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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

The point is that the guy is willing to lie repeatedly and therefore unreliable. I do not bother visiting outlets that lie deliberately because I would have to verify their stories elsewhere and I might as will skip them.

You cal it lazy, I call it efficient.

I did not call the right wing, they are far right, there is a difference.


Sure and both side do, that does not make it right.

I have note voted in decades.

I don't have to, I just ignore them. Why would you want me to listen to people who repeatedly lie?

So you are claiming republicans are no longer protesting? The facts show otherwise.
I didnt see you disprove anything the video presented.

You seem to think snarky quips pass for a thoughtful response. Youre a legend in your own mind.
An example of how specialized it is: I graduated law school in 1983 and what they call Critical Race Theory did not exist. However, even if it was taught I would not have learned about it unless I took specialized Civil Rights courses in my third year. Even then it would be esoteric. It is simply a subcategory to civil rights law. It has NOTHING to do with what Grizzman is talking about.

Although it is not Critical Race Theory what Grizzman refers to as implicit racism is what normal educated people refer to as structural racism. The existence of structural racism is undeniable. Again the name may be unfortunate because it is really addressing subconscious preconceptions attributable to race and our unique and unfortunate history. It is NOT applicable to the overt racism of which Trump and his followers suffer.

In healthcare, an example of structural racism is that black patients are more likely to be considered malingerers, less time is spent with the patient, they are less likely to have pain treated and they have poorer outcomes. This happens even when the healthcare providers are black. Are these healthcare providers racist? Most are not. However, all of us have learned responses and misconceptions regardless of our own race. I have also worked in the finance and real estate industry and there are very clear examples in those industries. That is structural racism. The theory of how we deal with these deep-set problems (instead of 60's remedies of housing, welfare and affirmative action which have failed in many respects) is the origin of Critical Race Theory which looks to find deeper and more lasting solutions.

Finally, just so I am not misconstrued. If you think that the kidnapping and enslavement of Africans or the genocide of Native Americans is not an original sin of this country, if you think it does not continue to impact those communities to this day and if you believe white America does not benefit directly to this day for these sins, YOU ARE A RACIST and A MORON. That Grizzman would fall for this fearmongering and race-baiting sickens and disgusts me.
If you believe current Americans should inherit "original sin" over things that happened 200 years ago, solely by virtue of the color of their skin and thats exactly what youre pushing here you have no business calling anyone a racist and a moron.
I dont know who my parents are let alone great great great great great great grandparents, can you describe to me exactly how I benefit today over other ethnic groups because I am white? Is it something like Eddie Murphys "white like me" SNL skit?
You got to go to college and graduated law school. How wonderful for you! Meanwhile millions of white people who lack your economic privilege and spend our whole lives under the poverty line are tired of hearing you elitists bleat about how great youve had it. Thats most of the people not on the coasts. The person who coined the term white privilege was one of you scumbags, an ivy league educated beeatch from CT who felt guilt over her familys wealth.

This whole woke thing is like a cancer eating away at this country and the more you double down on pushing it the more people with good sense are going to double down on **** you!

You dont speak for all of us and if you hate America for its past you can just GTFO of it and have yourself a bowl of **** you for breakfast.

Finally you talk about what you werent educated about. This whole woke nonsense is the product of decades of revisionist history being pushed by marxists trying to denigrate this country. A perfect example is revealed in this article.

The Comanche, one of the most barbaric cultures ever to exist portrayed as victims. If thats what the settlers of America faced, and they did I celebrate the actions of European settlers to vanquish them.
I said your fact checker minimized the impact of the pandemic in his analysis, and I stand by that 100%.
It is irrelevant, I don't care if unemployment went up or down under Trump.

Your obsession with proving bob wrong about this one issue has reached a point where its less about his error and more revealing of your own pettiness and immaturity.
Showing the world that a guy who is telling you to take invermectim instead of any of the vaccines is living in lala land might saves lives.

Youre still logging on to the internet for how long now, 2 months? And mentioning it for dozens of posts? Just to prove a stranger from another country wrong on a message board? Attacking a president you cant even vote for!
Why do you think it is about Trump? Bob has made numerous false assertions regarding covid treatments and the vaccines, he then made a false assertion about unemployment being lower under Trump while in fact it was the opposite. After showing him that he was factually wrong, he still insisted that unemployment under Trump was down.

Holy crap Ive seen 8 year olds with a better sense of how to productively spend time. So you proved him wrong, you want a cookie?
He refused to acknowledge that he was wrong, which proves he lives in lala land. Even a normal 8 year old would accept they are wrong when they are shown the evidence.

In the end Trumps unemployment figures have nothing to do with his economic policies and everything to do with the pandemic. All youre proving is your own ability to manipulate statistics and take them out of context to misrepresent an issue, which is the only thing you can do given the absolute disaster unfolding in front of us called the Biden administration.
You (falsely) accuse me of manipulating statistics and taking them out of context. Seems to me you need to provide verifiable evidence that Trump left office with lower unemployment than when he entered office, or apologize.

And why do you want to shift the debate to politics? Even if I wanted to vote and I have not voted in decades, I can't even vote for any of the candidates.
No surprise you want to talk about Trump when the jackass you voted for is running the country into the ground as we speak.
Why don't you tell us how you really feel?

Despite the slanted portrayal of Trump and his coronavirus position, far more deaths have happened under Biden than under Trump.
That is true. For some reasons conservatives are willing to die (from slow suffocation) rather then take any of the vaccines.

But that doesn't mean Trump did well. The Lancet Commission on Public Policy and Health in the Trump Era came out with an assessment of Donald Trump’s impact on the health of Americans while he was U.S. President. And, spoiler alert, it wasn’t positive.
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If Batvette was not crazy enough to drive his little batmobile over to DC on January 6, imagine how crazy the actual insurgents were..
He is so deeply invested into the cult that any facts that could be perceived as negative towards the cult leader are outright dismissed. The sad part is that the cause of the problems, a growing income disparity, can never be fixed with those attitudes. Hence there is no point in voting..
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No surprise you want to talk about Trump when the jackass you voted for is running the country into the ground as we speak.
Despite the slanted portrayal of Trump and his coronavirus position, far more deaths have happened under Biden than under Trump.
Trump wasn't running the country into the ground?? He borrowed more money in 4 years than any other president in history.. He was bankrupting us, just like his companies were bankrupted.

Who the hell votes for someone who has a history of causing their own businesses to go bankrupt?

I find it comical that you think a video of Trump's statements are a slanted portrayal of Trump.. Oh man, that's rich.
I said your fact checker minimized the impact of the pandemic in his analysis, and I stand by that 100%.
Your obsession with proving bob wrong about this one issue has reached a point where its less about his error and more revealing of your own pettiness and immaturity.

Youre still logging on to the internet for how long now, 2 months? And mentioning it for dozens of posts? Just to prove a stranger from another country wrong on a message board? Attacking a president you cant even vote for!

Holy crap Ive seen 8 year olds with a better sense of how to productively spend time. So you proved him wrong, you want a cookie?

In the end Trumps unemployment figures have nothing to do with his economic policies and everything to do with the pandemic. All youre proving is your own ability to manipulate statistics and take them out of context to misrepresent an issue, which is the only thing you can do given the absolute disaster unfolding in front of us called the Biden administration.
He keeps trying to push the point because he THINKS he is FINALLY right about something .... the problem is he isn't.
He wants to attack the treatment information I have posted without any substance .... wrong again.

What I said about minority unemployment was absolutely true .... Minority unemployment reached the lowest level EVER under Trumps watch and if it hadn't been for the pandemic was heading even lower. There were also more people working .... a metric that is often ignored. In bad times people just leave the workforce and don't show in unemployment numbers .... under Trump, people were returning to the workforce. His overall numbers were exceeding expectation almost every quarter.
That we didn't slide into a full on recession in that first year of the pandemic is kinda miraculous.

It is true that at the end of his term unemployment went back up ..... Who could maintain the best unemployment numbers ever in the face of a pandemic .... Do you really think that is a talking point .... @Johnson?
There is also the fact that after November everyone knew Biden was going to take over and that meant things were going to get REALLY bad. Biden tries to take credit for increased employment when in actuality almost every quarter his numbers have been worse than expected.
If would be pretty much impossible to not improve employment as a pandemic ends in the same way record high employment is impossible to maintain at the beginning of one.

So ... @Johnson .... just keep up your childish posts and I will keep ignoring them for the meaningless piles of **** they are.

I'm not interested in getting into political or religious discussions with the likes of you or the cronies you have discovered on this thread.

I will post items of interest about Covid when I see something I think is interesting ..... Right now, I'm watching to see what happens with the new Deltacron variant and could care less what you think about American politics.
He keeps trying to push the point because he THINKS he is FINALLY right about something .... the problem is he isn't.
He wants to attack the treatment information I have posted without any substance .... wrong again.

What I said about minority unemployment was absolutely true .... Minority unemployment reached the lowest level EVER under Trumps watch and if it hadn't been for the pandemic was heading even lower. There were also more people working .... a metric that is often ignored. In bad times people just leave the workforce and don't show in unemployment numbers .... under Trump, people were returning to the workforce. His overall numbers were exceeding expectation almost every quarter.
That we didn't slide into a full on recession in that first year of the pandemic is kinda miraculous.
Because he was borrowing from Peter to pay Paul.. Its easy to get people working and lower unemployment when you print and borrow money. I'm surprised you don't realize this or account for it... umm.. actually I'm not surprised really... Such thinking seems to be the norm now that I give it a second thought.

Also, unemployment and productivity were very high under Bush 2 as well.. and Bush 2. Riding on the benefits of the dot com growth, Bush 2 still managed to sink the economy into a deep recession.. That's like these megamillion loto winners who go bankrupt in a decade..

Do you see a pattern yet? You can take it all the way back to Reagan and you will see a pattern of Republican's leaving a financial mess in their wake..

And of course, I understand that for the simple minded, if you criticize one side, it is an interpretation of an endorsement for the other side.. So I will add that the democrats are every bit as bad as the republicans, but in a different way that is oddly not really comparable apples for apples.

It is true that at the end of his term unemployment went back up ..... Who could maintain the best unemployment numbers ever in the face of a pandemic .... Do you really think that is a talking point .... @Johnson?
Why are you using unemployment as a benchmark for anything? Unemployment means almost nothing when compared to the national debt and GDP.
Those are the only two things you should look at.. what the national debt is doing, and what the GDP is doing...

Obama handed off a good economy to Trump, who crashed it because he mishandled the pandemic.. Oh, I mean democrat hoax.. because you know, he "had it under control".. and "its going to magically go away on its own"..
Here's the chart:
There is also the fact that after November everyone knew Biden was going to take over and that meant things were going to get REALLY bad. Biden tries to take credit for increased employment when in actuality almost every quarter his numbers have been worse than expected.
If would be pretty much impossible to not improve employment as a pandemic ends in the same way record high employment is impossible to maintain at the beginning of one.

So ... @Johnson .... just keep up your childish posts and I will keep ignoring them for the meaningless piles of **** they are.
Apparently you won't.. Like most conservatives, what you say and what you do are not related to each other.
I'm not interested in getting into political or religious discussions with the likes of you or the cronies you have discovered on this thread.
Says the guy responding to political and religious discussions...

You're funny..
I'm not interested in getting into political or religious discussions with the likes of you or the cronies you have discovered on this thread.
Of course you are not, the fact that you claim that trump lowered unemployment, while he left office with higher unemployment than when he got into office and refuse to admit that, showed that you are divorced from reality.

It is true that at the end of his term unemployment went back up .....
It has taken you two month to admit you were wrong about something that can be so easily verified.

Who could maintain the best unemployment numbers ever in the face of a pandemic
Biden came to office during the pandemic and lowered unemployment.

.... Do you really think that is a talking point .... @Johnson?
You apparently did, why else would you have mentioned unemployment? The point is that you made another false assertion and that it has taken you two months to acknowledge that unemployment even went up under Trumps watch. It shows you live in lala land, not just the opposition against vaccines and for unproven medication like horse dewormer, but that your conspiracy theories have a basis in the idolization of a fraudster.

If I wanted to make fun of Trump I would simply quote him, here are some claims Trump made before the pandemic, I have not verified them all. I can't be bothered....

Campaign finance: "I think nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do, because I'm the biggest contributor." (1999.)
TV ratings: "I know more about people who get ratings than anyone." (October 2012.)
ISIS: "I know more about ISIS than the generals do." (November 2015.)
Social media: "I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?" (November 2015.)
Courts: "I know more about courts than any human being on Earth." (November 2015.)
Lawsuits: "Who knows more about lawsuits than I do? I'm the king." (January 2016.)
Politicians: "I understand politicians better than anybody."
The visa system: "Nobody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. ... Nobody else on this dais knows how to change it like I do, believe me." (March 2016.)
Trade: "Nobody knows more about trade than me." (March 2016.)
The U.S. government system: "Nobody knows the system better than I do." (April 2016.)
Renewable energy: "I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth." (April 2016.)
Taxes: "I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world." (May 2016.)
Debt: "I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me." (June 2016.)
Money: "I understand money better than anybody." (June 2016.)
Infrastructure: "Look, as a builder, nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." (July 2016.)
Sen. Cory Booker: "I know more about Cory than he knows about himself." (July 2016.)
Borders: Trump said in 2016 that Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he was endorsing him for president because "you know more about this stuff than anybody."
Democrats: "I think I know more about the other side than almost anybody." (November 2016.)
Construction: "Nobody knows more about construction than I do." (May 2018.)
The economy: "I think I know about it better than the Federal Reserve." (October 2018.)
Technology: "Technology — nobody knows more about technology than me." (December 2018.)
Drones: "I know more about drones than anybody. I know about every form of safety that you can have." (January 2019.)
Drone technology: "Having a drone fly overhead — and I think nobody knows much more about technology, this type of technology certainly, than I do." (January 2019.)
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If I wanted to make fun of Trump I would simply quote him, here are some claims Trump made before the pandemic, I have not verified them all. I can't be bothered....

Campaign finance: "I think nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do, because I'm the biggest contributor." (1999.)
TV ratings: "I know more about people who get ratings than anyone." (October 2012.)
ISIS: "I know more about ISIS than the generals do." (November 2015.)
Social media: "I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?" (November 2015.)
Courts: "I know more about courts than any human being on Earth." (November 2015.)
Lawsuits: "Who knows more about lawsuits than I do? I'm the king." (January 2016.)
Politicians: "I understand politicians better than anybody."
The visa system: "Nobody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. ... Nobody else on this dais knows how to change it like I do, believe me." (March 2016.)
Trade: "Nobody knows more about trade than me." (March 2016.)
The U.S. government system: "Nobody knows the system better than I do." (April 2016.)
Renewable energy: "I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth." (April 2016.)
Taxes: "I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world." (May 2016.)
Debt: "I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me." (June 2016.)
Money: "I understand money better than anybody." (June 2016.)
Infrastructure: "Look, as a builder, nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." (July 2016.)
Sen. Cory Booker: "I know more about Cory than he knows about himself." (July 2016.)
Borders: Trump said in 2016 that Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he was endorsing him for president because "you know more about this stuff than anybody."
Democrats: "I think I know more about the other side than almost anybody." (November 2016.)
Construction: "Nobody knows more about construction than I do." (May 2018.)
The economy: "I think I know about it better than the Federal Reserve." (October 2018.)
Technology: "Technology — nobody knows more about technology than me." (December 2018.)
Drones: "I know more about drones than anybody. I know about every form of safety that you can have." (January 2019.)
Drone technology: "Having a drone fly overhead — and I think nobody knows much more about technology, this type of technology certainly, than I do." (January 2019.)
Trump seems to be a poster boy for the "unknown unknowns"
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So .... if it is proven Pfizer committed fraud in their testing .... all the contracts they have with entities all over the world will be broken ... and their protection from litigation will be lost.

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He keeps trying to push the point because he THINKS he is FINALLY right about something .... the problem is he isn't.
He wants to attack the treatment information I have posted without any substance .... wrong again.

What I said about minority unemployment was absolutely true .... Minority unemployment reached the lowest level EVER under Trumps watch and if it hadn't been for the pandemic was heading even lower. There were also more people working .... a metric that is often ignored. In bad times people just leave the workforce and don't show in unemployment numbers .... under Trump, people were returning to the workforce. His overall numbers were exceeding expectation almost every quarter.
That we didn't slide into a full on recession in that first year of the pandemic is kinda miraculous.

It is true that at the end of his term unemployment went back up ..... Who could maintain the best unemployment numbers ever in the face of a pandemic .... Do you really think that is a talking point .... @Johnson?
There is also the fact that after November everyone knew Biden was going to take over and that meant things were going to get REALLY bad. Biden tries to take credit for increased employment when in actuality almost every quarter his numbers have been worse than expected.
If would be pretty much impossible to not improve employment as a pandemic ends in the same way record high employment is impossible to maintain at the beginning of one.

So ... @Johnson .... just keep up your childish posts and I will keep ignoring them for the meaningless piles of **** they are.

I'm not interested in getting into political or religious discussions with the likes of you or the cronies you have discovered on this thread.

I will post items of interest about Covid when I see something I think is interesting ..... Right now, I'm watching to see what happens with the new Deltacron variant and could care less what you think about American politics.
What hes done is what the DOJ did to Scooter Libby... couldnt nail him on substance so they figured if they got him to say enough things they could trip him up.
Your statement as worded may have been factually wrong but the spirit of the underlying point wasnt. The last link he provided totally minimized the effect of the pandemic reducing it to a brief passage quoting the liberal source:
"The economic toll of the COVID-19 pandemic wasn't referenced in the CAP chart, but Lee argued such job losses would have been impossible to calculate."

But they werent, the article admits 25 million jobs were lost in one month alone!

So the chart they call TRUE doesnt reference the pandemic at all and they accept the leftist sources lame argument "its impossible to calculate".

How lacking of critical thinking skills does one have to be to think that link proved a damn thing other than their own intentional bias?
Because he was borrowing from Peter to pay Paul.. Its easy to get people working and lower unemployment when you print and borrow money. I'm surprised you don't realize this or account for it... umm.. actually I'm not surprised really... Such thinking seems to be the norm now that I give it a second thought.

Also, unemployment and productivity were very high under Bush 2 as well.. and Bush 2. Riding on the benefits of the dot com growth, Bush 2 still managed to sink the economy into a deep recession.. That's like these megamillion loto winners who go bankrupt in a decade..

Do you see a pattern yet? You can take it all the way back to Reagan and you will see a pattern of Republican's leaving a financial mess in their wake..

And of course, I understand that for the simple minded, if you criticize one side, it is an interpretation of an endorsement for the other side.. So I will add that the democrats are every bit as bad as the republicans, but in a different way that is oddly not really comparable apples for apples.

Why are you using unemployment as a benchmark for anything? Unemployment means almost nothing when compared to the national debt and GDP.
Those are the only two things you should look at.. what the national debt is doing, and what the GDP is doing...

Obama handed off a good economy to Trump, who crashed it because he mishandled the pandemic.. Oh, I mean democrat hoax.. because you know, he "had it under control".. and "its going to magically go away on its own"..
Here's the chart:
View attachment 87315

Apparently you won't.. Like most conservatives, what you say and what you do are not related to each other.

Says the guy responding to political and religious discussions...

You're funny..
How did Trump mishandle the pandemic as it reletes to the economy? The meme has been that he downplayed it to protect the stock market and economy at the cost of deaths. Now youre reversing it and claimimg the economy would do better? Under a democrat? How does that make sense when democrats pushed the hardest for lockdowns and mandates!

Make something good up this is really stretching reality!

Besides most mandates and lockdowns were at the state level!
So .... if it is proven Pfizer committed fraud in their testing .... all the contracts they have with entities all over the world ... and their protection from litigation will be lost.
If it is proven that you are spreading misinformation, will you accept liability for damages?
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Good grief. Most of the labs ( but not all ) were there back when the USSR controlled the Ukraine.
I don't really understand all the frantic outbursts from the left about these labs ..... kinda seems like they are trying to get ahead of something they think is going to happen and be blamed on the current administration.

It's pretty clear these labs do exist and we are concerned about the contents of those labs falling into the Russians hands.
This video is the Under Secretary of State being questioned in a Senate hearing very carefully wording what she is saying .....
I don't really understand all the frantic outbursts from the left about these labs ..... kinda seems like they are trying to get ahead of something they think is going to happen and be blamed on the current administration.

It's pretty clear these labs do exist and we are concerned about the contents of those labs falling into the Russians hands.
This video is the Under Secretary of State being questioned in a Senate hearing very carefully wording what she is saying .....
They talk about misinformation and then post it. Ya saw that.
How did Trump mishandle the pandemic as it reletes to the economy? The meme has been that he downplayed it to protect the stock market and economy at the cost of deaths.
And you would support someone who you think did such a thing?
I don't really understand all the frantic outbursts from the left about these labs ..... kinda seems like they are trying to get ahead of something they think is going to happen and be blamed on the current administration.

It's pretty clear these labs do exist and we are concerned about the contents of those labs falling into the Russians hands.
This video is the Under Secretary of State being questioned in a Senate hearing very carefully wording what she is saying .....
Biolabs exist in every country on the planet. Heck, technically I had one in my basement for a couple years as I was selectively growing algae.

Is rumble your new goto source for conspiracy information now?
They talk about misinformation and then post it. Ya saw that.
The last few words in that video explain their strategy .... accuse the other guys of what you are doing. That is one of the lefts primary strategies.
Biolabs exist in every country on the planet. Heck, technically I had one in my basement for a couple years as I was selectively growing algae.

Is rumble your new goto source for conspiracy information now?
Explain to me where the conspiracy is in that video .... or just stop the crap.

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