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diy solar

Solis RHI 6K 48ES 5G Inverter Fox ESS LV5200 Battery - Charging limit ? and export to grid ...

Ok, so I guess the only possibility here is at Tyrian stated earlier the cold weather has the battery (bms ) dropping amp on charge ... I have clearly seen the battery being charged at a much higher wattage than 600 ....
tomorrow should be warmer and brighter .... I will be watching closely ...
I think I have it now - just been on phone with brother in law - Electrical engineer and he has made simple sense ...
I have seen battery Chrging limit down at 12 a as a minimum when no power is being generated, when we have been making power it has gone up to 50 a ... So it is a variable set by battery when power is available from PV...

I will watch closely tomorrow as as long as we are making excess yield it should all now go to battery not grid and up to a max of around 2kwh...
Yea battery was charging no problem at 2.2KW last week (40A), even on lower energy generating days than last week! A parameter has definitively been pushed without my knowledge since last week. While I do consider your brother in law opinion, I don't think it applies to our case. Solis BS us there, their system is definitely capable of charging above 12A, even without generated energy.
Yea battery was charging no problem at 2.2KW last week (40A), even on lower energy generating days than last week! A parameter has definitively been pushed without my knowledge since last week. While I do consider your brother in law opinion, I don't think it applies to our case. Solis BS us there, their system is definitely capable of charging above 12A, even without generated energy.
I will also add : I had a look at the graph over last week and every energy excess > 650w from the PV is dumped into the grid, not the battery. Battery charging from PV tops at 650w, so same case scenario. No problem using energy from the battery to full inverter capacity (3.5KW).
This is my data today - 12 a and then 50 a ... blue line is this BMS charging current limit ... so its is def a variable ... will monitor tomorrow ...

Ok, seems today (9.30AM) its like tyrian : 0.658 KW charge and SMALL excess going to grid ... battery charge limit 12a .. WILL KEEP MONITORING ...

@tyrian - you could send me your email address and I will add you to the ticket I have with Solis - the UK support contact has said he has sent to the HQ team - you could add your comments and evidence ?

@coolcarper1 - I agree, no sense at all but I am mad as hell - makes a mockery of investing thousands of pounds - conspiracy or software cock up ?
Mine is ok at the moment and the installers said that solis are going to do a update. I told the installers they need to fix the issue or change the system to one that works, I'm not excepting a system that does 80% of what I paid for.
I have just spoken with FOX ESS support and they promise to get one of their technical team to call me back .... lets see...
@coolcarper1 - I agree - I am about to go mad with the sales team ... they can come and rip it out and give money back at this rate ...
Definately not right. Be interesting to hear what FOX support say. What does the Solis show on its info screen regarding battery data - IIRC it's page 2/4 or 3/4 of the Solis info screen - I _think_ that should show what the battery is requesting charge and discharge current wise as well as battery voltage?
18th Nov we exported ZERO to Grid and charged battery almost fully - this is the only day this has happened -IMPORTANT NOTE - Battery Charging Limit was up around 50a most of the time not 12A.
Why then - not now or since - simple ?
and now its charging at over KWH !!!! and BMS Charge limit is 50 a !!!!!!

There has to be some time settings on the Inverter some where ....

I'm thinking - based on the seeming randomness - that it is temperature related and the FOX ESS has got a faulty temp measurement. - i.e. it thinks it's colder than it is. Is it warmer and sunnier where you are today?

Call FOX again if they haven't got back yet.
Internal temperature is 30.4c


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Spoken with a technical chap from FOX - The issue is that the battery is installed in the loft space - temperature drops below 10 C and the battery will drop Amp charging - exactly what we are seeing - once it warms up the amp goes up and charging increases...
Fox have told installers not to install in a cold space (garage or attic).
His only suggestion is to place the battery in a form of insulated enclosure and keep at constant temp... otherwise over winter we will see this charge rate limit.
So stuck with it unless I can wrap it up warm....
A warning though to anyone who is having an install - do not let it happen in a traditional cold roof attic.
I'm not familiar with FOX, but to me the issue appears to the battery telling the inverter its max charge rate incorrect (or at least unexpected) values. And the Solis is just doing what it is told to do (as, of course, it should).

Suggest getting your installers to contact FOX or contact them yourselves. Also, is there anyway of getting to deeper config levels within the FOX ESS? I'm thinking of whether they have anything similar to Pylontech's admin (RS232) console?
I have an old temp / moisture sensor round here somewhere - I have a socket in attic space - going to stick that up there and see if I can correlate ambient temp with the battery charge ..... although I am sure that he is exactly spot on - he has seen this many times before ...
Our postings just crossed paths... makes sense, as I suggested in other postings... BUT I am surprised that the charge limit goes down so much at just 10 degrees - guess that is because FOX want to get max longevity and no warranty claims.

As a 'quick fix' workaround can you just remove your loft insulation from under the battery direct and put some form of 'tent' over (but not touching) the battery with insulation above the tent - i.e. so the battery is nearer your ceiling temperature rather than loft space temperature?

Or, as FOX have told their installers specifically NOT to put batteries in lofts, get them back to relocate it free of charge or threaten trading standards if the refuse.
Looking at historic weather data overnight 17th to 18th was "warm" much warmer than subsequent nights - so this theory is correct ... Don't install in a cold space, but if you do get some sort of insulation / trickle heat around battery ...
He suggested a data cabinet big enough to enclose battery, bit of insulation, trickle heater mat 20w and an inkbird temperature controller to switch it off and on ...

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diy solar