diy solar

diy solar

LV 2424MSD

Solar Newbe

New Member
Feb 8, 2021
Is it ok to use a 30amp RV cord for AC IN and AC OUT and then plug directly into my 30amp RV 5th Wheel ?????
I will be using 2# 24v Liltium ion batteries + Solar . Thanks for any help .
Not really sure what you are asking here. Can you explain a little better?
On Will's youtube he uses a 15 amp drop cord (he cuts in half) for Ac in and Ac out on the Lv2424Msd. Can I use a 30 amp drop cord instead ?
Sure. As long as the thicker gauge wire fits into the connectors you are good to go. I haven't seen the video but a heavier wire is rarely a problem.

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diy solar