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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

I had covid before the jab came out, didn't make sense to me to take the jab anyway. I was already on the immune suppressant Etanercept (Enbrel) before I had covid. I worked everyday, the effect of covid was minimal. I had read about the Spanish Flu epidemic and how the younger population had a higher rate of death. This was due to the immune system response had been so strong that it caused the fluid to build in the lungs, much like covid. It made some sense that my experience was minimal concerning covid as I was on an immune suppressant.

My wife just had a kidney removed 2 weeks ago due to a cancerous tumor in it. During one of the visits to the doctor, she caught covid again. She was coughing, etc and tested positive pushing back her surgery a few weeks. I never felt better, no cough, runny nose or any other symptoms. I've been exposed numerous times by people coming into my business, never had covid since the initial time. BTW, my wife is doing fine, recovering slowly but the doctors believe she will be cancer free.

One thing the Agent Orange fiasco did was to wake up many people to the fact the government only cared about the ability of the masses to be cannon fodder and they only looked at the masses as revenue in taxes. Now that they let the printing currency genie out of the bottle, the government doesn't need revenue in the form of taxes, they will just print whatever is needed.

Which only leaves the aspect the government doesn't really give a shit about you or me or anyone else.
damn we knocked heads a few times back I think, but you are on point with this post. I have had the rona 2 times to the best of my knowledge... once since i got the jab.
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I started another thread a long time ago that never really got any traction ..... it was floating the theory that we needed a large enough group of antivaxxers to act as a "control group."
There is no doubt that those in power have done everything they can to eliminate that group.

I think there are still enough of them left to act as a reference group in future studies.
I started another thread a long time ago that never really got any traction ..... it was floating the theory that we needed a large enough group of antivaxxers to act as a "control group."
There is no doubt that those in power have done everything they can to eliminate that group.

I think there are still enough of them left to act as a reference group in future studies.
True, most survived.

The problem with such graphs is the definition of unvaccinated. One definition was that a jab was needed and X number of days elapse before one was considered vaccinated. If the person died as a result of the jab before the time elapsed, then they were counted as unvaccinated. Then it became 2 jabs, then 3, then 4, soon it will be 100.

Moving goalposts to game the data.

Am I skeptical of any data out there now, pro or against the jab? Yes, because everyone tries to game results to fit an agenda.
The problem with such graphs is the definition of unvaccinated. One definition was that a jab was needed and X number of days elapse before one was considered vaccinated. If the person died as a result of the jab before the time elapsed, then they were counted as unvaccinated. Then it became 2 jabs, then 3, then 4, soon it will be 100.

Moving goalposts to game the data.

Am I skeptical of any data out there now, pro or against the jab? Yes, because everyone tries to game results to fit an agenda.
A new study outlines the various mechanisms that explain the myriad of problems caused by the mRNA vaccines with a handy flow chart.

View attachment 118580

View attachment 118579

Link to the study .....
Recently, an article by Seneff et al. entitled "Innate immunosuppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs" was published in Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT). Here, we describe why this article, which contains unsubstantiated claims and misunderstandings such as "billions of lives are potentially at risk" with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, is problematic and should be retracted. We report here our request to the editor of FCT to have our rebuttal published, unfortunately rejected after three rounds of reviewing. Fighting the spread of false information requires enormous effort while receiving little or no credit for this necessary work, which often even ends up being threatened. This need for more scientific integrity is at the heart of our advocacy, and we call for large support, especially from editors and publishers, to fight more effectively against deadly disinformation.

Recently, an article by Seneff et al. entitled "Innate immunosuppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs" was published in Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT). Here, we describe why this article, which contains unsubstantiated claims and misunderstandings such as "billions of lives are potentially at risk" with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, is problematic and should be retracted. We report here our request to the editor of FCT to have our rebuttal published, unfortunately rejected after three rounds of reviewing. Fighting the spread of false information requires enormous effort while receiving little or no credit for this necessary work, which often even ends up being threatened. This need for more scientific integrity is at the heart of our advocacy, and we call for large support, especially from editors and publishers, to fight more effectively against deadly disinformation.

Lets be honest.. I bet there's not a single person in this forum (website) who know what the F that means.
A hypothesis means jack shit and what they believe has no foundation other than what they conjure up. Pure bullshit. My chart has multi possible hypothesis to chose from. Pick a color for a possible of 12 choices. Every month's a winner! Go home...make a sign and protest!

"We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines questions them as positive contributors to public health."
If they're still touting "safe and effective" why is the leftist "Atlantic" now saying we should all just forgive and forget what happened during COVID?

Personally I'm all for Nuremberg type trials.
If they're still touting "safe and effective" why is the leftist "Atlantic" now saying we should all just forgive and forget what happened during COVID?

Personally I'm all for Nuremberg type trials.
Why is the conservative right admitting they were all wrong and should have taken the vaccine?
Maybe you didn't provide a link because that is not what the article said?

We need to make sure the government officials who corrupted "the science" never have an opportunity to do it again.
We need to shut down these idiots creating more and more lethal virus.
We need to make sure the government officials who corrupted "the science" never have an opportunity to do it again.
We need to shut down these idiots creating more and more lethal virus.
These bad actors are still operating with impunity. The CDC has added the covid vaccine for children to the vaccine schedule ... which mean that most states are going to mandate covid vaccines as a requirement for kids to go to school ..... THIS IS MADNESS. The day after the CDC announced this, Pfizer announced a 400% increase in the price of the vaccine .... this also gives them immunity from vaccine injury.

There has NEVER been any evidence that this vaccine is anything but dangerous to kids. They are still working hard to eliminate the childhood control group .... and have no problem risking the future health of children to make more profit.

There can be no forgiveness for these people .... only for the people who mistakenly believed them.
These bad actors are still operating with impunity. The CDC has added the covid vaccine for children to the vaccine schedule ... which mean that most states are going to mandate covid vaccines as a requirement for kids to go to school ..... THIS IS MADNESS. The day after the CDC announced this, Pfizer announced a 400% increase in the price of the vaccine .... this also gives them immunity from vaccine injury.

There has NEVER been any evidence that this vaccine is anything but dangerous to kids. They are still working hard to eliminate the childhood control group .... and have no problem risking the future health of children to make more profit.

There can be no forgiveness for these people .... only for the people who mistakenly believed them.
It has always baffled me how you folks just make up things, then make statements around the falsehoods.

Considering the fact that very few people could possibly be so ignorant and stupid, I tend to think Russian Troll farm.

Yup.. it's that bad.
It has always baffled me how you folks just make up things, then make statements around the falsehoods.

Considering the fact that very few people could possibly be so ignorant and stupid, I tend to think Russian Troll farm.

Yup.. it's that bad.
There's plenty of evidence if you would just open your eyes .... especially when it comes to children. What they have done to kids in the name of pandemic control is the worst kind of criminality.
I have posted plenty of evidence that you have ignored and am not going to waste my time researching it for you again.
There's plenty of evidence if you would just open your eyes .... especially when it comes to children. What they have done to kids in the name of pandemic control is the worst kind of criminality.
I have posted plenty of evidence that you have ignored and am not going to waste my time researching it for you again.
Bob, all vaccines cause injuries, but they save 100x more people than they harm.

Even peanuts are harmful to some people, and others will die if they come in contact with a dog.

You've been an antivaxxer for at least as long as covid 19 has been going on so it's no surprise.

Your drinking water source is contaminated with lead. Do you do anything about that?

diy solar

diy solar