diy solar

diy solar

Grid-Tie, Cheap and simple

Sorry For the Delay in getting this completed Photo up here. I have been running this for over a month. It has averaged 8Kwh each day last month. Now that its just sunny all day production is at 10Kwh or a little over each day. I monitor the system with a wireless baby monitor that sits in my kitchen window and jot down the running Kwh Total each day. I included some photos of the completed system. Total cost I believe was around $1150 all said and done. My next solar related project is DC Electric Water Heating. I made a post and I hope people check it out and help with ideas. I'm not afraid to fail, but I don't like to give up.

This system has had zero downtime since installed. I expanded it last summer adding 2500 watts of panels and maxed my inverters to 14 on the string. I regularly produce 2.8-3 kw for 6 hours a day. Panels aren't facing any specific direction so outpul is lower but everything is used and so cheap. I also helped my brother install a similar system at his house and installed one at my parents house that is 1kw. All are running great and I have been telling my friends to do it as well. Install it safely, mind your grounding and run proper wiring.