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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

"Political affiliation has emerged as a potential risk factor for COVID-19, amid evidence that
Republican-leaning counties have had higher COVID-19 death rates than Democrat- leaning
counties and evidence of a link between political party affiliation and vaccination views."
I've seen that first hand. The 4 democrats in my county including me and my wife have yet to even get covid but the mortality rate for covid deaths in this county exceeds 2.5% They were all republicans.
You have to quote an independent source if you want to be taken seriously. Quoting Stalin and his friends to prove Stalin wasn't evil doesn't hold water. Anyone who has been saying "safe and effective" since the beginning isn't believable. The time between the start of COVID and the "vaccines" clearly shows that they either didn't do the necessary testing or knew about it before it was released from Wuhan.

It's comical how the entire covid thing follows in the footsteps of the entire seat belt controversy. It's like they have a playbook, then broadcast their propaganda to a hoard of zombie idiots who then repeatedly regurgitate it.

Because wearing your seat belt can actually be detrimental and harm you in something like 1 out of 1000 collisions, they claimed seat belts didn't save lives. Of course, we know that's a load of crap today.

I think it was Mark Twain who said "It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled"
I've seen that first hand. The 4 democrats in my county including me and my wife have yet to even get covid but the mortality rate for covid deaths in this county exceeds 2.5% They were all republicans.
So .... you think somehow that being a Democrat protects you from getting Covid ....That's pretty funny ..... My wife and I and daughter are the only people I know who haven't gotten Covid .... my daughter is the only one who works at the retail store where she works who hasn't gotten it.

I won't call myself a Republican .... but I am about as far away from being a Democrat that I can get.
So .... you think somehow that being a Democrat protects you from getting Covid ....That's pretty funny ..... My wife and I and daughter are the only people I know who haven't gotten Covid .... my daughter is the only one who works at the retail store where she works who hasn't gotten it.

I won't call myself a Republican .... but I am about as far away from being a Democrat that I can get.
LOL...that's what you got out of that?
LOL...that's what you got out of that?
I'm just taking what he said ..... he said everyone that died was a republican and the 4 democrats in the county never got Covid.
I guess it's not too hard for all deaths to be Republicans if there are only 4 democrats in the county. I want to find out where he lives and move there ...LOL
I've seen that first hand. The 4 democrats in my county including me and my wife have yet to even get covid but the mortality rate for covid deaths in this county exceeds 2.5% They were all republicans.
But the all cause mortality for Democrats is probably much higher than for Republicans. :cool:

I wonder if the insurance companies that are seeing the 10 sigma excess death rates are now looking at political affiliation. :ROFLMAO:

Thank god I'm an Independent that leans Libertarian, I won't die due to political affiliation. LOL

I've stayed out of this political discussion but have read the replies as they came in. The truth is hard to erase, and truth prevails in the end regardless of which side attempts to spin the narrative. In the end, history may not look kindly upon this time; the constant gaslighting, partisan politics, lies, corruption and political theater as various entities try to take power and freedom from the working people of the US is overdue from a Fourth Turning aspect. And this is a Fourth Turning of a Fourth Turning for the US, the previous three were the Revolutionary War, The Civil War and the Great Depression/WWII.

This could well be the end of the USA. The powers that be are doing all they can to divide us all from our neighbors, this thread shows they might be succeeding. Arguing about it just deepens the division, it would be better to find common ground and together defeat those who want globalism, power and enslavement of the common people of the world.

I can tell you this from the perspective of someone who served in combat on the front line leading the men under me. No matter what differences each member of my unit had concerning personal or political viewpoints doesn't matter when the real shit hits the fan. It becomes a choice of working together or being defeated or worse dying. In the end, you put your crap aside and will pull together to get thru it as a team. If you don't, the alternative isn't very pleasant.
So .... you think somehow that being a Democrat protects you from getting Covid ....That's pretty funny
Yeah somehow the 4 of us were the only ones that followed masking and social distancing recommendations from day 1. Wife still double masking indoor public settings. I get along with a single kn95. We've had the 5 Moderna shots including the bivalent version while the rest of the county is 32% good on the first 2 but no boosters. Republicans are much tougher here.
it would be better to find common ground and together defeat those who want globalism
You are witnessing the death of globalism right now. Get used to having less of some things for awhile, until we get our supply chains worked out.
Yeah somehow the 4 of us were the only ones that followed masking and social distancing recommendations from day 1. Wife still double masking indoor public settings. I get along with a single kn95. We've had the 5 Moderna shots including the bivalent version while the rest of the county is 32% good on the first 2 but no boosters. Republicans are much tougher here.
Well .... your strategies weren't my strategies .... So, I guess there are multiple approaches that work.
Yeah somehow the 4 of us were the only ones that followed masking and social distancing recommendations from day 1. Wife still double masking indoor public settings. I get along with a single kn95. We've had the 5 Moderna shots including the bivalent version while the rest of the county is 32% good on the first 2 but no boosters. Republicans are much tougher here.
I'll give you a few anecdotes about the jab. My VA nurse had the 2nd jab, 3 weeks later she was experiencing stomach pain constantly. Thought maybe it was celiac, watching diet and tests, it wasn't celiac.

She has been going to Mayo Clinic for 3 months, they found 26 tumors on her liver. Normally heavy drinkers or people on estrogen will develop one or two tumors. Mayo has never seen 26 on a liver. So far they have been benign. I asked about the rest of the staff at the VA Clinic, she related many of the staff now have severe health problems. They were all required to take it.

My brother in law took the jab due to his government job. Now has leukemia.

There are more, there have been so many in this area I've lost count. When the jabs were in full swing, the Mayo One helicopter was flying by my house multiple times a day, now not so much.

I was in the military during wartime and given experimental meds and vaccines at the time. I've lived with the result for over 30 years now, it isn't fun with what I have to deal with for health problems. One thing I learned was the government can not be trusted.
You are witnessing the death of globalism right now. Get used to having less of some things for awhile, until we get our supply chains worked out.
I don't think you quite understand what it is they have for a goal. Global supply chains are not globalism when it comes to power and control.

Maybe you and others will realize what the goal is before it is too late.
I'll give you a few anecdotes about the jab. My VA nurse had the 2nd jab, 3 weeks later she was experiencing stomach pain constantly. Thought maybe it was celiac, watching diet and tests, it wasn't celiac.

She has been going to Mayo Clinic for 3 months, they found 26 tumors on her liver. Normally heavy drinkers or people on estrogen will develop one or two tumors. Mayo has never seen 26 on a liver. So far they have been benign. I asked about the rest of the staff at the VA Clinic, she related many of the staff now have severe health problems. They were all required to take it.

My brother in law took the jab due to his government job. Now has leukemia.

There are more, there have been so many in this area I've lost count. When the jabs were in full swing, the Mayo One helicopter was flying by my house multiple times a day, now not so much.

I was in the military during wartime and given experimental meds and vaccines at the time. I've lived with the result for over 30 years now, it isn't fun with what I have to deal with for health problems. One thing I learned was the government can not be trusted.
That's what I've been saying! Look what it's doing to all those republicans!
I don't think you quite understand what it is they have for a goal. Global supply chains are not globalism when it comes to power and control.

Maybe you and others will realize what the goal is before it is too late.
I have it on good's already too late.
That's what I've been saying! Look what it's doing to all those republicans!
It doesn't matter what political party they belong to, I never asked.

What matters is they trusted the narrative and now are paying a price for it. Those 10 sigma excess deaths did the same, the price was early demise.

I didn't take the jab for the simple fact that I have rheumatoid arthritis as a result of the war time experimentation I experienced. My unit has RA as a rate that is at 5% for the members we know about, the normal population has a rate of 0.4% for males. Taking anything that might cause a change in my immune system might put the RA into overdrive. My rheumatologist and I had lengthy discussions about it. My daughter in law had juvenile RA in remission for years, one jab and the RA become full blown. Does she vote Dem or Rep? Don't know, it's not important. To state that just because someone is more susceptible to either a illness or medication side effect is preposterous.
I have it on good's already too late.
Considering you have taken something like 5 jabs, it just might be. I'm not trying to be a smartass or to argue some point. What I'm attempting is that you should open your mind to information that the government didn't have your best interests at heart.

As for globalism (in my definition), it most likely will fail as control of the masses is hard to do. Especially in areas where freedom was dominant. However, the effort to enact globalism can cause some severe damage depending on the path taken.
It doesn't matter what political party they belong to, I never asked.

What matters is they trusted the narrative and now are paying a price for it. Those 10 sigma excess deaths did the same, the price was early demise.

I didn't take the jab for the simple fact that I have rheumatoid arthritis as a result of the war time experimentation I experienced. My unit has RA as a rate that is at 5% for the members we know about, the normal population has a rate of 0.4% for males. Taking anything that might cause a change in my immune system might put the RA into overdrive. My rheumatologist and I had lengthy discussions about it. My daughter in law had juvenile RA in remission for years, one jab and the RA become full blown. Does she vote Dem or Rep? Don't know, it's not important. To state that just because someone is more susceptible to either a illness or medication side effect is preposterous.
I and my brother both have conditions caused by agent orange exposure .... his is RA .... One of the meds he takes for that is hydroxychloroquine .... and the immunosuppressant ones he is taking would keep the vaccine from working in the first place.
I used to be gullible enough to believe everything the government dished out .... those days have been gone for a long time now.
The good news is that more and more people are seeing the truth about these vaccines every day .... I am sad to say I don't have any faith that the people who need to be held to account will be.
I and my brother both have conditions caused by agent orange exposure .... his is RA .... One of the meds he takes for that is hydroxychloroquine .... and the immunosuppressant ones he is taking would keep the vaccine from working in the first place.
I used to be gullible enough to believe everything the government dished out .... those days have been gone for a long time now.
I had covid before the jab came out, didn't make sense to me to take the jab anyway. I was already on the immune suppressant Etanercept (Enbrel) before I had covid. I worked everyday, the effect of covid was minimal. I had read about the Spanish Flu epidemic and how the younger population had a higher rate of death. This was due to the immune system response had been so strong that it caused the fluid to build in the lungs, much like covid. It made some sense that my experience was minimal concerning covid as I was on an immune suppressant.

My wife just had a kidney removed 2 weeks ago due to a cancerous tumor in it. During one of the visits to the doctor, she caught covid again. She was coughing, etc and tested positive pushing back her surgery a few weeks. I never felt better, no cough, runny nose or any other symptoms. I've been exposed numerous times by people coming into my business, never had covid since the initial time. BTW, my wife is doing fine, recovering slowly but the doctors believe she will be cancer free.

One thing the Agent Orange fiasco did was to wake up many people to the fact the government only cared about the ability of the masses to be cannon fodder and they only looked at the masses as revenue in taxes. Now that they let the printing currency genie out of the bottle, the government doesn't need revenue in the form of taxes, they will just print whatever is needed.

Which only leaves the aspect the government doesn't really give a shit about you or me or anyone else.
It doesn't matter what political party they belong to, I never asked.

What matters is they trusted the narrative and now are paying a price for it. Those 10 sigma excess deaths did the same, the price was early demise.

I didn't take the jab for the simple fact that I have rheumatoid arthritis as a result of the war time experimentation I experienced. My unit has RA as a rate that is at 5% for the members we know about, the normal population has a rate of 0.4% for males. Taking anything that might cause a change in my immune system might put the RA into overdrive. My rheumatologist and I had lengthy discussions about it. My daughter in law had juvenile RA in remission for years, one jab and the RA become full blown. Does she vote Dem or Rep? Don't know, it's not important. To state that just because someone is more susceptible to either a illness or medication side effect is preposterous.
Damn I wish you had told me that before those 5 Moderna shot we got. I have rheumatoid arthritis and so does my wife. I also have an IVC filter after surviving a bilateral DVT/PE 14 years ago that wiped out my lungs and very nearly ended my life. For a week we weren't sure if they would save my right leg the clots were so extensive. So the only factor I can figure is it must be a republican/democrat thing. Hard to convince me otherwise with all the irrefutable evidence I've seen.
I've seen that first hand. The 4 democrats in my county including me and my wife have yet to even get covid but the mortality rate for covid deaths in this county exceeds 2.5% They were all republicans.
That sample size is way too small to confirm the paper. I think we are all sorry to see the mortality rate being so high (but the responses are too funny)
This could well be the end of the USA. The powers that be are doing all they can to divide us all from our neighbors, this thread shows they might be succeeding. Arguing about it just deepens the division, it would be better to find common ground and together defeat those who want globalism, power and enslavement of the common people of the world.
This started years ago, I remember seeing the first signs of the divisions during the Clinton years and it has only gotten worse since.

As for globalism, That is really difficult to stop, we have tried protectionism and that failed, but we will try that again in the future because people believe they can do it where others fail. The alternative would be the opposite, or as you put it "In the end, you put your crap aside and will pull together to get thru it as a team."

(Thank you for your service)
Now that they let the printing currency genie out of the bottle, the government doesn't need revenue in the form of taxes, they will just print whatever is needed.
The weird thing is that the US dollar is up against other currencies. I did not expect that, but I am not an economist.
I was in the military during wartime and given experimental meds and vaccines at the time. I've lived with the result for over 30 years now, it isn't fun with what I have to deal with for health problems. One thing I learned was the government can not be trusted.
biggest truth right here. My job required me to take it or else... still go the Rona FJB and all of his synchophats

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