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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

I told you, I want ivermectin to work (sadly it doesn't) but you keep falsely asserting that I am the one who is finding the results that I want. Any idea how crazy that sounds?

It does work, not only from personal experience but also shown in videos Dr John Campell had on Youtube regarding Mexico and India which may have been scrubbed. I knew about Ivermectin a year before it became mainstream. Usage does require other components to be effective such a Vit D and C, Zinc and other supplements.
For your conspiracy theory to be true, the fast majority of medical professionals all around the world would have to be in on the conspiracy and keep it secret, instead we find just a handful of contrarians. The vaccines work, they are far safer than getting covid itself, which has killed millions of people. How many people have died from the mRNA vaccines? A link would be helpful.

You didn't speak out against the "Nuremberg trials", so I assume you agree to hang the fast majority of healthcare professionals who advocated for the vaccines like so many other nutters.
It does work, not only from personal experience but also shown in videos Dr John Campell had on Youtube regarding Mexico and India which may have been scrubbed. I knew about Ivermectin a year before it became mainstream. Usage does require other components to be effective such a Vit D and C, Zinc and other supplements.

Dr John Campell is not a doctor.
No Bob, I did search for the truth, sadly you didn't.
You have only searched for cherry picked studies that support your view point .... have you EVEN TRIED to find the analysis of ALL ivermectin studies .... which reveals the truth .... I don't think you are really interested in doing that ... only in promoting an erroneous narrative.
I'm just sick and tired of guys like you who pretend to be following the science but in reality are corrupting science and attempting to vilify those who really are interested in the truth.
Dr John Campell is not a doctor.
He isn't, he was a nurse, a nurse instructor and an academic. The data he provides is from official sources and studies.

You can choose to ignore the data he provides. Facts are facts, no different than one needs to generate enough solar power everyday to cover loads. That is a fact, we know it is true. Same with the data he provides, it is factual, not made up fantasy such as the comment above by another member of 400 Republicans dying from Covid everyday which is made up conjecture.
Dr John Campell is not a doctor.
Ozark is just a misinformed sheep ..... you are knowingly trying to suppress the truth and should be on the list not to be forgiven when all the truth is out. There are suddenly calls for forgiveness and amnesty for pandemic mistakes .... I won't be forgiving people who continue to have attitudes like yours. What you are doing is NOT a mistake.
You have only searched for cherry picked studies that support your view point .... have you EVEN TRIED to find the analysis of ALL ivermectin studies .... which reveals the truth .... I don't think you are really interested in doing that ... only in promoting an erroneous narrative.
I'm just sick and tired of guys like you who pretend to be following the science but in reality are corrupting science.
You know nothing about me, other than what I told you. You accusations are just as relevant as if some one were to accuse you of being a child molester.

What I do know is that you failed to grab the opportunity to denounce the proposed hanging of scientists by your fellow conspiracy theorists and that makes you a terrorists by association.
Ozark is just a misinformed sheep ..... you are knowingly trying to suppress the truth and should be on the list not to be forgiven when all the truth is out. There are suddenly calls for forgiveness and amnesty for pandemic mistakes .... I won't be forgiving people who continue to have attitudes like yours. What you are doing is NOT a mistake.
It is so simple to debunk the nutters, the guy falsely claims he is a doctor.
Oh .... Now it about time for you to quote some biased "fact checker" who makes that claim.
I don't have to do no such thing, it is up to the followers of "Dr" Jon Campbell to show his credentials.
I don't have to do no such thing, it is up to the followers of "Dr" Jon Campbell to show his credentials.
You are obviously disingenuous and are perfectly fine with making false claims .... and maybe you are just a troll ..... so, I will simply be ignoring your future posts as irrelevant and a waste of time. There is no point in attempting to communicate with someone like you.
You are obviously disingenuous and are perfectly fine with making false claims .... and maybe you are just a troll ..... so, I will simply be ignoring your future posts as irrelevant and a waste of time. There is no point in attempting to communicate with someone like you.
Blah, blah, blah. Why don't you show "Dr" Jon Campbell's credentials?
Blah, blah, blah. Why don't you show "Dr" Jon Campbell's credentials?
Ok genius ..... what's the title for someone who has a PHD? Last time I do the work for you.

He is making no false claims .... here is from the about section of his channel.

Ok genius ..... what's the title for someone who has a PHD? Last time I do the work for you.

He is making no false claims .... here is from the about section of his channel.

View attachment 119327
He is a "doctor of philosophy" not a "medical doctor" (he is purposely misleading his cult followers)

That is not to say that there are no medical doctors who questions the vaccines, but John Campbell is not one of them.
He is a "doctor of philosophy" not a "medical doctor" (he is purposely misleading his cult followers)

That is not to say that there are no medical doctors who questions the vaccines, but John Campbell is not one of them.
Ok..... I showed you that he IS a doctor .... show me where he claims to be a medical doctor.
Ok..... I showed you that he IS a doctor .... show me where he claims to be a medical doctor.
By commenting on the vaccine, one would automatically, but wrongly assume he is a medical doctor, a doctor on philosophy is as useful as a doctor in education when it comes to medicine.
By commenting on the vaccine, one would automatically, but wrongly assume he is a medical doctor, a doctor on philosophy is as useful as a doctor in education when it comes to medicine.
Really ..... Only someone like you would make a leap like that .... LOL
Ok..... I showed you that he IS a doctor .... show me where he claims to be a medical doctor.
By your standards FLOTUS Dr. Jill Biden is also a doctor and she advises us to ignore the nutters like Campbell and anyone that holds him up as an authority, so following her advice you need not just fuck off. You can fuck all the way off. Dumbass.
Really ..... Only someone like you would make a leap like that .... LOL
Really, you think a doctor on philosophy is relevant when it comes to prescribing medicine?

I have no problem with him using the title, providing he specifies that he is not a medical doctor when he is giving healthcare advise.
By your standards FLOTUS Dr. Jill Biden is also a doctor and she advises us to ignore the nutters like Campbell and anyone that holds him up as an authority, so following her advice you need not just fuck off. You can fuck all the way off. Dumbass.
Like I said, her doctorate is as relevant as a doctorate on philosophy.
Well .... his PHD indicates his is a LOT smarter than you guys.

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