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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

I heard a radio podcast with a prominent wisconsin physician, an expert in respiratory ailments, that described how some in the medical field, prodded by big pharma, conspired to coverup the successes doctors were recording treating patients with Ivermectin.
Big pharma wanted this suppressed because the patents on Ivermectin had expired and could be cheaply made by anyone.
While at the same time big pharma was being awarded huge grant money by the government to develop and patent much more profitable new treatments.
Remember the news reports about hundreds of people going to emergency rooms, sick from large doses of horse medicine? (Ivermectin)

It never happened, the events never occurred.
Im not going to bother discussing this further because Im sure Bob documented this repeatedly in this thread just to be ridiculed as a conspiracy theorist.

This wisconsin physician documented his efforts, even was called as a witness before congress... Yet here we have Murphy Guy still running interference for big pharma profiteering that surely resulted in many thousands more deaths. Probably just to guzzle more of the blue kool aid thats bulging out of his veins.

How the fuck do people like you sleep at night?
Apparently you don't sleep at night because you are in one of your manic states...seems like it's happening more often that it used to. Maybe you need to see the same psychologist that talked you out of the belief that people were chasing you with direct energy weapons.
This wisconsin physician documented his efforts, even was called as a witness before congress... Yet here we have Murphy Guy still running interference for big pharma profiteering that surely resulted in many thousands more deaths. Probably just to guzzle more of the blue kool aid thats bulging out of his veins.
Name the doctor.
Remember the news reports about hundreds of people going to emergency rooms, sick from large doses of horse medicine? (Ivermectin)

It never happened, the events never occurred.
You mean the New England Journal of Medicine is wrong?

You are an idiot.
Name the doctor.
Dr. Pierre Kory. Here is a summary of his research papers.

As for the New England journal of medicine, due to their connections to big pharma, Im not sure that they or the FDA should be expected to be transparant on this issue. In that podcast Dr. Kory explained in detail how from the start the medical fiels took an attitude of watching patients just die.
To this date the FDAs position on Ivermectin is "inconclusive" and "more data is needed."
With the kind of money theyve been making, the reasonable position is that if big pharma is involved we should be suspicious of their actions and motives- not label anyone questioning them conspiracy theorists.
The FDA and many major corporate hospitals have long been revolving doors for officials moving into high paying consulting and lobbying positions in big pharmaceutical companies. They couldnt make any money off Ivermectin but stood to rake in billions from grants being doled out by the government. If you ask me the whole damn system is corrupt and anyone whose ever gotten a bill from a hospital would likely agree.
Dr. Pierre Kory. Here is a summary of his research papers.

As for the New England journal of medicine, due to their connections to big pharma, Im not sure that they or the FDA should be expected to be transparant on this issue. In that podcast Dr. Kory explained in detail how from the start the medical fiels took an attitude of watching patients just die.
To this date the FDAs position on Ivermectin is "inconclusive" and "more data is needed."
With the kind of money theyve been making, the reasonable position is that if big pharma is involved we should be suspicious of their actions and motives- not label anyone questioning them conspiracy theorists.
The FDA and many major corporate hospitals have long been revolving doors for officials moving into high paying consulting and lobbying positions in big pharmaceutical companies. They couldnt make any money off Ivermectin but stood to rake in billions from grants being doled out by the government. If you ask me the whole damn system is corrupt and anyone whose ever gotten a bill from a hospital would likely agree.
LOL the American Frontline guy?

Surprised you didn't quote one of the other doctors in that bunch of quacks, Stella Immanuel who blames certain illnesses on alien DNA and demon sperm.

That group are a bunch of get rich quick idiots.

Kory was brought in by Ron Johnson which should tell you all you need to know.

BTW, nobody talks about ivermectin anymore because it never worked.
Medicine? Science? Or just plain corruption?

You have to ignore a lot of things to just accept their claims as gospel.
Gospel you say? Think about it.. If you can brainwash someone so completely as to get them to believe in a magical invisible sky fairy, then you can probably get them to believe almost anything.

Alien DNA and Sperm? ROFLMAO. Some people should have been swallowed.
pretty soon Batshit is going to be claiming the vaccines have micro chips in them!
If you had an iota of personal integrity you would look in Dr. Korys claims and published research, not try to affix false and silly claims on me to deflect the issue.
Gospel you say? Think about it.. If you can brainwash someone so completely as to get them to believe in a magical invisible sky fairy, then you can probably get them to believe almost anything.

Alien DNA and Sperm? ROFLMAO. Some people should have been swallowed. did an expose on corruption between the pharma industry, the FDA and approving physicians.
If you have a comment about that article dont hold back.
Youe intellectual dishonesty is as usual quite transparant did an expose on corruption between the pharma industry, the FDA and approving physicians.
If you have a comment about that article dont hold back.
Youe intellectual dishonesty is as usual quite transparant
After ignoring this thread for a LONG time .... I came back and posted some VERY revealing SCIENTIFIC information.
These guys goal is to bury that information in a pile of BS .... Their tactics haven't changed at all ... and they will never acknowledge the sea of information coming to light that proves we were right all along. did an expose on corruption between the pharma industry, the FDA and approving physicians.
If you have a comment about that article dont hold back.
Youe intellectual dishonesty is as usual quite transparant

Radical right wing conservatives seem to have an interesting attribute.. that is, if you listen carefully to them, they tell you their plans and their motivations. Seems that "intellectual dishonesty" is yours.

For example, when the conservatives started in early 2020 complaining about democrats stealing an election, it told us they were the ones who were going to try to steal it.

There's an article about money being exchanged between drug makers and those who approve the drugs. What does that tell you? What information do you get from reading the article? Lets see if you can overcome your intellectual dishonesty, I'm guessing you either can't, or applying the term "intellectual" is a stretch to begin with. did an expose on corruption between the pharma industry, the FDA and approving physicians.
If you have a comment about that article dont hold back.
Youe intellectual dishonesty is as usual quite transparant
You have zero intellect so we have to take a lot of what you say as bullshit.
After ignoring this thread for a LONG time .... I came back and posted some VERY revealing SCIENTIFIC information.
These guys goal is to bury that information in a pile of BS .... Their tactics haven't changed at all ... and they will never acknowledge the sea of information coming to light that proves we were right all along.
Sorry Bobby Bullshit...wasn't very revealing.
Radical right wing conservatives seem to have an interesting attribute.. that is, if you listen carefully to them, they tell you their plans and their motivations. Seems that "intellectual dishonesty" is yours.

For example, when the conservatives started in early 2020 complaining about democrats stealing an election, it told us they were the ones who were going to try to steal it.

There's an article about money being exchanged between drug makers and those who approve the drugs. What does that tell you? What information do you get from reading the article? Lets see if you can overcome your intellectual dishonesty, I'm guessing you either can't, or applying the term "intellectual" is a stretch to begin with.

Stay on topic. Prefacing your topical reply with rambling irrelevence and implied personal attacks is a cheap debate tactic and only reveals your lack of confidence in your position.

Thats all you got out of that expose, and youre questioning MY intellectual honesty.


What a reasonable person would get out of the article is that if doctors are dismissing a drug that drug makers are unable to make money off of, and the FDA looks the other way from their corruption because some officials are corrupt themselves, people saying that drug might be effective should not be allowed to be silenced by the very people who have corrupted the approval system.

Especially when this dates back to when the official protocol was to sit by and watch people die.

Whats your agenda here? Its as if youre on the payroll of big pharma.
Stay on topic. Prefacing your topical reply with rambling irrelevence and implied personal attacks is a cheap debate tactic and only reveals your lack of confidence in your position.

Thats all you got out of that expose, and youre questioning MY intellectual honesty.


What a reasonable person would get out of the article is that if doctors are dismissing a drug that drug makers are unable to make money off of, and the FDA looks the other way from their corruption because some officials are corrupt themselves, people saying that drug might be effective should not be allowed to be silenced by the very people who have corrupted the approval system.

Especially when this dates back to when the official protocol was to sit by and watch people die.

Whats your agenda here? Its as if youre on the payroll of big pharma.

The point of the article is that they are bringing "possible and probable" conflict of interest to light genius. With all your conspiracy horse crap, I would have thought that you would be delighted that they found some questionable activity and have published it so that the gov can remedy the problem.

The first step to solving a problem is recognizing you have one.
Got my 3rd Moderna booster last week. It was the bivalent Omicron booster. Doing terrific. They're calling it the gold standard of covid vaccine. I like gold. I hear there's still 400 a day dyng from this shit just in the U.S. alone. Got a flu shot too. Have yet to try the horse wormer stuff. I checked at the feed store and they don't just give that stuff away, like they do the vaccine at Walgreens. I used to get my glucosamine and Chondroitin at the feed store too. It wasn't free either.
You have zero intellect so we have to take a lot of what you say as bullshit.
Yet your only current replies to me just try to affix ridiculous things to me I never said. You dont have the competence to actually address my topical points.

Are you claiming this article is bullshit?

The point of the article is that they are bringing "possible and probable" conflict of interest to light genius. With all your conspiracy horse crap, I would have thought that you would be delighted that they found some questionable activity and have published it so that the gov can remedy the problem.

The first step to solving a problem is recognizing you have one.
So the gov can remedy the problem? Give me s break. Theyre a big part of it. Theres as much corruption between big pharma and the FDA as there is between them and approval physicians.
Got my 3rd Moderna booster last week. It was the bivalent Omicron booster. Doing terrific. They're calling it the gold standard of covid vaccine. I like gold. I hear there's still 400 a day dyng from this shit just in the U.S. alone. Got a flu shot too. Have yet to try the horse wormer stuff. I checked at the feed store and they don't just give that stuff away, like they do the vaccine at Walgreens. I used to get my glucosamine and Chondroitin at the feed store too. It wasn't free either.
Dont be s dope. Theres human doses of Ivermectin, so glad you are able to ridicule stupid behavior as stupid.
I dont need no stinking vaccines now, though I got the moderna early last year.
I got covid in late may 2020, beat it in a day or two using zinc lozenges, a treatment the medical field still ignores despite clinical research success and common fucking sense.

Big pharma cant profit off it, you think that has something to do with ignoring it? Naw...
Yet your only current replies to me just try to affix ridiculous things to me I never said. You dont have the competence to actually address my topical points.

Are you claiming this article is bullshit?

You mean the fact that you never finished high school and you believe in conspiracies like the people that were after you with direct energy weapons? Are we REALLy supposed to believe your other conspiracy theories?
I got covid in late may 2020, beat it in a day or two using zinc lozenges, a treatment the medical field still ignores despite clinical research success and common fucking sense.
Here's a few quick facts about the new boosters. They are doing zero safety or efficacy testing.


I guess the people who think the boosters are a good idea are ignoring the skyrocketing cancer rates, excess deaths, and heart problems. Must LIRERALLY have blind faith in people who have demonstrated over and over again that is is all about the money and power ... not public health.
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I guess the people who think the boosters are a good idea are ignoring the skyrocketing cancer rates, excess deaths, and heart problems. Must LIRERALLY have blind faith in people who have demonstrated over and over again that is is all about the money and power ... not public health.
:ROFLMAO: Here's some more facts...
I don't suffer from any of this because I have not had covid but I did already suffer from chronic DVT/PE and have an IVC filter. I have had 5 of the Moderna including the latest bivalent omicron booster and no bad reaction. A good friend had his paricardium removed 10 years ago and he's had 3 Phizer and 2 Moderna including the Moderna bivalent omicron booster. No issues there either and he hasn't had covid either. I know a butt load of folks who have had covid 2-3 times and their eyes are getting dimmer by the day. Best of luck to you.

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