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Solis 5G-RHI-3.6-48ES Alarm


New Member
May 15, 2022
I have the Solis 5G-RHI-3.6-48ES inverters, I have 12 panels connected to MPPT1 and 10 panels connected to MPPT2, MPPT1 is on an easterly facing roof, MPPT2 is on the westerly facing roof.
I get the following error quite randomly:
Over Voltage Battary Hardware(186AF)
I've asked Solis support what it is and they game me the basic description, there's mismatch in the voltage the inverter expects and what the BMS is reporting.
They wouldn't/couldn't tell me what causes it, etc, so I'm let with the only option to tell the inverter to ignore the alarm.
Ok, it knows solar production off for up to 10 minutes but my concern is this, is ignoring it the right thing?
I've ordered another 3x US3000C batteries to go with the 3 I already have, I'm having no other issues with the inverter, I actually think it's great but this is the only thing that's bugging me about it.
Any ideas?
This is an issue with the battery cutting off the inverter. I had settings issues with mine, but different BMS, not sure about the US3000C batteries. It could be poor connection meaning the BMS cuts off for safety or could be an actual fault in the battery.
From time to time I also have this error message. It could be a problem in the firmware. With an older firmware I never had this message. Which software version does your SOLIS have?
From time to time I also have this error message. It could be a problem in the firmware. With an older firmware I never had this message. Which software version does your SOLIS have?
Thanks for the reply.
I think this is the firmware version - Inverter Verson 3A0029
Yes I have the same software version. I get this error message once every 2 or 3 weeks. Also very early in the morning (05:00h etc.) That means there is no PV, no big load. But this error message 186AF ... I think it is a fake error and not a real error. The error I see only since the firmware was updated in April. I've only seen the error since the firmware was updated on 4/4/2022. It then first appeared on 4/16/2022. The error never occurred before. But with the firmware version I am otherwise very satisfied. Everything is running fine, so I'm not requesting an update at this time. The latest version is I think the 3A0030.
Yes I have the same software version. I get this error message once every 2 or 3 weeks. Also very early in the morning (05:00h etc.) That means there is no PV, no big load. But this error message 186AF ... I think it is a fake error and not a real error. The error I see only since the firmware was updated in April. I've only seen the error since the firmware was updated on 4/4/2022. It then first appeared on 4/16/2022. The error never occurred before. But with the firmware version I am otherwise very satisfied. Everything is running fine, so I'm not requesting an update at this time. The latest version is I think the 3A0030.
The only thing I have with regards to this error is it stops the PV generating and it pulls from the grid instead.
If it's a false error then I'd prefer to get it resolved in a future FW upgrade but it's more of an annoyance than a real problem if I'm honest.
I have the Solis 5G-RHI-3.6-48ES inverters, I have 12 panels connected to MPPT1 and 10 panels connected to MPPT2, MPPT1 is on an easterly facing roof, MPPT2 is on the westerly facing roof.
I get the following error quite randomly:
Over Voltage Battary Hardware(186AF)
I've asked Solis support what it is and they game me the basic description, there's mismatch in the voltage the inverter expects and what the BMS is reporting.
They wouldn't/couldn't tell me what causes it, etc, so I'm let with the only option to tell the inverter to ignore the alarm.
Ok, it knows solar production off for up to 10 minutes but my concern is this, is ignoring it the right thing?
I've ordered another 3x US3000C batteries to go with the 3 I already have, I'm having no other issues with the inverter, I actually think it's great but this is the only thing that's bugging me about it.
Any ideas
I have the Solis 5G-RHI-3.6-48ES inverters, I have 12 panels connected to MPPT1 and 10 panels connected to MPPT2, MPPT1 is on an easterly facing roof, MPPT2 is on the westerly facing roof.
I get the following error quite randomly:
Over Voltage Battary Hardware(186AF)
I've asked Solis support what it is and they game me the basic description, there's mismatch in the voltage the inverter expects and what the BMS is reporting.
They wouldn't/couldn't tell me what causes it, etc, so I'm let with the only option to tell the inverter to ignore the alarm.
Ok, it knows solar production off for up to 10 minutes but my concern is this, is ignoring it the right thing?
I've ordered another 3x US3000C batteries to go with the 3 I already have, I'm having no other issues with the inverter, I actually think it's great but this is the only thing that's bugging me about it.
Any ideas?
Hi Lee,

I am using the same inverter and batteries as you and I get that same error 186AF. Look closely at the battery voltage and the SOC around the time of the errors. In my case I can see that the SOC has dropped momentarily to 98 or 99% and the inverter starts the charging - but a bit too fast. It's especially bad if there's plenty of solar energy. If you use the solis cloud app to look at the voltage it rises very quickly until the battery BMS steps-in to prevent damage when the voltage reaches about 53.5v. That's when the error is registered. The charging parameters used by the inverter are coming from the batteries (assuming battery type "Pylon" is selected) and it would seem those values are not properly optimised for Solis+Pylon.

I called Solis service and they provided a workaround by giving me "User-defined" charging parameters for my Pylontechs. This results in a much smoother charging without error 186AF although the max SOC tops out at 98%. That has been working okay although after a couple of weeks of good performance I had the system 'hang' at 85% which required a restart. My concern with using "user-defined" settings is that I wonder if I am preventing the Pylontech BMS from performing other important functions like cell balancing.

I contacted Pylontech about this and they said I should download some data from the batteries for them to check using software they were going to provide but I am still waiting.
I have the same version. It is probably a bug in the firmware. For me, the error has only occurred since I have this firmware on it. I have user battery settings. There is a new firmware version out 3C002A .

But I don't have the new version on my SOLIS yet, because the responsible support person at SOLIS is on vacation... :)

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