of short term safety and policy, then say so! Because if you don’t it people recognize the BS and it feeds the conspiracy talk we see every day on this board.
Ding ding ding!

You have desperately tried to lump me into what you call "the conspiracy group" since I dared to voice any compassion towards those that did not fall in line and get vaccinated but it would appear that maybe a little light is starting to shine in your blind spot.

I agree 100% with everything you have said above, without exception.

I am hoping you can slow down for a second and just listen and hear what I am saying below:

The people you see engaging in what you call conspiracy talk fall into one or more of a few categories. There are some that are just plain stupid. others that made up their mind early on with little to no information and now have dug in and refuse to "go back on their word". I tend to lump these into the first category. Then there are those that simply do not have enough back ground to make informed decisions and go with whoever they have chose to provide them with their information/opinion. These people can fit into group 1 but they can also fit into the next group. Next group is the group that simply does not have enough time/bandwidth to deal with any more then they had pre 2020 and they have their trusted sources of info and adopt their positions. I think the majority of people fall into this group

Then there is me and my group. You have tried to label me as mentally ill because you have no argument other than that.

My position is that if you adopted a hedonistic lifestyle (one or more of the following but not exhaustive): smoking, drinking, eating whatever tastes good in what ever quantities you want to, sleeping when it is convenient, being sedentary, While I do have compassion for your regret and fear of what you have done to yourself, I am not going to lift a finger to help save you. As far as I am concerned, that is like me giving you my life savings to keep you from being homeless after you spent the last 60 years partying and having fun while I exercised self control and saved for the future. Not going to happen. Personal responsibility and accountability and a measured amount of compassion for those that could not have made better choices.
Whoot whoot!

A thumbs up from Dhasper!

Ok going to push a little deeper.

"Your genetics loads the gun, your lifestyle pulls the trigger" is the current "strong opinion loosely held" by the health community. In other words, angelina jolie has the genetic markers for breast cancer so in a fit of fear she went and had her boobs chopped off. Fast forward a few years and now we know that epigenetics would have presented her with two paths to take. She could choose to take the path of breast cancer by making one set of lifestyle choices, or, choose to not pull the trigger on that gene, make different life choices and never develop breast cancer.

@Dhasper, how does that sound?
Ding ding ding!

You have desperately tried to lump me into what you call "the conspiracy group" since I dared to voice any compassion towards those that did not fall in line and get vaccinated but it would appear that maybe a little light is starting to shine in your blind spot.

I agree 100% with everything you have said above, without exception.

I am hoping you can slow down for a second and just listen and hear what I am saying below:

The people you see engaging in what you call conspiracy talk fall into one or more of a few categories. There are some that are just plain stupid. others that made up their mind early on with little to no information and now have dug in and refuse to "go back on their word". I tend to lump these into the first category. Then there are those that simply do not have enough back ground to make informed decisions and go with whoever they have chose to provide them with their information/opinion. These people can fit into group 1 but they can also fit into the next group. Next group is the group that simply does not have enough time/bandwidth to deal with any more then they had pre 2020 and they have their trusted sources of info and adopt their positions. I think the majority of people fall into this group

Then there is me and my group. You have tried to label me as mentally ill because you have no argument other than that.

My position is that if you adopted a hedonistic lifestyle (one or more of the following but not exhaustive): smoking, drinking, eating whatever tastes good in what ever quantities you want to, sleeping when it is convenient, being sedentary, While I do have compassion for your regret and fear of what you have done to yourself, I am not going to lift a finger to help save you. As far as I am concerned, that is like me giving you my life savings to keep you from being homeless after you spent the last 60 years partying and having fun while I exercised self control and saved for the future. Not going to happen. Personal responsibility and accountability and a measured amount of compassion for those that could not have made better choices.
I dont think its that easy. A lot of the people in the high fatality groups were simply old. There are a lot of cases where otherwise healthy people (who made no obviously bad choices as you imply) got very sick or even died. It would be convenient to dismiss all compassion because people were responsible for their own demise but that position is disingenuous. Some were just unlucky and that could easily have been you.
Whoot whoot!

A thumbs up from Dhasper!

Ok going to push a little deeper.

"Your genetics loads the gun, your lifestyle pulls the trigger" is the current "strong opinion loosely held" by the health community. In other words, angelina jolie has the genetic markers for breast cancer so in a fit of fear she went and had her boobs chopped off. Fast forward a few years and now we know that epigenetics would have presented her with two paths to take. She could choose to take the path of breast cancer by making one set of lifestyle choices, or, choose to not pull the trigger on that gene, make different life choices and never develop breast cancer.

@Dhasper, how does that sound?
She is crazy hard to use her as an example. Poor Brad he must have gone through hell!
How many of the Trumphumpers' heads are exploding now that he publicly supporting the vaccines?

I know Alex Jones' is.

As far as I am concerned, I don't really care about the unvaccinated themselves...thinning of the herd.
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I dont think its that easy. A lot of the people in the high fatality groups were simply old.

Essentially everyone save a small handful that is elderly is sick.

There are a lot of cases where otherwise healthy people (who made no obviously bad choices as you imply) got very sick or even died.

Generally false. If you can show me one case complete with labs, a photograph and a summary of their lifestyle of the individual that got severely sick or died that was actually healthy, I would be surprised.

It would be convenient to dismiss all compassion because people were responsible for their own demise but that position is disingenuous. Some were just unlucky and that could easily have been you.
I am definitely not being disingenuous and generally I do not believe in luck. Is it possible I have some underlying health condition that may make me susceptible to death as a result of a covid infection. If that is the case, then so be it. I am willing to and have rolled those dice.
Essentially everyone save a small handful that is elderly is sick.

Generally false. If you can show me one case complete with labs, a photograph and a summary of their lifestyle of the individual that got severely sick or died that was actually healthy, I would be surprised.

I am definitely not being disingenuous and generally I do not believe in luck. Is it possible I have some underlying health condition that may make me susceptible to death as a result of a covid infection. If that is the case, then so be it. I am willing to and have rolled those dice.
Sigh.... Here you go.

"Health professionals have told Reuters that even young and healthy people are succumbing to the infection, sometimes deteriorating rapidly and taking doctors by surprise (here).

Scientists believe genetic susceptibility or the amount of virus that infects a person could cause some young and healthy people to die of the disease (here, here, here).

The latest Office for National Statistics figures reveal just under a tenth of all COVID-19 deaths in England and Wales in March and April had no pre-existing health conditions"
Sigh.... Here you go.

"Health professionals have told Reuters that even young and healthy people are succumbing to the infection, sometimes deteriorating rapidly and taking doctors by surprise (here).

Scientists believe genetic susceptibility or the amount of virus that infects a person could cause some young and healthy people to die of the disease (here, here, here).

The latest Office for National Statistics figures reveal just under a tenth of all COVID-19 deaths in England and Wales in March and April had no pre-existing health conditions"
Sigh.... Learn how to read.

If you can show me one case complete with labs, a photograph and a summary of their lifestyle of the individual that got severely sick or died that was actually healthy, I would be surprised.
With out exception every single "healthy person with no preexisting conditions" that has been paraded in the media has ended up being overweight, sedentary, a partier etc. Is it possible for a legitimately healthy person to get really sick or even die? Absolutely. Some dumb a$$ goes out and makes out with a person that is heavily shedding virus and gets a massive viral load that overwhelms their immune system before it has a chance to mount a response. They are in trouble. That is a very rare case in the thousands of cases of supposedly healthy people. The medial and health officials have cried wolf on this one far too many times and I flat out do not believe it unless you can actually put the evidence in front of me.
Official health agencies from multiple countries have published that a significant number of healthy young people with no obvious underlying conditions have died. Your disbelief in this is not my problem to rectify.
Sigh.... Learn how to read.

With out exception every single "healthy person with no preexisting conditions" that has been paraded in the media has ended up being overweight, sedentary, a partier etc. Is it possible for a legitimately healthy person to get really sick or even die? Absolutely. Some dumb a$$ goes out and makes out with a person that is heavily shedding virus and gets a massive viral load that overwhelms their immune system before it has a chance to mount a response. They are in trouble. That is a very rare case in the thousands of cases of supposedly healthy people. The medial and health officials have cried wolf on this one far too many times and I flat out do not believe it unless you can actually put the evidence in front of me.
"Learn to read"???

Your condescending remarks only make you look rude and ignorant. Its assumed everyone on this board can f***ing read.

The reuters article linked to several sources with pictures of the victims including this one.

And when the evidence is put in front of you your argument will shift to something else.
We get it. You are perfect, it cant happen to you and all the dead people did something to deserve their fate.
All of this is too well documented to be the conspiracy you are suggesting.
200404115933-01-ben-brandy-luderer-large-169.jpgyeah a real party animal. He was a baseball star in high school he and his wife were both public school teachers, at the time of his death he was the varsity baseball coach. Dead at age 30 with no preexisting conditions.
I guess CNN made all this up and theyre part of the big plot spinning in your mind. Hell I must be too. Im not a real person at all, just a mindless cog of the system right?
For every one of those I can find some idiot who loved to post and virtue signal about how they were vaccinated and then died as well. Some of the more horrific ones involve their children.

I keep seeing the headline "Patient begs for vaccine on death bed, doctor says it's too late" and wonder just how many doctors are breaching patient confidentiality and telling the media what their last words were. There's also a strangely large amount of pictures coming out of emergency rooms from the media, which is odd considering that I don't think you're allowed to have many visitors, and I have trouble believing that the media is just roaming the halls of hospitals taking pictures. Some of them are even crisis actors on IMDB! What are the chances?

What I'm seeing on TV, and what I'm seeing in real life are two very different things.
I keep seeing the headline "Patient begs for vaccine on death bed, doctor says it's too late" and wonder just how many doctors are breaching patient confidentiality and telling the media what their last words were.
If they didn't say their names, how is that breaching their confidentiality?

Bottom line, they are fed up with the anti-vaxx idiots and they are trying to do what they can not to have to see them like this anymore.
For every one of those I can find some idiot who loved to post and virtue signal about how they were vaccinated and then died as well. Some of the more horrific ones involve their children.
Then post them...I would be interested in seeing all of these!

You have hundreds like there are on that reddit page?
View attachment 77703yeah a real party animal. He was a baseball star in high school he and his wife were both public school teachers, at the time of his death he was the varsity baseball coach. Dead at age 30 with no preexisting conditions.
I guess CNN made all this up and theyre part of the big plot spinning in your mind. Hell I must be too. Im not a real person at all, just a mindless cog of the system right?
Link to article? A name? anything?
My daughters X-country coach is a fat F. Why is it that people think that being adjacent to athletics somehow makes you healthy?
Please tell me where I said anything about him being fit. I just posted one of the first ones that showed up today.
Yet you never hear about the people who are dying in disbelief because " But I was vaccinated!"
I am sure it happens...just a fraction of what happens with the unvaccinated...but like I said before...thinning of the herd for the uneducated/unvaccinated
The feds want people to die. That's why they are blocking early treatment protocols.
And now they are blocking a known treatment that's over 80% effective

Florida state surgeon general: 'The federal government is actively preventing the
effective distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments in the U.S.'
Asks why Biden administration is limiting such an important Covid treatment ?
IMHO the reason is the death rate has plummeted and they are desperately trying to keep the pandemic going.
Then post them...I would be interested in seeing all of these!

You have hundreds like there are on that reddit page? has a lot of crap, but there's quite a few gold nuggets there as well. I scroll that site when I'm on the toilet in the morning, and that's where I see most of those reposts. is basically the same as above. has a lot of crap, but there's quite a few gold nuggets there as well. I scroll that site when I'm on the toilet in the morning, and that's where I see most of those reposts. is basically the same as above.
LOL...the Qanon site! How am I not surprised!

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