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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

And if Bob or I retaliate with similar insults we would be banned for a couple of weeks .

Mods around here may think they are fair minded, but they are left-leaning.

I was given 2 weeks off after leaving a thread in frustration after posts like this ! Told Dhasper to " * off" and didn't spell it out.

My response then "was inappropriate" but you can read the crap (above) we have to put up with from the real TROLL around here.
Oh, I didn't know you were banned. I envisioned you in an ICU. It sure was nice though. I wouldn't care what any of you say if this was not a contagious disease and you were not spouting misinformation.
And if Bob or I retaliate with similar insults we would be banned for a couple of weeks .

Mods around here may think they are fair minded, but they are left-leaning.

I was given 2 weeks off after leaving a thread in frustration after posts like this ! Told Dhasper to " * off" and didn't spell it out.

My response then "was inappropriate" but you can read the crap (above) we have to put up with from the real TROLL around here.
The mods are reality leaning. Try telling Will he is a lefty.
Mods around here may think they are fair minded, but they are left-leaning.
The general consensus among all right wing wacko's is that anyone who doesn't agree with their fake news and conspiracy garbage is "left-leaning".
You either agree and buy into it, or you're a liberal...

No big surprise there..
Are you saying batshit crazy runs in his family?
Hes an internet stalker who doesnt know me or my family. I also believe hes just plain lying when he says hes a republican who voted for biden. Now hes talking about my family members. Whats next is he gonna drive by my mothers house in the middle of the night? What a fruit loop. Keyboard warrior. Has to go after my person because his argument is weak and silly.
Sorry Mr troll, did I mention Tucker Carlson ? NO , I didn't.


A nurse who spent 28 days in a Covid coma fighting for her life has been saved after medics gave her Viagra as part of an experimental treatment regime .

Double-jabbed asthmatic mother-of-two Monica Almeida, 37, from Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, was admitted to hospital on November 9 after testing positive for coronavirus on October 31.

She was moved to intensive care a week later before doctors put her into an induced coma on November 16.

Mrs Almeida says they were just three days away from having her ventilator turned off when her condition started to improve and she woke up on December 14.

When she woke up doctors at Lincoln County Hospital revealed they had given her a large dose of viagra as part of an experimental treatment regime that she agreed to before going into a coma.

The erectile dysfunction drug enables greater blood flow to all areas of the body by relaxing the walls of blood vessels, and Mrs Almeida says it caused her condition to improve in just a week and the level of oxygen she needed to drop by half as it opened up her airways.

Yeah yeah. That is a single case. Anecdotal as all of your "evidence". They have been looking at this since June 2020. The generics that actually work are already utilized.
Oh, I didn't know you were banned. I envisioned you in an ICU. It sure was nice though. I wouldn't care what any of you say if this was not a contagious disease and you were not spouting misinformation.
Ive heard this before, misinformation? Do you seriously believe that people take their health care directions from some guy posting on a message board? A lot of these alternative treatments are drugs you cant get without a prescription anyway.
In the end I hope you dont think youre saving the world fighting "misinformation" on the internet.
Last year it was misinformation to say the virus came from a lab in wuhan. We found out the truth when the misinformation wouldnt die.
Discussion is healthy and I dont see anything in the constitution that suspends the first amendment for pandemics.
Hes an internet stalker who doesnt know me or my family. I also believe hes just plain lying when he says hes a republican who voted for biden. Now hes talking about my family members. Whats next is he gonna drive by my mothers house in the middle of the night? What a fruit loop. Keyboard warrior. Has to go after my person because his argument is weak and silly.
I believe him a 1000 times more than you.
Ive heard this before, misinformation? Do you seriously believe that people take their health care directions from some guy posting on a message board? A lot of these alternative treatments are drugs you cant get without a prescription anyway.
In the end I hope you dont think youre saving the world fighting "misinformation" on the internet.
Last year it was misinformation to say the virus came from a lab in wuhan. We found out the truth when the misinformation wouldnt die.
Discussion is healthy and I dont see anything in the constitution that suspends the first amendment for pandemics.
Actually the person you are defending ordered those alternative drugs illegally and told this board about the whole thing. You are knew to this section of the board, unfortunately.
Ive heard this before, misinformation? Do you seriously believe that people take their health care directions from some guy posting on a message board? A lot of these alternative treatments are drugs you cant get without a prescription anyway.
Yes you've probably heard it before, and yes it happens.

Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem with some adult aged quack job dying because he believes that shoving a teaspoon of cinnamon up his rear end will cure all his illness, but I do have a problem when such nonsense is used on children who can't know any better or have any choice in the matter.

And folks (like you?) and BMCL and that other guy, who spout off bogus medical advice are a serious problem. NOTE: Please excuse me if I have confused you with one of the other ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine idiots on this website. I really don't pay much attention to who says what, I just look at what's being said. If I have you confused, then I apologize..

In the end I hope you dont think youre saving the world fighting "misinformation" on the internet.
All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

Last year it was misinformation to say the virus came from a lab in wuhan. We found out the truth when the misinformation wouldnt die.
No, you found out nothing. Telling a lie often or loudly does not make it true.. A lie told a million times is still a lie. It also doesn't matter how many people believe it. Maybe it did escape from the lab, or not.. the only facts we have are that YOU don't know.. Well, unless I missed some huge news headline..
Discussion is healthy and I dont see anything in the constitution that suspends the first amendment for pandemics.
Not all discussions are healthy, that's a myth. Discussions are healthy when the people communicating are qualified to discuss the subject matter.. When some high school grad pounding nails, digging ditches, or working at McDonalds, thinks he's qualified to discuss medical issues, then it is most certainly NOT healthy. Unfortunately, in today's world where cell phones and video games have mostly isolated people from each other, the average person finds themselves lonely and seeking attention.. even if they won't admit that to themselves. To combat this loneliness and feelings of inadequacy, they take on a cause, become an activist, or take on the persona as an authority on something... and most frequently, they enter into conversations about subject matter for which they have absolutely zero qualifications.

It is the tell tale sign of a lonely person with a pitifully unfulfilling life.

We are all qualified to discuss our own opinions on things like our feelings, our abilities, our jobs, etc. But when we begin discussing subject matter for which we have no educational qualifications, its the first sign of someone who's looking for attention.

And a word of advice: Many (most?) of the plethora of little platitudes that have permeated our society for so long are total crap.

A few examples:
Crime doesn't pay
Don't judge a book by its cover
Everyone has a right to an opinion (Moral issue, not legal)

And about a gazzillion others... they are all poorly thought out.
Actually the person you are defending ordered those alternative drugs illegally and told this board about the whole thing. You are knew to this section of the board, unfortunately.
Not sure how this refutes anything I said but hey... Knewbie here I guess.
Ive heard this before, misinformation? Do you seriously believe that people take their health care directions from some guy posting on a message board?
Good point, they only take it from "far out there" blogs and tweets.
A lot of these alternative treatments are drugs you cant get without a prescription anyway.
And there are story after story, headlines, etc where patients are insisting they tell their doctor what to prescribe them because they heard it from a doctor online. How frustrating is it when you are an expert at your job and someone keeps jogging your elbow trying to make you screw up.
In the end I hope you dont think youre saving the world fighting "misinformation" on the internet.
If he saves one person from OD'ing on viagra and having their penis amputated, or hitting the LD50 of only 33 100mg pills, then it is worth it.

Last year it was misinformation to say the virus came from a lab in wuhan.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. How many claims can be thrown at the wall before one sticks? The time to believe something is when there is sufficient evidence to believe it, not before.

We found out the truth when the misinformation wouldnt die.
Err, yeah, that's how it works.

Discussion is healthy and I dont see anything in the constitution that suspends the first amendment for pandemics.
If you can find 1 in 10 posts from BMCL in the previous threads, where he was actually discussing things vs posting blogs and studies without reading them, and then ignoring when the details in his links were pointed out to him, I will be glad to admit I was wrong and he is worth discussing things with.
The general consensus among all right wing wacko's is that anyone who doesn't agree with their fake news and conspiracy garbage is "left-leaning".
You either agree and buy into it, or you're a liberal...

No big surprise there..
The general consensus among all right left wing wacko's is that anyone who doesn't agree with their fake news and conspiracy garbage is "left-leaning a racist".

You either agree and buy into it, or you're a liberal Trump Supporter...

No big surprise there..

There, it looks like we finally found some common ground. ?

You guys are literally accusing each other of the same thing.
Some people have trouble discerning the difference between politics masquerading as science, and actual science.

Actual science requires challenge and questions, and welcomes both. Sometimes the best questions and challenges come from outside of the discipline being questioned because those people have not acquired the tunnel vision that sometimes occurs as a result of being too closely involved for too long.

Beyond that, there are many examples throughout history of people who have done incredible things and achieved greatness without a college degree or higher [some by challenging the "settled science" of their day because there is no such thing as "settled" science]. All it takes is a hunger for knowledge and the ability to study, understand, and learn.
I have made a point of ignoring the political nonsense, I am vaccinated and therefore I am a left winger. Considering that the fast majority of the population in the US and Canada are vaccinated, that "logic" is of course nonsense.
Actual science requires challenge and questions, and welcomes both. Sometimes the best questions and challenges come from outside of the discipline being questioned because those people have not acquired the tunnel vision that sometimes occurs as a result of being too closely involved for too long.
Very well said. If people waited until the science has been done and proven or disproven the efficacy of adjunctive or primary treatments we wouldn't be discussing Ivermectin, SSRI's, Viagara, and Urine XS as unproven methods for treating COVID. I don't think anyone is saying don't test and run studies, but rather wait until the studies and tests have proven efficacy rather than anecdotal and limited localized experiences.
The general consensus among all right left wing wacko's is that anyone who doesn't agree with their fake news and conspiracy garbage is "left-leaning a racist".

You either agree and buy into it, or you're a liberal Trump Supporter...

No big surprise there..
That is also true.. the far left liberals also tend to use the racist label as a weapon.

Here's an interesting statistic for you:
During the day, black drivers get pulled over at something like 7 times the rate of white drivers.

But at night, black and white drivers get pulled over at the same rate.

Cops can't see the color of the drivers skin at night. Would you still like to talk about the left's racism accusation?

The right wingers like to talk about "Make America Great Again".. and the good-old-days. No surprise there.. they used to hang blacks in the back woods after losing a war to keep them as slaves. And the KKK still exists. White supremacists are so common and proud they hold rallies.

The left labeling some folks as racist is legit. If you don't like it then that says more about you than it does about them.
And folks (like you?) and BMCL and that other guy, who spout off bogus medical advice are a serious problem. NOTE: Please excuse me if I have confused you with one of the other ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine idiots on this website.
So what would you tell someone to do who is diagnosed with Covid ? Go home and rest and cross your fingers and hope ?
The vaxed and unvaxed die, albeit it is rare when someone healthy dies from covid.
Only an idiot (IMHO) would do nothing. My neighbor's son died after doing nothing.
Ivermectin and HCQ have a ton of positive proof that they work; they are cheap and DO NO HARM.
Nobody is forcing you to take them.
If you had a dying child if you would forbid them from using it ?
So what would you tell someone to do who is diagnosed with Covid ? Go home and rest and cross your fingers and hope ?
I wouldn't tell them anything genius.. except to maybe listen to THEIR doctor.

The vaxed and unvaxed die, albeit it is rare when someone healthy dies from covid.
The unvaxed die at 10 times the rate. Problems with math?

Only an idiot (IMHO) would do nothing. My neighbor's son died after doing nothing.
Your neighbor was an idiot for doing nothing.

Ivermectin and HCQ have a ton of positive proof that they work; they are cheap and DO NO HARM.
Nobody is forcing you to take them.
If you had a dying child if you would forbid them from using it ?
If you want to believe an internet hoax, you go right ahead.. doesn't bother me one bit.

Lets Go Darwin!

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diy solar