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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Wow this delusion you are having is amazing. You think THE WORLD is reading your posts in this miserable thread! You think we are still in a stage of the pandemic where people have no source of info besides message boards! And you think you will save someones life with you silly pissing contest!
You are right, I should have said "any one reading this"

The leftists on this board laugh at everything Bob says and everyone on the right doesnt give a rats ass what you think of Bob!
Again, I have not voted in decades, Bob exposed himself as living in lala land, you might not care, but come on now, it is funny how he fell into his own trap...

And your analysis of Trumps unemployment figures is obviously lacking context..
Why do you keep trying to make this about Trump Do you have a problem grasping that Bob made a false claim and refused for 2 months to acknowledge that he was wrong?

Check it out. MORE AMERICANS DIED UNDER FDR than ANY President of the 20th century! Would any credible historian dare put that in school textbooks without mentioning WW2?
Not even going to try to check how many people died under each president, but lets assume that it is correct.... IF I hat stated that the fewest number of people died under FDR that would have been a false statement, regardless of the context...

Thats what youre insisting about Trump and the pandemic and what your source in that link did.
Why is it so difficult to understand that Bob was wrong and refused for 2 months to acknowledge that he was wrong about something so easily checked? People make mistakes all the time, but come on now, it shouldn't take 2 months to figure it out after been presented dozens of sources that showed he was wrong?

Youre petty, immature, dishonest, and clearly suffering from delusions of grandeur. Not really worth further discussion.
You keep trying to shift the debate from Bob to Trump and I am the immature one?
LOL....i agree. Not sure that is what Trump and his friends from Qanon think!
They were their own swamp and wanted to expand to all branches of government. Still in progress.

What we need are some intelligent representatives that can set aside their own agenda and do the right thing. There are a few but not nearly enough.
I think Hillary beat everybody to the "stolen election" baloney back in 2016, and she continues it to this day.
There's a big difference between losing and grumbling about it, and actually trying to commit illegal actions to have it overturned.
You mean because it was Trump's own words? I can agree with that...he is incredibly stupid. I wish the video was even longer in time...he really stepped into his own shit in later statements.
No because Trumps statement was consistent with what his number one advisor on covid 19 was saying at that time. What was inappropriate or inaccurate about his statement in regards to what was happening on that day?
Youre seriously claiming Trump was stupid because of his january 22nd statement which was exactly what Fauci said that day.
At this point your criticisms of Trump are so dumb and unreasonable theres good reason to vote for him just because you wont.
You want stupid, here, own this:

You are right, I should have said "any one reading this"

Again, I have not voted in decades, Bob exposed himself as living in lala land, you might not care, but come on now, it is funny how he fell into his own trap...

Why do you keep trying to make this about Trump Do you have a problem grasping that Bob made a false claim and refused for 2 months to acknowledge that he was wrong?

Not even going to try to check how many people died under each president, but lets assume that it is correct.... IF I hat stated that the fewest number of people died under FDR that would have been a false statement, regardless of the context...

Why is it so difficult to understand that Bob was wrong and refused for 2 months to acknowledge that he was wrong about something so easily checked? People make mistakes all the time, but come on now, it shouldn't take 2 months to figure it out after been presented dozens of sources that showed he was wrong?

You keep trying to shift the debate from Bob to Trump and I am the immature one?
What makes you think I share your obsession to debate about Bobs one statement for 2 months?
Are you married? Does your wife know thats what youve been spending all this time on?
Now youre stating directly that I dont understand that Bob was wrong, even though at LEAST several times in this thread I discussed this at length conceding as worded his statement was in error. Would you like me to find my posts and rub your nose in them so you can stop lying?
I actually have little desire to do so since I do not share your goal of making a career out of parading an error by a stranger on the internet for months on end as if it makes you a better person.
Finally you go off on this incredibly bizarre tangent, attacking me for attempting to shift the debate from bob to trump... When your whole point about bob involves trump. Shall we count your posts about bob for the mumber of times you mention trump or provided a link about him?
Hey sparky, it really does appear you are losing your grasp on reality. Maybe its time to take a break from the webs.
Biden didn't come into office during the pandemic?
Did I say he didnt? I explained my point in detail, simplifying the issue as you are and resting on intentional ignorance is just more dishonesty on your part. Californias economy was shut down completely during the last 10 months of Trumps administration and opened up completely by its democratic governor the week of Bidens inauguration.
Now youre here trying to tout Bidens pandemic jobs recovery when that idiot has done nothing right.
I consider you a complete ****head for making me post this fact again, it just shows youre here to waste peoples time and stroke your ego.
Crazier than this...

Man on the moon. Ha.
Anyway Trump was merely asking if it were possible and said it was interesting. You people have tried to spin it into something much bigger. He isnt saying it would work, or suggesting people do it, and the term disinfectent can be broadly applied to a number of applications.
I wouldnt have to explain this to a non TDS sufferer.
Anyway Trump was merely asking if it were possible and said it was interesting. You people have tried to spin it into something much bigger. He isnt saying it would work, or suggesting people do it, and the term disinfectent can be broadly applied to a number of applications.
I wouldnt have to explain this to a non TDS sufferer.
And in doing so, he displayed how utterly stupid he his.

It's one thing when a child asks if something ridiculously silly is possible, its another when it comes from a full grown adult.. and disturbing when it comes from the President of the United States.
What do you find "ha" about with Man on the Moon?

I can't wait to hear this explanation coming from someone who thinks magical invisible sky fairies are real...
Why are you lying? If you have to make up things nobody ever said you obviously have no argument.
And in doing so, he displayed how utterly stupid he his.

It's one thing when a child asks if something ridiculously silly is possible, its another when it comes from a full grown adult.. and disturbing when it comes from the President of the United States.
And in doing so, he displayed how utterly stupid he his.

It's one thing when a child asks if something ridiculously silly is possible, its another when it comes from a full grown adult.. and disturbing when it comes from the President of the United States.
I was watching that press conference. How many people did face palms that day?
Trump's was not only 1000 times more crazy, people actually did what he suggested after.

Still not as crazy as you.
Your claim is false a blatant lie.

Not one single poisoning of anyone anywhere has been attributed to Trumps statement. While poisonings were up for several months the increase began.before his statement and are consistent with increased use/purchases of disinfectant and bleach as the pandemic set in.

Interesting to see if the partisan hack Johnson attacks your error with the same obsession as bobs.

Not holding my breath.

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