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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

I can interpret the Honduras data on my own just fine ..... I'm really not interested to see how you are going to try to twist into into something it's not.
Just an admission that they developed VERY effective treatment protocols would be fine ... but unlikely to happen.
Okay then shut your pie hole. There is NO evidence they have an effective treatment.
So 8 months after this article was released, Honduras' own very very sketchy numbers, ad a death rate that was up by 800%.

How do you explain that?

Do you have anything besides government press releases or youtube videos?

Interesting you will say the CDC is categorically lying while you hang on every word of a socialist state with a per capita income of $2, 239.00. They have about 6500 hospital beds in the whole country, the infrastructure is failing, but you think they test and track Covid cases really carefully?

Show me your proof Bob.
Here is what the US State Dept says about Honduras but you want to tell me they are all over this Covid thing. Surely people wouldn't be dying undiagnosed and shoved aside.

"Country Summary: Violent crime, such as homicide and armed robbery, is common. Violent gang activity, such as extortion, violent street crime, rape, and narcotics and human trafficking, is widespread. Local police and emergency services lack sufficient resources to respond effectively to serious crime."

Maybe the State Department should add, "But according to community college grad and avid youtube watcher, Bob B, they have a killer polyartic Covid cocktail which is an instant cure!!!!"
If you look at these statistics sorted by deaths per 1 million people ..... The US is #19 ..... Honduras is #82 in spite of getting off to a rough start.
It's pretty easy see that not many countries are doing as poorly as the US.



I told everyone you would try to twist things into something they are not.
If you look at these statistics sorted by deaths per 1 million people ..... The US is #19 ..... Honduras is #82 in spite of getting off to a rough start.
It's pretty easy see that not many countries are doing as poorly as the US.

I remember, because I can, the two of us had a direct discussion on this and I gave you six reasons why US numbers were higher. You even agreed with some of them. Now you don't remember any of that?
Okay, Bob, you just said above that Honduras got hit hard at the start. The press release about the new "protocol" was on September 28, 2020. When did most of the deaths in Honduras happen? Look at your chart.

In making analyzing whether or not got it do you think the following is relevant?

1. What percentage of the population actually got the protocol? Where and when?
2 Did the individuals test positive before receiving the protocol?
3. How was the follow-up to those getting the protocol conducted and documented? Was it consistent and was there a written protocol followed?
5. What were the study's endpoints to determine success?
6. What were the age and sex of study participants?
7. Did the study participants have any underlying conditions?
8. What other remedies did the study participants take in addition to the protocol?
9. Did the study participants take the full dosage of the protocol, exceed it, skip days etc......?
10. In addition to the protocol what other measures did the Govt of Honduras take? Masking? Business closures? Limits on crowds? Curfews? What dates and where did these restrictions occur? How do they correlate with the drug protocol?
11. 51% of the population in Honduras is reportedly vaccinated. Were the study participants vaccinated?

Do these seem like fair questions to you Bob?
Here is what the US State Dept says about Honduras but you want to tell me they are all over this Covid thing. Surely people wouldn't be dying undiagnosed and shoved aside.

"Country Summary: Violent crime, such as homicide and armed robbery, is common. Violent gang activity, such as extortion, violent street crime, rape, and narcotics and human trafficking, is widespread. Local police and emergency services lack sufficient resources to respond effectively to serious crime."

Maybe the State Department should add, "But according to community college grad and avid youtube watcher, Bob B, they have a killer polyartic Covid cocktail which is an instant cure!!!!"
Sounds like any northeast US city under democrat rule to me. I bet Chicago has a higher rate of gun assaults.
Sounds like any northeast US city under democrat rule to me. I bet Chicago has a higher rate of gun assaults.
The entire country has 6500 hospital beds, the per capita income is $2,200.00. The GNP of the country is 21.75 Billion. The GNP of the state of Mississippi is 114 billion..

Doctors without Borders is in the country. Other South American states and the US are contributing vaccines, hospital tents, and supplies. Doctors without Borders and other aid agencies are in the country. They have unreliable infrastructure and unreliable record-keeping.

Bob B calls this response a miracle and wants us to study it and emulate it.
The entire country has 6500 hospital beds, the per capita income is $2,200.00. The GNP of the country is 21.75 Billion. The GNP of the state of Mississippi is 114 billion..
Proof that we didn't have to spend a fortune to get this under control. Don't need another experimental drug.
Doctors without Borders is in the country. Other South American states and the US are contributing vaccines, hospital tents, and supplies. Doctors without Borders and other aid agencies are in the country. They have unreliable infrastructure and unreliable record-keeping.
Have they picked up on the protocol that works?
Bob B calls this response a miracle and wants us to study it and emulate it.
The video you refuse to watch has LOTS of data in it ..... pretty easy to emulate the protocol that works. I have all the meds on the way .... although I seriously doubt my nebulizer treatment will fail me unless I get too lax.

Instead of picking one individual to vilify ..... He is now trying to do it to an entire country .... as if any of that has any relevance to whether or not the doctors there found and used a protocol that saved a LOT of lives.

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Whats your angle with this irrelevant line of argument...that the killing of people by cocaine cartels makes the ability to compile Covid data impossible?
The two really arent related. Its not like the cartels are threatening people to stay quiet about covid, or that the hospitals are so busy with shootings that affects their covid response.
I dont see anything you are doing with this except trying to add confusion.
Whats your angle with this irrelevant line of argument...that the killing of people by cocaine cartels makes the ability to compile Covid data impossible?
The two really arent related. Its not like the cartels are threatening people to stay quiet about covid, or that the hospitals are so busy with shootings that affects their covid response.
I dont see anything you are doing with this except trying to add confusion.
Just responding to your inaccurate chicago comment.
Proof that we didn't have to spend a fortune to get this under control. Don't need another experimental drug.

Have they picked up on the protocol that works?

The video you refuse to watch has LOTS of data in it ..... pretty easy to emulate the protocol that works. I have all the meds on the way .... although I seriously doubt my nebulizer treatment will fail me unless I get too lax.

Instead of picking one individual to vilify ..... He is now trying to do it to an entire country .... as if any of that has any relevance to whether or not the doctors there found and used a protocol that saved a LOT of lives.

Oh, you missed these questions.

n making analyzing whether or not got it do you think the following is relevant?

1. What percentage of the population actually got the protocol? Where and when?
2 Did the individuals test positive before receiving the protocol?
3. How was the follow-up to those getting the protocol conducted and documented? Was it consistent and was there a written protocol followed?
5. What were the study's endpoints to determine success?
6. What were the age and sex of study participants?
7. Did the study participants have any underlying conditions?
8. What other remedies did the study participants take in addition to the protocol?
9. Did the study participants take the full dosage of the protocol, exceed it, skip days etc......?
10. In addition to the protocol what other measures did the Govt of Honduras take? Masking? Business closures? Limits on crowds? Curfews? What dates and where did these restrictions occur? How do they correlate with the drug protocol?
11. 51% of the population in Honduras is reportedly vaccinated. Were the study participants vaccinated?
What I do see is good motivation for Joe Biden to send the hundreds of thousands of illegal alien Hondurans back the hell where they came from, so they can work for a better life for their families by pushing the cartels out.
We know sleepy minor lap jumping childhood asthma kept me out of the military but didnt keep me from being a lifeguard Joe is just looking for future votes.
Whats your angle with this irrelevant line of argument...that the killing of people by cocaine cartels makes the ability to compile Covid data impossible?
The two really arent related. Its not like the cartels are threatening people to stay quiet about covid, or that the hospitals are so busy with shootings that affects their covid response.
I dont see anything you are doing with this except trying to add confusion.
The relevance is, as I have pointed out, is that Honduras is a failed state that cannot meet the basic needs of its people. The majority of refugees on our Southern border are from Honduras.

Bob wants to make arguments based on reported Covid numbers in Honduras. However, it is absurd to believe that a country of 9 million people but only 6500 hospital beds, 150 ICU beds, has the wherewithal to do adequate testing and reporting.
Oh, you missed these questions.

n making analyzing whether or not got it do you think the following is relevant?

1. What percentage of the population actually got the protocol? Where and when?
2 Did the individuals test positive before receiving the protocol?
3. How was the follow-up to those getting the protocol conducted and documented? Was it consistent and was there a written protocol followed?
5. What were the study's endpoints to determine success?
6. What were the age and sex of study participants?
7. Did the study participants have any underlying conditions?
8. What other remedies did the study participants take in addition to the protocol?
9. Did the study participants take the full dosage of the protocol, exceed it, skip days etc......?
10. In addition to the protocol what other measures did the Govt of Honduras take? Masking? Business closures? Limits on crowds? Curfews? What dates and where did these restrictions occur? How do they correlate with the drug protocol?
11. 51% of the population in Honduras is reportedly vaccinated. Were the study participants vaccinated?
So ... you want to introduce 11 new thing hoping we will argue about them instead of just facing the facts? Do you think that will muddy things up sufficiently we won't be able to see what's really relevant here .... What's relevant is in the video I have posted multiple times ... We don't need to jump thru your hoops to know the truth.
So ... you want to introduce 11 new thing hoping we will argue about them instead of just facing the facts? Do you think that will muddy things up sufficiently we won't be able to see what's really relevant here .... What's relevant is in the video I have posted multiple times ... We don't need to jump thru your hoops to know the truth.
I have read the "study" published by Dr Valerio and reviewed the powerpoint of one of his presentations. I am sure you are familiar with them.
Proof that we didn't have to spend a fortune to get this under control. Don't need another experimental drug.

Have they picked up on the protocol that works?

The video you refuse to watch has LOTS of data in it ..... pretty easy to emulate the protocol that works. I have all the meds on the way .... although I seriously doubt my nebulizer treatment will fail me unless I get too lax.

Instead of picking one individual to vilify ..... He is now trying to do it to an entire country .... as if any of that has any relevance to whether or not the doctors there found and used a protocol that saved a LOT of lives.

Oh this must be the video pulled for Facebook for misinformation. I am sure you didn't get the Vimeo link from a nutjob right-wing site (sarcasm).
Just responding to your inaccurate chicago comment.
Your reference cited the murder rate, not gun assaults as I stated. But anyway your argument has been focused on their absolute lack of record keeping ability.... Except for what, the murder rate? We can trust that data explicitly, but not their published Covid death rates?
This is whats wrong with posting just to troll. The "say anything" tactics leave you with confused talking points.
Like pointing out the presence of doctors without borders. It means outside entities are scrutinizing their system. Doesnt that increase the reliability of their medical record keeping?

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