diy solar

diy solar

Looking to do grid tie 12-15KW


New Member
Jan 22, 2022
Hello I am a newbie. Been lurking and reading for some time. I am now in a position to pull the trigger.
Problem is now my mind is overwhelmed with the info. What are some recommendations on where to buy?
I am leaning towards about 36-40 panels. I am thinking a micro inverter system is best? The panels will go on the roof of my detached shop that has a 100 amp feed and panel off the home.
I will possibly want to add batteries in the future for nights and auto back up, but that will be later and not really needing info on that today.
Help me get my mind back on course. I do have a strong electrical background but the solar part is new.
Thank you.
I guess also what I am looking for is what would you have done differently if you did it again?
I am leaning towards about 36-40 panels.
You should be looking at a number of watts and the fewest and cheapest panels.
100 amp feed and panel off the home.
A sub-panel?
Help me get my mind back on course.
Have you done an energy audit so you know how much power you use an/or want to produce?
This is the problem that the solution will need to solve.
I had the same idea as you in 2019 and proceeded to get a grid-tie 7k/w system. Now I want to add batteries but I can't without changing the inverter. Not an inexpensive thing to do! I can't help with anything regarding a setup but thought I would add my comment about batteries.
You should be looking at a number of watts and the fewest and cheapest panels.

A sub-panel?

Have you done an energy audit so you know how much power you use an/or want to produce?
This is the problem that the solution will need to solve.
200amp main panel . 100 amp sub in shop. I will look into your suggestions. Thank you
I like these inverters but have not heard from anyone using them yet? They are very new on the market and the supplier expects UL cert. next month. I think it's a great price and use without batteries and add them later for your purpose perhaps! good luck.
I'm at about this point.

40 Q CELLS 400W Solar Panels 132 cells Q.Peak DUO BLK ML-G10+
40 Enphase IQ8plusMicro inverters.
4 10 plug Trunk cable drop
1 Enphase combiner Box

I am in Pennsylvania. I think using the micro inverters will give the best bang when winter sets in. I get a lot of wind so the panels will get cleared off unevenly. This seems like it is worth the extra. Anything else?