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diy solar

mppt 5k problems


New Member
Mar 5, 2020
I've been running off a 7000w generator through the mppt inverter. With the generator operating, i can run small appliances and construction tools. when I work off the baterries (Battleborn 24v hooked in series for 48 volt imput, I "blow up" the inverter and have to wait till the next day to regain imput. The batteries will run the computor,lights, fans, etc, but the refridge and power tools causes a shut down. I was told this system could power an entire house, and two could power a village!! Help!! Am I doing something wrong or just undersized. Thanks in advance.
Most likely the start-up current spike when running things like a fridge (the compressor) and power tools (inductive load, motor). When your generator is active, the MPPT basically just transfers that power, bypassing the rest, and the generator doesn't care about those spikes.

What MPPT/Inverter are you using? Scratch that, read your title: mppt 5K. That should have a surge capacity for this exact problem and should be able to handle a 10kVA surge, so it might be something else.

Could it be your batteries are too small? I'm not sure what the max current is a BattleBorn supplies or what their capacity is. Might just be undersized?
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The 24v 50ah Battleborn batteries are 60A continuous or 2880 watts for a 48v series pair. Each pair you add in parallel will get you another 2880 watts continuous.

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