diy solar

diy solar

Planning a simple battery box build, need some feedback on my schematic as I am a total newbie


New Member
Nov 23, 2022

Battery: SOK
Studs on outside will be used as needed for:
-alligator 12v 50A compressor
- 750w inverter
- charging
not all at one time of course.

Any feedback is appreciated
Looks good, id recommend wiring in a voltmeter panel in front of your 100amp fuse. For visual on the voltage of your battery obviously but also a visual on the status of your fuse
Looks good, id recommend wiring in a voltmeter panel in front of your 100amp fuse. For visual on the voltage of your battery obviously but also a visual on the status of your fuse

Thank you! Just for clarification, in front meaning before the fuse correct?

diy solar

diy solar