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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

So ... you want to introduce 11 new thing hoping we will argue about them instead of just facing the facts? Do you think that will muddy things up sufficiently we won't be able to see what's really relevant here .... What's relevant is in the video I have posted multiple times ... We don't need to jump thru your hoops to know the truth.
Any valid study would fully address all these issues and much more.

You want people searching the bowels of Pfizer but you are satisfied with a banned video as your proof??????
Oh this must be the video pulled for Facebook for misinformation. I am sure you didn't get the Vimeo link from a nutjob right-wing site (sarcasm).
Facebook should be catagorically denied any recognition as authority for any matter other than corrupting American elections and covering up their crimes.
The fact you even mention them shows it just hasnt gotten through your thick head.
The 2020 Presidential election was rigged. Stolen. Corrupted by Zuckerbergs precisely directed $419 million and thats not a conspiracy theory its well documented.
So ... you want to introduce 11 new thing hoping we will argue about them instead of just facing the facts? Do you think that will muddy things up sufficiently we won't be able to see what's really relevant here .... What's relevant is in the video I have posted multiple times ... We don't need to jump thru your hoops to know the truth.
Remember when I said McCullough shouldn't be pretending to be a professor? Well he has been sued by his old employer. Oops.
So ... you want to introduce 11 new thing hoping we will argue about them instead of just facing the facts? Do you think that will muddy things up sufficiently we won't be able to see what's really relevant here .... What's relevant is in the video I have posted multiple times ... We don't need to jump thru your hoops to know the truth.
Have you seen this? This is youtube video of Dr. Valerio on Honduras.
Have you seen this? This is youtube video of Dr. Valerio on Honduras.
As I told you before .... we all know what YouTube is up to.

I know you have trouble understanding certain things so let me make this REAL easy for you.



But that isn’t true! Deaths in Honduras
Deaths peaked months after the protocol initiation (to the extent it existed). I told you to look at your own chart!

He cut off his chart before it shows it going up again.
But that isn’t true! Deaths in Honduras
Deaths peaked months after the protocol initiation (to the extent it existed). I told you to look at your own chart!

He cut off his chart before it shows it going up again.


Go to worldometer and look at the death chart. This is not complicated. The protocol started sometime in August 2020, although their are conflicting dates. The vast majority of deaths were after. Don’t listen to him. Look at the data yourself.
Go to worldometer and look at the death chart. This is not complicated. The protocol started sometime in August 2020, although their are conflicting dates. The vast majority of deaths were after. Don’t listen to him. Look at the data yourself.
Did you look at the comparison I posted of their death rate compared to ours? They managed to keep their death rate below ours .... most of the time .... sometimes, the margin was huge. Meaning .... our death rate has been much larger than theirs ... This is a country with almost no healthcare resources .... but they made put our death rates to shame.
Go to worldometer and look at the death chart. This is not complicated. The protocol started sometime in August 2020, although their are conflicting dates. The vast majority of deaths were after. Don’t listen to him.
Did you look at the comparison I posted of their death rate compared to ours? They managed to keep their death rate below ours .... most of the time .... sometimes, the margin was huge. Meaning .... our death rate has been much larger than theirs ... This is a country with almost no healthcare resources .... but they made put our death rates to shame.
You are trying to backtrack. The issue is whether they went down for them as stated.
Did you look at the comparison I posted of their death rate compared to ours? They managed to keep their death rate below ours .... most of the time .... sometimes, the margin was huge. Meaning .... our death rate has been much larger than theirs ... This is a country with almost no healthcare resources .... but they made put our death rates to shame.
And no it did not go down to zero. It when on to record highs.
Did you look at the comparison I posted of their death rate compared to ours? They managed to keep their death rate below ours .... most of the time .... sometimes, the margin was huge. Meaning .... our death rate has been much larger than theirs ... This is a country with almost no healthcare resources .... but they made put our death rates to shame.
Aren’t you interested in their vaccinated-unvaccinated split. Why wouldn’t they report that.
Aren’t you interested in their vaccinated-unvaccinated split. Why wouldn’t they report that.
I'm pretty sure the vaccination rate is lower than ours.

Just admit it .... their simple treatment protocols put the US healthcare system to shame. Are you still ignoring the chart in post 1710?
I'm pretty sure the vaccination rate is lower than ours.

Just admit it .... their simple treatment protocols put the US healthcare system to shame. Are you still ignoring the chart in post 1710?
I know .... I know .... It's really tempting to say that the US death rates from Covid were inflated .... but that would destroy the whole narrative wouldn't it.
I'm pretty sure the vaccination rate is lower than ours.

Just admit it .... their simple treatment protocols put the US healthcare system to shame. Are you still ignoring the chart in post 1710?
Based on what? Hondura’s reported numbers?
Based on what? Hondura’s reported numbers?
As you well know ..... deaths are harder to get wrong than cases are. ..... But ... of course .... it must be their crappy reporting. It couldn't possibly be treatment ...... right.

It's clear that you don't have anything of substance to say .... so, I'm going to spend my time in a better way.
I know .... I know .... It's really tempting to say that the US death rates from Covid were inflated .... but that would destroy the whole narrative wouldn't it.
Well, I think it is enough to say the numbers are not apples to apples. Two completely different reporting systems to say the least. I am trying to focus on the claim that the protocol made a difference in Honduras. Post 1710 their numbers were always much better than the US. So it is really hard to see the point at which the protocol made a difference.
Also in Honduras the death numbers go up several fold after the protocol began. They are lower now but Omicron is just starting there.
Well, I think it is enough to say the numbers are not apples to apples. Two completely different reporting systems to say the least. I am trying to focus on the claim that the protocol made a difference in Honduras. Post 1710 their numbers were always much better than the US. So it is really hard to see the point at which the protocol made a difference.
Also in Honduras the death numbers go up several fold after the protocol began. They are lower now but Omicron is just starting there.
All you can ever focus on are numbers .... the word of the front line doctors never means anything to you .... It's a shame really.
As you well know ..... deaths are harder to get wrong than cases are. ..... But ... of course .... it must be their crappy reporting. It couldn't possibly be treatment ...... right.

It's clear that you don't have anything of substance to say .... so, I'm going to spend my time in a better way.
Yes deaths are harder to get wrong but when you only have 6500 hospital beds for 9,000,000 and overrun municipalities it gets sketch real fast. I just don’t think it is reasonable to trust those numbers. I do think they represent trends. They give an idea what is happening.
All you can ever focus on are numbers .... the word of the front line doctors never means anything to you .... It's a shame really.
No it means absolutely nothing to me. There are hundreds of thousands of doctors that say the opposite.
No it means absolutely nothing to me. There are hundreds of thousands of doctors that say the opposite.
I don't see hundreds of thousands of doctors saying the opposite .... just those who are comfortable letting someone else tell them not to bother treating their patients who have this illness. I prefer a doctor who has a mind of his own..

So ... if you go to a doctor with a potentially fatal illness .... He tells you I have treated thousands with this illness using this protocol .... None of then have been harmed by the protocol ... None of them have had to even go into the hospital ...... You are going to say ... sorry doc, I want to just take my chances of dying because there are no studies that prove you know what you are talking about.

I'm outa here for the evening.
I don't see hundreds of thousands of doctors saying the opposite .... just those who are comfortable letting someone else tell them not to bother treating their patients who have this illness. I prefer a doctor who has a mind of his own..

So ... if you go to a doctor with a potentially fatal illness .... He tells you I have treated thousands with this illness using this protocol .... None of then have been harmed by the protocol ... None of them have had to even go into the hospital ...... You are going to say ... sorry doc, I want to just take my chances of dying because there are no studies that prove you know what you are talking about.

I'm outa here for the evening.
No not if studies and the NIH and the AMA say the exact opposite and my doctor makes you tubes and gets studies withdrawn. In fact he would never be my doctor.
No not if studies and the NIH and the AMA say the exact opposite and my doctor makes you tubes and gets studies withdrawn. In fact he would never be my doctor.
I guess we'll just have to let natural selection handle it then.
I know .... I know .... It's really tempting to say that the US death rates from Covid were inflated .... but that would destroy the whole narrative wouldn't it.
Actually, if you were saying that the US death rates from Covid were inflated, you would only show that you were a conspiracy theorist.

Your problem is that you believe that certain treatments work without there being sufficient data for that. Let's assume that you actually want to save people, I have not seen anything that contradicts that. Why would you recommend treatments that are not proven yet? To me your recommendations are no different from the recommendation for drinking your own urine, something we both agree is rediculous.

There are thousands of "treatments" people believe in, some might actually be beneficial, but let's leave that determination to the experts.
I got vaccinated as soon as I could and dont regret it so dont call me anti vax. However time has revealed that on a number of fronts the powers that be have been wrong or put their trust in methods that simply didnt pan out and it seems vaccines are one. Initially they repealed mask mandates and said those that had been vaccinated didnt have to wear masks in public places. A little time goes by, the majority of the population is vaccinated, yet cases soared and we are told we a have to wear masks again. And social distance, if either of those worked we wouldnt hsve to do both. Some people here are acting as if these big pharma companies are beyond reproach, saying theyve never seen them do anything dishonest. Well Ive got some land in Florida for sale. Cheap. Just write me a check pal.
The experts can be, and have been, wrong about a lot of things.
Your efforts to stifle open progressive discourse, especially in light of the number of things youve been wrong about, are despicable and have no place in a free society.
Your ilk flourish in regimes like Stalin's USSR and communist China.

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diy solar