diy solar

diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

The last few words in that video explain their strategy .... accuse the other guys of what you are doing. That is one of the lefts primary strategies.

Wow.. TEXTBOOK perfect example of psychological projection.

Actually its the right who accused the dems of trying to steal an election while actually trying to steal it themselves.

Its the right who talk about constitutional rights then passed laws to take people's property through eminent domain for the benefit of private developers.

Its the right who created civil forfeiture laws to take your money without cause.

Its the right who claim they are the ones who support gun rights.. then they banned machine guns as well as bump stocks.

You are so easily manipulated it is disturbing. My 9 year old isn't as easy to trick as you are.
Wow.. TEXTBOOK perfect example of psychological projection.

Actually its the right who accused the dems of trying to steal an election while actually trying to steal it themselves.

Its the right who talk about constitutional rights then passed laws to take people's property through eminent domain for the benefit of private developers.

Its the right who created civil forfeiture laws to take your money without cause.

Its the right who claim they are the ones who support gun rights.. then they banned machine guns as well as bump stocks.

You are so easily manipulated it is disturbing. My 9 year old isn't as easy to trick as you are.
Wow ..... guess I didn't realize how deeply disturbed you are.
More Trump bull shit coming from the least favorite son

More Trump bull shit coming from the least favorite son

I see you found misinformation.
Every time you post from a far right website like Rumble is one example.
Rumble is NOT a far right website .... but YouTube is loves to censor .... I choose freedom of speech.
My choice of video sites is irrelevant .... what content have I posted that fits your description?

Sounds kinda like you are totally in favor of censorship over freedom.

diy solar

diy solar