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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Wow seems to me you do plenty On Twitter for the left. It clearly defines who you are and where you stand.
Most of my activity on Twitter is medical related and just retweets. I have consistently voted democratic for the last couple decades. I am not hard left. I don’t hide my identity on here or anywhere and will back up what I say or when necessary admit when I am wrong. People like you have no educational background in these topics, hide your identity and repeat right wing propaganda.
I dont think Congress had Fauci on the hot seat being grilled over fox news conspiracy theories as you imply they should be dismissed as.
Well as you have proved over and over you “think” nonsense.
I already know the one thein @Dhasper will choose to attack in this video ..... If he watches it at all. Maybe he won't watch it.... Oh, and it has nothing to do with the funding debacle.

I guess this 5 star book which is #3 on Amazons sales list this week is full of made up information?

Most of my activity on Twitter is medical related and just retweets. I have consistently voted democratic for the last couple decades. I am not hard left. I don’t hide my identity on here or anywhere and will back up what I say or when necessary admit when I am wrong. People like you have no educational background in these topics, hide your identity and repeat right wing propaganda.
Spoken like a "True Social Justice Warrior"
I already know the one thein @Dhasper will choose to attack in this video ..... If he watches it at all. Maybe he won't watch it.... Oh, and it has nothing to do with the funding debacle.

No won’t watch. I have read the actual EoHealth grant application and results. Anyone else?
This is good news to everyone but democrats.
The end is here, but we will probably have to fight our way back to normal.
The left wingers love their masks and lockdowns and especially ordering us "little people" around.
That will be hard for them to give up.

I have consistently voted democratic for the last couple decades. I am not hard left.
Yes, you are "hard left." You oppose freedom.
You want to force people to be vaccinated when you don't have a CLUE what the long-term problems might be.
You love mask mandates.
Face it, you love to order other people around ; vicariously by approving of democrat policies.
You don't deserve to be an american. But relax, neither do the 30% who agree with you.
This is good news to everyone but democrats.
The end is here, but we will probably have to fight our way back to normal.
The left wingers love their masks and lockdowns and especially ordering us "little people" around.
That will be hard for them to give up.

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Just no way to know. I am as hopeful as the next person. Omicron reproduces so fast though that the likelihood of a successful variant mutation is off the charts. The virus clearly isn’t going away and nothing prevents it from coming back with a much worse variant. The virus does not care what any of us think.
Most of my activity on Twitter is medical related and just retweets. I have consistently voted democratic for the last couple decades. I am not hard left. I don’t hide my identity on here or anywhere and will back up what I say or when necessary admit when I am wrong. People like you have no educational background in these topics, hide your identity and repeat right wing propaganda.
An argument from authority in the directions this thread has gone in would take an incredibly diverse education in the fields of infectious disease, civics, political science, media research, etc. I dont believe you have boasted of having degrees in any of these fields. In fact it could be argued that in the time you spent studying the fields you were qualified in, other people were paying attention to things more generally important.
Ive heard it said about some college graduates that boast of degrees that should add weight to their opinions:
"Some take 16 years or more to learn what others do in 12 or less".
If this thread turns to nursing in neuroscience your credentials would obviously mean something. Otherwise we can assume your nose was in a book that had little relevance to the topical issues while the rest of us were gaining experience in things like how government officials manipulate the system for their own ends.
Yes, you are "hard left." You oppose freedom.
You want to force people to be vaccinated when you don't have a CLUE what the long-term problems might be.
You love mask mandates.
Face it, you love to order other people around ; vicariously by approving of democrat policies.
You don't deserve to be an american. But relax, neither do the 30% who agree with you.
Yes I like mandates just like George Washington and like the US Supreme Court approved in 1905. Hundreds of thousands have give their lives for this country but you ant even get a shot or wear a mask. You claim the mantle of Christ and live a life dedicated to self. I can easily tolerate stupid people but not self righteous bigots.
An argument from authority in the directions this thread has gone in would take an incredibly diverse education in the fields of infectious disease, civics, political science, media research, etc. I dont believe you have boasted of having degrees in any of these fields. In fact it could be argued that in the time you spent studying the fields you were qualified in, other people were paying attention to things more generally important.
Ive heard it said about some college graduates that boast of degrees that should add weight to their opinions:
"Some take 16 years or more to learn what others do in 12 or less".
If this thread turns to nursing in neuroscience your credentials would obviously mean something. Otherwise we can assume your nose was in a book that had little relevance to the topical issues while the rest of us were gaining experience in things like how government officials manipulate the system for their own ends.
Oh well I have a BA in political science, a Bachelors of Science of Nursing and am a lawyer. Sorry you missed it earlier.
Just no way to know. I am as hopeful as the next person. Omicron reproduces so fast though that the likelihood of a successful variant mutation is off the charts. The virus clearly isn’t going away and nothing prevents it from coming back with a much worse variant. The virus does not care what any of us think.
Perhaps "science" is in a bit over its head if it thinks we can or even should attempt to control it with things cooked up in petri dishes? If the death toll keeps rising maybe its the inevitable truth?
Not every attempt to develop a vaccine will have such a cut and dry success such as polio, would those responsible publically admit they may be making things worse?
Id like to say I trust the experts to do the right thing but I dont delude myself about some mysterious sanctity in the name of "science" in that its pure, cannot be corrupted. I do hold my beliefs up to the scientific method, but also realize scientists have the same human faults as any of us. Vanity, greed, lust for power, professional recognition.
But youre right the virus does not care what we do. Scientists, politicians, public officials, even our fellow constituants, seem far too concerned with it.
The virus clearly isn’t going away and nothing prevents it from coming back with a much worse variant. The virus does not care what any of us think.
You must have been a lousy nurse cause you don't even understand how viruses progress through time.
They NEVER get stronger. They get weaker so they can survive.
You want it to get stronger, but it's getting weaker.
And soon your world of masks, rules, lockdowns, firing the unvaccinated, etc ; will end. What will you do ?
Can't wait for that to happen !
Oh well I have a BA in political science, a Bachelors of Science of Nursing and am a lawyer. Sorry you missed it earlier.
Funny fact: almost no one, ever, with a degree in political science, has ever had any success, in politics.
No one.
All those professional accomplishments and yet you still have hours each day to post in this forum and roam the internet like don quioxte, knocking down the windmills of right wing misinformation.
And I suppose you spend the rest of your time knitting sock monkeys for your grandchildren, and volunteering for the local democrats club?
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Yes I like mandates just like George Washington and like the US Supreme Court approved in 1905.
Covid is NOT smallpox ! What a moronic comparison.
Hundreds of thousands have give their lives for this country but you ant even get a shot or wear a mask.
Masks don't stop an airborne virus. Remember science ?
You claim the mantle of Christ and live a life dedicated to self. I can easily tolerate stupid people but not self righteous bigots.
You don't know anything about me except that you can't win a debate with me.
If I claimed that zinc lozenges were effective at fighting coronaviruses, is that misinformation?
You must have been a lousy nurse cause you don't even understand how viruses progress through time.
They NEVER get stronger. They get weaker so they can survive.
You want it to get stronger, but it's getting weaker.
And soon your world of masks, rules, lockdowns, firing the unvaccinated, etc ; will end. What will you do ?
Can't wait for that to happen !
Simply not true. Viruses goal is reproduction. Virulence is random. The most efficient virus wins. All of the variants including Omicron are more efficient and deadlier than the the original wuhan virus. Viruses over a long term can have a more limited impact but that is due to human adaptation and immune response. Variants of the Spanish Flu are still around but we have an immune response. However coronavirus mutates much faster than the flu AND as Omicron is demonstrating it can evade immune response. This is why what the Israel doctor wrote is so ridiculous. He offered no solutions and talked about the Great Barrington approach which would have killed millions.
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If I claimed that zinc lozenges were effective at fighting coronaviruses, is that misinformation?
Well a claim is a claim. Nothing more. How would you document it? If you said it is established yes that would be misinformation. Zinc lozenges showed limited efficacy against the common cold BUT there has been a randomized double blind controlled trial of Ziinc against Covid and their was no efficacy. Same as placebo. So I would say show me what you got. That is what I always say to BMcl and Bob B and they never post a study.
TBH there are shady sources on both sides of the spectrum and while some of the accusations against veritas in the past were true just as many were false.
In the end dismissing a source for its bias only dismisses ones self for their own bias.
Project Veritas has had revelations with merit, and if the report contains actual documents at the very least those documents and their content should be considered and then you should make an informed decision on what they mean.
I often cringe when certain sources on my side of an argument (which Im not really involved with in the case of these drugs) are used that have questionable credentials.
However I cant pretend that issues would be reported at all by sources populated by the other side.
Claimimg that others are not honest is not a valid defense. Using them as a source is counter productive, why would any reasonable person bother with such sites? I am all for freedom.of speech but those guys are just evil in their intentions. What is the point of scaring people so that they refuse a safe and effective vaccine?

I can see a witchdoctor so that, or a preacher, as there is money to be made by selling snake oil or have a house full of worshippers giving more money in order to gain favours from the gods. But what would an normal person have to gain by risking death by slow suffocation? It takes a special kind of evil (or stupid)

I am careful with my sources for information, I pick neutral sites and even check those. I have no time for far right conspiracy theories which are currently dominant.
Fauci will retire soon unless he's really stupid.
Republicans are going to investigate him after November and he's going down for many reasons.
Objectively between the two of you, he is not the stupid one.

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diy solar