diy solar

diy solar

roof orientation question for planning


New Member
Sep 8, 2022
Looking for some help understanding my roof and its orientation. What I have is a 21 degree 700 sq ft. roof that faces about
20 degrees west of due S. I'm in south Tex and would like to put 25 - 330 w panels on (5 x 5) it. Should I raise one side of each
row to get them to face more south? Also thoughts on the 21 deg tilt? Thanks for the help
Start here. Plug in different tilts to see the effects

Looking for some help understanding my roof and its orientation. What I have is a 21 degree 700 sq ft. roof that faces about
20 degrees west of due S. I'm in south Tex and would like to put 25 - 330 w panels on (5 x 5) it. Should I raise one side of each
row to get them to face more south? Also thoughts on the 21 deg tilt? Thanks for the help
If there is any room for a ground mount, that would be my choice. We understand if not.
Seems to me raising one side would cause too much panel shading for part of the day, not to mention possibly cause unwanted lift issues in high winds.

diy solar

diy solar