diy solar

diy solar

Bellyache or Brag, what's your weather?

Dear lord. Well, you did PICK Wyoming. :p

It's cold here, it was down to like 57 last night. The furnace actually came on, it's set for about 63. I keep telling wifey we need to change out the heavy down comforter for the lightweight summer one. LOL
I do believe I will sign up for that "Snow-Bird" thing before fall arrives. ?‍♂️
We may well end up not moving. After 29 years in this house we finally got a 2.5% mortgage on it, and everything will be paid off by the time I retire - late next year. With interest rates going up and up, we could see 6 or 7, even 8% again. It would not make financial sense to trade for one of those. Plus we have a fixed tax rate increase limit, so we pay about half of normal.

We would be better off to just go camp up there and visit for a few months, then come back to sunny so-Cal. Being retired, we won't have to depart or arrive with the masses - we can go at the non-busy times.

I dunno, things are going south fast. It's like the storm before the calm. A LOT of people are going to be forced out - forced out of their homes, forced out of the market, forced out of being able to buy gas or groceries.
I was just thinking of your move north. The freakin cold didn't bother me back in the day, but now YEP. I would not suggest retiring and moving north. That "visiting thing" is worth revisiting many times before a decision to move is made. ;)
Bring your PEX repair kit. ;)

We had incidents at the beginning of our first winter (didn't winterize soon enough), but it was never the PEX - Toilet valve, faucet and a water filter were among the casualties. PEX is pretty tolerant of the expansion.

We've seen this before. Given the daytime temps are over 60°F and the averages are well above freezing, I'm hopeful that there won't be anything major if anything at all. :)
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Looks to me like you are on the lucky side of a (70/30% chance) of finding something broken. 6-7 hours @ or below 32, 18 is chilly, but you were not at the bottom for long. The "possibly good news" is the lack of much wind to distribute the cold temps and everything was warmed up pretty well during the day/night/day before. It is a cross your fingers scenario.

The excellent news is it was NOT raining, or was it? Does your rain gauge work in reverse or has that issue been resolved.

So, does this mean you want me to STOP SHARING our weather? :devilish:
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HIJACK, It's my party and I'll cry (about other stuff) if I want to :ROFLMAO:
I may have you fooled into thinking I know what I'm talking about but trust me I dunt.

Text in italics has been robbed from a thread discussing Energy VS Power (Wh VS W) which will remain nameless, so it doesn't get crapped up:

An example of the difference and why it's an important distinction:

Consider the difference between a super capacitor and a lithium ion battery.
Per kg, a super capacitor's energy capacity is only 1/100th to 1/10th that of a lithium ion battery, but it has 10 times the power capacity of lithium ion battery.

So the way MY BRIAN understands the discussion this way:
The little boy is the Super Capacitor and he weighs 54 pounds.
If he POWER punches the Sumo Wrestler in the nuts, Sumo is down and out long enough for the boy to get away. So He is Watts = POWER.

The Sumo Wrestler is the Battery & he has a few hours of "Less powerful but just as damaging" punches in his bank. So he is Watt Hours =ENERGY.

I have little to no idea watt the heck power is!
It's the 'plains'. :giggle:

It's sunny and 70 today, but 75% chance of rain overnight. 68 and sunny tomorrow. "It's just a cell." Yeah, we've heard that before. :p
They say the wind will blow in some 70 degree temps in a few hours, we shall see.

Currently we have about 50 degrees & 50 mph, so it's 50/50/50 here if you count the clouds.
I may stay home tomorrow! ?‍♂️
breezy w snow.PNG

My neighbor just moved his pickup with snowplow down to the end of his driveway. This may be one of those SHTF weekends.
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How much snow did you get up there?
Maybe 3” here.
I saw 90 and some other stuff closed this morning.
I really don't know how much fell. Looking out over open plains, there is a great deal of grass/sage showing, so that was blown somewhere. I am shoveling a path to the road, up to 2' deep in spots. The neighbors have a 4 to 5' drift on the south side of their shed. It's the drifts that are causing issues. Fire & Police asking folks to stay off the roads. Tow trucks working overtime to get the stuck vehicles out of the way of the plows. Folks just don't consider the consequences & some probably will be found in their vehicles later today.

At the moment the NWS can't report current conditions in some locations. The equipment at Gillette airport froze up due to freezing rain/fog & 59 mph gusts at about 6pm last night. All roads were closed last night, as far as I know.
I90 & local highways are all still closed in NE Wyoming, for the most part.

4-24-22 11am.PNG

Neighbors are shoveling while their children throw snowballs & play. ?
Life is good unless you are one of the dummies that was not paying attention and got stuck in a vehicle.
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Here is an early morning surprise for Oklahoma City.

If the link sticks to the proper time you will see it start just west of the city. "It" sure looks interesting.

Southern plains view:

Eastern US view:
This is the time of year I stop bragging about my weather...

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Which is why we're retiring here:
View attachment 97670
Yep, the Phoenix valley area is looking to be quite a furnace this summer!
APS is raking it in $$$$$$
We live in SE AZ at 4200ft elevation and even at that elevation it's looking like 100 for us today!!
Bring them critters inside if ya can and keep a big tub of water out if ya can't.
Riding out tropical storm Kay in San Felipe, expecting 4-8" of rain in the next 12 hrs. Sustained wind plus 40mph
Town is flooding, my garage is taking in water through the gaps around the roll up door. Going to be a long night.
Riding out tropical storm Kay in San Felipe, expecting 4-8" of rain in the next 12 hrs. Sustained wind plus 40mph
Town is flooding, my garage is taking in water through the gaps around the roll up door. Going to be a long night.
Did you enjoy the storm or not so much? I'm guessing there is a great deal of new vegetation popping up. I've traveled to Baja over a hundred times and saw rain on only two occasions.
Not so much.... house flooded at a few locations as my wife and i spent 20 hrs straight defending our home from the water. Something like 30 power poles fell around town ,most of town was without power for days. Happy to say all my solar panels are still on my roof and my solar gear remained dry.
Never seen so much water in the air , I had to go outside at 2 am , the instant I went outside it felt like someone was throwing a 5 gal bucket of water in my face repeatedly.

diy solar

diy solar