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diy solar

JBD bms hook up wrong


New Member
Dec 16, 2020
I got a jobs bms in 16s. I miss connected the 19th wire to the 20th wire. It was supposed to be connected to the 15th cell. Now I see my error and connect it right. It does not work.

Is there a reset for the bms? Or is it cooked?

Please advise
The best way to hook up your BMS is to unplug the sense wire connector from the BMS, then connect all of the leads, then verify with a meter that you did it correctly, then plug the connector in. Try that, and it will probably come to life for you.
The best way to hook up your BMS is to unplug the sense wire connector from the BMS, then connect all of the leads, then verify with a meter that you did it correctly, then plug the connector in. Try that, and it will probably come to life for you.
i disconnected all the wires. it did not reset. i have all connected right now. it will not work. i am getting 52 v at the battery but after going through the bms i am getting 7 volts.
i disconnected all the wires. it did not reset. i have all connected right now. it will not work. i am getting 52 v at the battery but after going through the bms i am getting 7 volts.
maybe you've still got the wires connected wrong? it is very confusing and there are multiple arrangements. What model number is your BMS?
Did you jumper the unused balance leads on the circuit board? I don't have a BMS that has a variable number of cells that it can monitor. Mine is a fixed number so I didn't have to do that.
Did you jumper the unused balance leads on the circuit board? I don't have a BMS that has a variable number of cells that it can monitor. Mine is a fixed number so I didn't have to do that.
if i read it right this bms can supply 4s, and all combinations up to a total of 20s

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