diy solar

diy solar

??? RV converter swap LiFePO4

You won't go wrong with the Multiplus, it accomplishes numerous things at once, probably including some you don't even know you want yet but will now have! :LOL:

On my RV i have pondered what to do with the stock 12v converter. I have 360ah of lifepo4 in the rv (plus ~150ah lead acids still). The only 'problem' with running a stock converter intended for lead acid on lifepo4 is it won't use the correct 'charge profile' and is often not configurable. However, I don't see that as a huge issue anyway in my case because personally i've never seen my converter put out more than 13.9V which is an acceptable number to feed a lifepo4, if not always ideal. I have not 'tracked' what it does as far as bulk/float etc. But what i have tentatively decided to do with it is hook it up to my lifepo4 through a large PWM SCC that can be configured for correct voltage setpoints, in parallel with another charge source (my converter maxes around 40amps and i'd like my total 'shore charging' capability to be higher than that) and just accept the fact that if the converter puts out 13.9v or less its contribution will taper off rapidly as the lifepo4 charges. Since the large PWM SCC i have for this purpose (ive used it for other things in the past, didn't buy it specifically for this) has load ports which i believe to be rated at the same 80amps as the other 2 ports (internal transistors are the same across all 3 sections), I'll set up the load ports to essentially hook the lifepo4 to the lead acid when the lithium is charged and turn back off at 13.5 or so so that the onboard converter still charges lead acid after lifepo4 are charged.
^^I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole. :unsure:
You're feeding a cheapo charge controller with a shorepower charger/converter? Using load ports? Uh, no.
It should be in its own thread in the advanced user experiments forum. I'd rather admit i shouldn't have mentioned it here, than defend it when it would be a total thread derail. :)
Batteries are expensive and I don’t trust the voltage from my old converter. Maybe it would be ok, maybe not. After looking at the cost for a new converter, an inverter, and a soft start for a/c I decided to try the Multiplus. I had never heard of one before being educated here. The specifications are impressive.

diy solar

diy solar