diy solar

diy solar

EG4 6500EX and EG4 Lifepower4 intermittent 61 error

Do you see any reason why this would hurt anything? How long has it ran with no issues?
I'm not sure if this is ok. I was hoping somebody from ss would respond. It's been running all day today with no faults. Hopefully ss will respond and I will also try and call tomorrow for advise.
This may be because 2 of my four batteries had an alarm light. I think they were lower than the charge on the other 2. Setting 12 on inverter was set at 10%. Iam charging batteries. Alarms on the 2 batteries are off and fault 61 is gone on both. Fingers crossed. I will fully charge and check status in the morning. I will post results
This may be because 2 of my four batteries had an alarm light. I think they were lower than the charge on the other 2. Setting 12 on inverter was set at 10%. Iam charging batteries. Alarms on the 2 batteries are off and fault 61 is gone on both. Fingers crossed. I will fully charge and check status in the morning. I will post results
I see
Ran all night from 10pm. Checked at 3am no faults. Checked at 8am both units fault 61. Signature solar needs to address this. Would also like to know exactly what a fault 61 is?
Closest thing I've found. I know Growatt and the EG4's share the same DNA, but it could be different issue altogether. Will have to wait on Solar Signature.

Ran all night from 10pm. Checked at 3am no faults. Checked at 8am both units fault 61. Signature solar needs to address this. Would also like to know exactly what a fault 61 is?
I spoke with tech at SS and they said it was losses of communication with the batteries. The tech attributed this to the data cable being bad...we shall see......, mine charges for hours at a time no problems, then it randomly throws a 61 code. It does it everything it finishes charging the Batts.
Yeah, I tried both cords of theirs, made my own( I have the tools to make new rj45) . So i dont believe it's the cord unless their pins they are saying to use is wrong. Sounds like they dont know why either!
for anyone who wants to try to make their own cable here is how I got it working.
Pin 1 goes to Pin 3 and Pin 2 goes to Pin 5. Here I used the one green pair.

It's working right now... but I will keep an eye on it.
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well I'm getting fault 61 even with the new cable. It's happening intermittently during charging especially when the charging current is above 40 amps. It'll blink for a while and then stop. I notice that when I connect the laptop to the battery pack, battery 0 sometimes take a while to update. I wonder if this is the problem... the software on battery 0 isn't sending out update regularly enough. I didn't have this issue with the growatt connected to the same battery pack... so maybe it's the inverter that's just not being patient enough to wait for the next update from battery 0.

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Mine will throw the fault after several hours even when not charging. SS keeps trying to blame the cord but I think several of us have proven that not to be the case. My spliced pics above was only done be cause with just one inverter connected to batteries the other inverter would go to fault in a couple of minutes. With the splice and both inverters connected to batteries they will both go several hours but eventually go to fault 61.
I'm having the same issue, hoping for a fix soon! maybe firmware... cable ?? not sure!
We have seen reports of this, and are investigating. We believe it may be an issue with the first set of communication cables that were produced. We will make a full forum post when we have a 100% solution.
Are there any updates on this issue? Most are having problems and it doesn't seem to be the cord or connection.
Are there any updates on this issue? Most are having problems and it doesn't seem to be the cord or connection.
I started a new post - but it appears for 90%+ it is the cable. For those getting the error when it reaches 100% we are awaiting an update from our engineering team. In those cases the unit still operates correctly, it just displays error 61 at sporadic times for an unknown reason.