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One More Try - Mpp 2424 Noise levels


New Member
Feb 25, 2020
Soon to install.....would anyone with the 2424 MPP all in one unit comment on noise levels? I can much more easily put this in a corner of the office if noise levels are low or go to more efforts to move the unit to another room if it's loud...

Also, has anyone with these units installed a breaker for the incoming PV before it reaches the CC/Inverter?

Lastly, I have a 24V Big Battery Powerwall that supposedly has it's own circuit breaker installed....Have tried but non responsive from Big Battery on whether such a circuit breaker exists and the size of the circuit breaker. Have other users just connected directly to the MPP 2424 as Will has done in the video on 24V complete system installs?

would anyone with the 2424 MPP all in one unit comment on noise levels?
Don't have one, sorry, can't comment.
Also, has anyone with these units installed a breaker for the incoming PV before it reaches the CC/Inverter?
It's best to think of breakers/fuses protecting your cable runs, rather than the devices those cables runs are connected to. In other words, if you have a cable that, if shorted, could result is a current that would exceed the ampacity rating for that cable, then protect it with a circuit breaker or fuse. It really is that simple.

Now PV cable runs are special because if a PV panel cable run were to be shorted, only Isc will flow (there are other considerations for very large arrays i.e. backfeeding), so as long as the cable's ampacity rating is higher than Isc the cable will not be damaged (i.e. heat up, cause fire etc), so (personal opinion here, other opinions are very much available!) I personally do not fuse PV runs. Have an isolator switch, definitely, because you don't want to be working on a system that has potentially hundreds of volts on the other end.
Lastly, I have a 24V Big Battery Powerwall that supposedly has it's own circuit breaker installed
That's nice, doesn't matter. Protect your cable runs, ignore the device's built-in protection, this is just my opinion and I am definitely not a qualified electrician!
I installed my unit in the garage because the fans run most of the time the unit is on. It is not too loud but it is like having a small floor fan running all the time. I could not stand that kind of noise in my office, but everyone is different. I use a breaker on the PV input for safety and allows me to isolate (disconnect) the PV run if I need to work on things.
I just bought a Hybrid LV 2424 (green one) fresh off the boat.. The fans seem fairly quiet so far. 2 weeks of clouds and rain in the forcast. I'll have to see if after burners kick in when some serious amps get processed.
The 812lv is much louder.

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